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SRS at BCCE 2010
21st Biennial Conference On Chemical Education
SRS travelled to North Texas to meet chemistry educators from around the country.
We met many instructors who have already integrated DigiMelt into their teaching labs
- with great results! Read on for more...
Hello everyone, let me Now with DigiMelt,
introduce myself. My name students can
is Joe Wang and I am the concentrate on the
Engineering Manager at chemistry and the
Stanford Research Systems. instructor can be
Jim Lee, DigiMelt project confident that the
manager, and I recently entire class can
attended the BCCE 2010 finish their melts on
exhibition in Texas. time with accurate
Since we have only been
shipping DigiMelt for about And for new
a year, this was our first opportunity to meet our users customers, there's
and show the instrument in person to new customers. nothing like seeing
It was a genuine thrill to hear the enthusiastic a live demonstration. If you didn't make it to BCCE,
feedback from so many of you who have already check out our webpage www.thinksrs.com/digimelt.
completed lab courses using DigiMelt. Your You can find links to student testimonials, a link to a
comments about increased video lab demo (courtesy of Ryan Denton,
student engagement really IUPUI), comparisons to Mel-Temp and more.
meant a lot to us. We both Our melting point poster (above) was very
certainly remember making popular at BCCE. It has lots of information
tedious and inaccurate about melting point determinations. Download
melting point it from the webpage and print more.
measurements as students.
See you at BCCE 2012 at Penn State!
Missouri State University Mott Community College BYU Idaho
Diann Thomas of MSU "loves her Frederick Lemke of Mott Kerensa Sorensen-Stowell of
DigiMelts!" A mercury spill sent Community College in Flint, MI BYU says DigiMelt "works really
her scrambling to replace their relates how the clean-up cost of a well". BYU has used DigiMelts
Mel-Temps. Initially she bought mercury accident caused him to for a full year now and her
only 2 DigiMelts to try. "They remove all the mercury comments were pretty much
worked so well, and students thermometers from his lab. universal - DigiMelts just work,
fought over them so much, we Adding new digital thermometers day in and day out.
bought a full set of 10." to old Mel-Temps really didn't Many of you are discovering that a
make sense. The Mel-Temp would
She says DigiMelt raises the level fewer number of DigiMelts can
still be an old and difficult to use
of student engagement - there's have higher classroom throughput
nothing more fun than hearing than you ever had with Mel-
cheers from each lab group as The cost of a new DigiMelt is only Temps. Students can reliably get
their product melts at the correct $790. And you will get a micro- accurate results in a few minutes.
temperature. processor controlled oven with a Keep this in mind when budgeting
digital thermometer that is for your lab - DigiMelt is even
Teach more chemistry. Learn more
calibrated for each unit. more affordable than you think!
chemistry. Don't be frustrated by
your Mel-Temps. Try a DigiMelt Students find DigiMelt fun and We designed DigiMelt to be
in your lab, with your students. easy to use and they really like effective in the lab. It's good to
getting results they can rely on. hear that it really delivers.
Giant ice Another Denton landmark is
El Guapo's. It's Tex-Mex. It's fun,
bath full of friendly and good. Chile rellenos
beer stuffed with meat. What a
It was hot. We never
saw a temperature Recycled Books on Denton's
below 94