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Number 3137

Application Note Understanding Linear Power
Series Supply Specifications

Introduction to Power Supply Specifications power supply is in CV or CC mode depends not only on the user
settings, but also on the resistance of the load. A power supply
At first glance, a variable DC power supply appears to be a
has different specifications that apply when it is in CV mode and
fairly simple device. However, it is a sophisticated, accurate,
when it is in CC mode.
electrically-rugged workhorse. It must reliably deliver voltage
and current that is stable, precise, and clean, no matter its Accuracy and Resolution
load--resistive, inductive, capacitive, low impedance, high
impedance, steady-state, or variable. How well the power supply At any given time, either voltage or current is being regulated
fulfills this mission and where it reaches its limits are defined by the power supply and matches the setting within the
in its specifications. Choosing the right power supply for your instrument's accuracy.
application requires a good understanding of power supply