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File No. S370-36
Systems OS /VS1 JCL Reference
Releases 6.7 and 7
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Page of GC24-S099-4
as updated March 30. 1979
hy TNL GN24-S62R
Fifth Edition (January 1979)
This edition. GC24-S099-4. with Technical Newsletter GN24-S62R applies to Releases
6.7 and 7 of OS/VS I and to all suhsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new
editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the information
herein; before using this puhlication in connection with the operation of IBM systems.
consult the IBM System/370 Bibliography. GC20-0()01 for the editions that are applica-
hIe and current.
This edition. GC24-S099-4. is a major revision of GC24-S099-3 and incorporates:
GN24-SS33 (a TNL; December IS. 1976)
GN24-SIS3 (SUS. OS/VS I MSS Enhancements: March IS. 1977),
Changes and additions to the text and illustrations are indicated hy a vertical line to
the left of the change.
Summary of Amendments
For a list of changes. see page 3.
Puhlications are not stocked at the address given helow: requests for IBM publications
should he made to your IBM representative or to the IBM hranch office serving your
This puhlication has heen produced hy IBM Corporation. Programming Publications.
Dept. G60. PO Box 6. Endicott. New York. U.S.A. 13760.
Page of GC24-5099-4
as updated March 30, 1979
hy TNL GN24-562X
Summary of Amendments
for GC24-S099-4
as updated by GN24-S628
VS 1 Releases 6.7 and 7
This Technical Newsletter supports those OS/VS I For OS/VS I Release 7, the 3278-2A Display Console
Release 6.7 items listed previously as well as Mass is supported as a valid device type.
Storage System Extensions, Program Numher 5740-
Summary of Amendments
for GC24-5099-4
VSl Release 6.7
This revision reflects the availahility of OS/VS I Re- IBM 3033, 3032, 3031 Processor Support
lease 6.7. It contains information for: (SU20)
IBM 3895 Document Reader/lnscriher (SU4) Miscellaneous
MSS Enhancements (SU5) Miscellaneous changes have also heen made to im-
Suhsystem Attachment Support (SU6) prove the accuracy of the manual.
Summary of Amendments
for GC24-5099-3
VSl Release 6
This revision reflects the availahility of OS/VS I Re- Miscellaneous editorial changes.
lease 6. Included is:
Information on the IBM 3138 Display Console Key-
IBM System/370 Models 138 and 148 support. hoard, 3148 Display Console Keyhoard, and 3203
IBM 3203 Printer support. Printer is included for planning pUI-poses only until
the products hecollle availahle.