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APL\360-0S and
Program Product User's Manual
Program Numbers: 5734-XM6(OS)
This publication provides information necessary to use
the APL\360 System. It discusses procedures and equip-
ment required for interacting with the system, how to
establish connection between terminal and central com-
puter, how to start and end work sessions, and how to
apply system control features. Application of the APL
language to user problems is thoroughly discussed and
appendices give both elementary and advanced examples
of actual terminal sessions.
First Edition (December 1970)
This edition applies to Version 1, Modification Level 0, of the program products
APL\360-0S (S734-XM6) and APL\360-DOS (S736-XM6) and to all subsequent
versions and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical
Changes are continually made to the information herein. Therefore, before using
this publication, consult the latest System/360 SRL Newsletter (GN20-0360) for
the editions that are applicable and current.
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch
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