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Pile Ro. 5370-30
Pora Ro. GC2B-2056-2
Systems ReferenGe Library
IBM Time Sharing System
Data Management Facilities
This book is to be used as a reference
guide for TSS users of data .anageaent facil-
ities. Topics dealt with include: storaqe
classes, unit rec~rd devices, data set char-
acteristics, data se,t sharing, gaining access
to data sets, and use of data .anageaent fa-
cilities. This book is equally useful to as-
seabler, PORTRllf, or PL/I users.
The reader should be faailiar with IBM
Time Sharing System: Concepts and Paci1=
ities, Ge2S-2003.
This publication viII provide users of PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS
TSS with an understanding of the data man-
agement facilities, and contains more than
a "how to" description of these services.
A working knowledge of the assembler lan- The reader must be familiar with the
guage is required, particularly for under- basic concepts and terminology of TSS, as
standing the descri~tion of the TSS access described in IB~ Time Sharing system: Con-
methods. cepts and Facilities, GC28-2003.