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File Number 5360-25
Form C28-6596-2 OS
Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360
FORTRAN IV Library Subprograms
Program Number 3S0S-LM-501
This publication describes the library subprograms supplied with
Basic FORTRAN IV (E) and FORTRAN IV (G, H, and MODEL 44) and
tells how to use the subprograms in either a FORTRAN or an assem-
bler language program.
The purpose of this publication is to describe the IBj\;f System/360 Basic FORTRAN IV Language,
FORTRAN library subprograms and their use in either Form C28-6629
a FORTRAN or an assembler language program. The IBM System/360 Operating System: Assembler
body of the publication describes the mathematical Language, Form C28-6514
subprograms (which perform computations) and the IBM System/360 Model 44 Programming System:
service subprograms ( which perform testing and Assembler Language, Form C28-6811
utility functions). This information is intended pri- In addition, references are made within this publica-
marily for the FORTRAN programmer; Appendix E is tion to information contained in the following publi-
intended for the assembler language programmer. cations:
Additional appendixes contain algorithms (the method IBM System/360 Principles of Operation, Form
by which a mathematical function is computed), per- A22-6521
formance statistics, descriptions of interruption and IBM System/360 Operating System: Supervisor and
error procedures, storage estimates, and sample stor- Data Management Macro-Instructions, Form C28-6647
age printouts. IBM System/360 Model 44 Programming System:
The reader should be familiar with one of the follow- Guide to System Use, Form C28-6812
ing publications:
Standard mathematical notation is used in this publi-
IBAl System/360 FORTRAN IV Language, Form cation. The reader is expected to be familiar with this
nClO D!::'l!::,
,-,,",,o-utJ..LtJ noiation and with common mathematical terminology.
Note to users of the System/360 Operating System: The information in this publication about the execution-time routines
IHCADJST, IHCTRCH, and IHCUOPT and about the form of the program interrupt message that results from bound-
ary alignment errors will become effective with Release 11 of the System/360 Operating System.
This publication is a major revision of Form C28-6596-1. Significant changes have been made to
support the Model 44 Programming System FORTRAN IV library. Revisions made to text or
tables that pertain to the. use of the System/360 Operation System are indicated by vertical
bars in the left-hand margin.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change from time to time. Any such changes
will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters.
(j) International Business Machines Corporation, 1966
Introduction .......... . 5 xxxL T~CT Subprogram (DTA~ and DCOTA~) . 28
xxxSASCN Subprogram (ARSI~ and ARCOS). 29
Mathematical Subprograms. . 6 IH CSA T AN Subprogram (ATA:,\, ) 30
Explicitly Called Subprograms 6 xxxSA T~2 Subprogram (AT AN and ATA;";2) . 30
Implicitly Called Subprograms ....... ........ 14 xxxSERF Subprogram (ERF and ERFC). 31
xxxSEXP Subprogram (EXP) 32
~~~i~e ~u~.pr~gr~m.s~. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 xxxSGAMA Subprogram (GA\nIA and ALGA:\IA) 33
iVlaCfllne InOlCatOr lest :,uoprograms ..... 10
Utility Subprograms .......................... 16 xxxSLOG Subprogram (ALOG and ALOG 10) . 33
xxxSSCN Subprogram (SI:'\' and COS) . 34
Appendix A. Algorithms.. 18 xxxSSCNH Subprogram (SI:\H and COSH) . 3.5
xxxCLABS (CDABS) and xxxCSABS (CABS) xxxSSQRT Subprogram (SQRT) .................... 3.5
Subprograms ................................ 19 xxxSTANH Subprogram (T A:,\,H) .. 36
xxxCLEXP (CDEXP) and xxxCSEXP (CEXP) xxxSTNCT Subprogram (TAN and COT A:\,) . 36
Subprograms ................................ 19
xxxCLLOG (CD LOG) and xxxCSLOG (CLOG) Appendix B. Performance Statistics . . . . . . . . . 38
Subprograms ............................. 19
xxxCLSQT (CDSQRT) and xxxCSQT (CSQRT) Appendix C. Interruption and Error Procedures. . 44
Subprograms ................................. 19 Interruption Procedures ........ 44
xxxCLSCN Subprogram (CDSIN and CDCOS) . . . . 20 Error Procedures .......... 45
xxxCSSCN Subprogram (CSIN and CCOS) . . . 20