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The 4050 Series Applications Li brary Newsletter September 15, 1980 Vol. 4 No.6
4051 Aids Biomechanics Research
Tekniques at University of Oregon. ,
Sports, Medicine, Industry, and l ,
In This Issue
Public Safety all Benefit.
4051 Aids Biomechanics
Research ........................... .
by Terry Davis especially with respect to ground reaction
New ROM Pack Adds Time
forces-those forces that appear when the
Functions to 4052 and TEKniques Staff moving body mass meets solid ground. What
4054 ................................... 6
Biomechanics is a science that studies the happens during the support phase of run-
Avionics Research Using
human hody in motion. By applying prin- ning. that causes runners !obecome injured?
the 4051 ........ ................ ..... 9
Editor's Note ......................... U ciplc~ i"rom meclmnics and engineering, I n addition. total hody mechanics duringthe
Back Issues: VolA Only biomechanists study the forces that act on impact (breaking)and loading (propulsion)
Programming Tip Handbook the body. along with the effects they phase of running are being studied as a
New Catalog produce. This. involves detailed analysis of function of running speed and type of
International Users movement, to find new and meaningful [ootgall. As the answers to these questions
New Contest Coming information about movement and related begin to appear, laboratory personnel are
Programs Wanted forces. The ultimate goal is better unQerstan- able to assist in the development of material
Programming Tips Too ding of movement and movement-related and performance standards in conjunction
Telephone Notes problems in skill performance, sports with the American Society of Testing
Input/Output ...... :................... 14 medicine. and equipment design. Materials (ASTM).
Graphic Systems Workshops The key. difference between Dr. Bate's
Continue ........................... ; 16 At the University of Oregon, in the Physical
Education Department's Gerlinger Hall, Dr. approach to shoe design and evaluation
Programming Tips ................... 17 compared to other methods, such as those
BASIC Bits ............................ 25 Barry Bates heads. up the Biomechanics
Sports Medicine Laboratory. The primary used by the widely-read Runner's World
New Abstracts ........................ 27 survey, isthe dynamic nature of the tests with
Library Addresses ................... 31
thrust of his research there is concerned with
the use of this dynamic science in the design the emphasis placed on the runner instead of
the shoe. I n the survey. the potential interac-
of human-related machines and equipment.
He's applying biomechanics pri nciples to the tions between the shoe and the human foot (
and leg are ignored. Says Bates, "Their tests
problems of industry and sports medicine;
are mechanical, not biomechanical. In other
much of that effort is directed toward
.words, they take a shoe, crank it into a
movement-related problems of the lower
machine, and test it. You can bend, twist,
extremities. And to do so, he's built a system
hammer, tear, and san.d a shoe, but until you
for Biomechanical Analysis, in which the
put a foot in it, it's not functional. Dynamic
4051 Graphic System plays an important
function must be evaluated. in relation to
healthy runners as well as injured ones."
One major area of research is in the
Reflecting on the problems that he's tackled,
TEKniques; the 4050 Series Applications biomechanics of jogging and distance run-
Library Newsletter, is published by the Dr. Bates says, "I think we;re helping to
ning, especially in relation to the design and
Information Display Division of make better shoes. Two primary factors
evaluation of shoes. In addition, Dr. Bates
Tektronix, Inc., Group 451, P.O. Box 500, contribute to shoe-related injuries: (1) lack
Beaverton, Oregon 97077. It is distributed has consulted 'in thebiomechanical aspects
of injury-related civil cases. and investigated of' ability to absorh shock, and
to TEKTRONIX 4050 Series users"and
members of the 4050 Series Applications (2) inadequate rear foot control. We haven't
the causes (and possible methods of preven-
Library. . tion) of injuries. in the wood products in- found a shoe so far that provides both of
dustry. these important functions. We're working
. Publishing Manager Ben Buisman hard on a