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3 Steps to Better Baseband,
IF and RF Design with the
HP 8751A
Application Note 1202-3 HP 8751A
Network Analyzer
5 Hz to 500 MHz

Summary: This note details Measurement uncertainty is The Right Answers-
how to improve product reduced because system the First Time
design and testing with the performance characteristics are Traditional network analyzers
enhanced measurement given not only for the HP 8751A often have frequency discrepancies
capabilities of the HP 8751A. network analyzer itself, but also depending on the sweep direction and
together with the S-parameter test sweep speed. The HP 8751A solves
Step 1 set, HP 87511A. Join this capability this problem with its digital
Start with Measurement with calibration menu choices up pre-tuning technique which reduces
Performance to full 2-port, which effectively frequency uncertainty.
removes all 12 correctable system
Greater measurement accuracy errors, and you get accurate and
results in increased design reliable results.
confidence and design success.
The 1 mHz frequency resolution of
the HP 8751A allows testing of
even the most demanding
narrow-band, high-Q, devices.

Reliable Results... Without Sacrificing Speed

With the HP 8751A you don't Transfer test results from the
Step 2
trade performance for speed. HP 8751A directly into desktop
Resolution bandwidths, from Document Your Success published reports. For example,
2 Hz to 4 kHz, allow you to tune If your job is not complete until the graph in the test report
and test in real-time. For example, the paperwork is done, then shown below, in figure 2, was
a 201 point sweep updates you will really appreciate the saved on the HP 8751A in HP's
as fast as 11 times per second. HP 8751A. Documentation of Graphics Language format
The 4-trace, color display puts results, an important task of (HP-GL), while the table of values
more information at your disposal. every engineer, is quick and was saved as an ASCII table
easy. and then exported to Lotus 1-2-3