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RF Microwave Instruments
Therefore Microwave Components
Spectrum Analyzers
Regulated DC Power Supply
Regulated AC Power Supply
Switching DC Power Supply
Inverter DC Power Supply
Portable Power
Oscilloscope/ Signal Generator
Attenuator/ Amplifier
850 Rework Station
936 Constant Temp Soldering Station
Electronic Instruments
Electronic Tools

Users Manual

MFR Add: Building A29, Tanglang Industrial Zone, Xili,
Nanshan, Shenzhen, 518055, P. R. China
Tel: 0755-8602 1373 8602 1372
Fax: 86-755-8602 1337
http: //www.atten.com.cn
E-mail: [email protected]

Contents Spectrum Analyzer for RF leakage/radiation detection, CATV/
MATV system troubleshooting, cellular
AT6010/AT6011 Spectrum Analyzers AT6010/6011 telephone/pocket pager test, and EMC
SPECTRUM ANALYZERS diagnostics. There is an optional measurement
Near Field Sniffer Probes AZ530 3 output for a PC which makes documentation
Frequency Expander AT5000F Series 5 of results easy and affordable with the AO500
AT808 GSM Servicing RF Signal Generator 5
General Information 6 Applications
Symbols 6 AT spectrum analyzer can carry out good
Tilt handle 6 inspection to the faults of cable system and
AT6010 wireless system including remote control,
Safety 7 cordless phone, cable TV and
Operating conditions 8 communication equipment, as well as good
Frequency Range: 0.15MHz to 1050MHz
Warranty 8 comparison and analysis to frequency of
5 % Digit LCD Display
Maintenance 8 (Center Frequency, 0.01MHz resolution)
AT6010 spectrum analyzer can test mobile
-100 to +13dBm Amplitude Range, IF
Switching over the mains/line voltage 9 phone, RF circuits, for example, control
RBW: 20kHz, 400kHz and Video-Filter
signal of logic circuit, base band signal.
Introduction 10 Tracking-Generator (AT6011 only)
local oscillator signal of RF circuit, IF signal
Frequency range: 0.15MHz to 1050MHz
Operating Instructions 10 and transmission signal, It is very quick and
Output Voltage: +0dBm to 50dBm(50 )
Control Elements 11 accurate to use AT6010 spectrum analyzer
Accessories: Users Manual, Power Cord
to overhaul the fault of mobile phone which
Vertical Calibration 12 1pcs
can not enter the network, and determine the
Horizontal Calibration 13 fault point.
Evolution of the original AT6010/AT6011 has
Introduction to Spectrum Analysis 13 Electromagnetic Compatible (EMC) Testing:
led to the new AT6010/6011 Spectrum
measure the function of harmful
Types of Spectrum Analyzers 14 Analyzer/Tracking Generator which now
electromagnetic wave to be transmitted by
extends operation over 1GHz (frequency range
Spectrum Analyzer Requirements 15 various electronic equipments. In addition,
0.15 to 1050MHz). Both fine and coarse center
it can output AM/FM demodulation signal
Frequency Measurements 15 frequency controls, combined with a scan
from socket PHONE, identify the broadcast
Resolution 16 width selector provide simple frequency
signal affected by noise. From authorization
domain measurements from 1MHz/Div. To
Sensitivity 16 aspect, it is very effective measurement
1GHz/Div. Both models include a 5 digit
Video Filtering 17 function for the evaluation and research in
numeric LCD readout that can selectively
advance to carry out the measurement of
Spectrum Analyzer Sensitivity 17 display either the center or marker frequency.
radioactive noise.
The AT6010/6011includes a tracking generator.
Frequency Response 18 Widely used for production, dev elopement,
The AT6010/6011. The instruments are
Tracking Generators 18 education and scientific research. The form
suitable for per-compliance testing during
of signal (such as RF pulse signal) can be
develop. Prior to third part testing. A near-field
Mainly Performance and Calibration 20 observed from ATTEN spectrum analyzer
sniffer probe set, AZ530, can be used to locate
clearly, where figures are expanded by
Front View AT6010 21 cable and PC board emission hot spots and
Fourier series, good for apprehend in
evaluate EMC problems at the breadboard and
Front View AT6011 22 prototype level. The combination of AT6010/
education and research.
6011 with the AZ530 is an excellent solution
Specifications Input/output Probe are all matched to the 50 inputs of The H-Field Near-Field probe
Spectrum analyzers or RF-receivers. The
Frequency range: 0.15~1050MHz Signal input: N connector power can be supplied either from batteries, The H-Field probe provides a voltage to the
Stability: 10ppm/year Impedance: 50 Ni-Cads or through a power cord directly connected measurement system which is
Aging: 2ppm each year Max. continuous RF input level: connected to an AT6010/AT6011 series proportional to
Resolution of frequency display: 10kHz 10~40dB attenuation: +20dBm (0.1W) spectrum analyzer. the magnetic radio
(5 1/2 digit) 0dB attenuation: +10dBm Signal feed via a 1.5m BNC-cable. When used frequency (RF) field
Readout accuracy: 2%* sweepwidth +5* Max. DC input voltage: 25V in connection with a spectrum analyzer or strength existing at the
10-3*CF+10kHz DC output: DC power supply 6VDC FOR measuring receiver, the probes cable used to probe location, With this
CF adjustment range: 0.15~1050MHz AZ530 Probe locate and qualify EMI sources, as well as probe, circuit therefore sources may be
Frequency synthesize: TCXO, DDS Audio output: 3.5mm