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The FS710 t0 MHz AGC Oistribuiion Amplilier can compensate up to 30 dB ot cable loss. Thjs
povides seven sine wave outplls lrom a single 10 makes the FS710 ideal lor distributirE a 10 MHz
MHz source. Designsd as an accessory lor lhe lkiebase as laras a mile llom lhe FS700 Recrier_
FS700 LORAN Receiver, the FS710 AGC circuitry

STAIIFORO FsEAFctlsysrEl,,ts I r,oELFsTlo I 10l,{.l.acc olsrRtguTloN aMpuFlER



Flgure I - FS710 Front Panel

Tvpical Soecitications

lnput Freqlency: 10 MHzltOO kHz

Type: lnsulated BNC, transrormer coupled

lrpdarEet 50 O or 75 O (iomper setectabt)

Level: 35 mV to 5 VAC peak-to-peak

vswR: < 1.2 al 10 MHz

Outpul Type: T locat grouhded BNC,S

Level: 1 V peak-to,peak into 50 O,:t10% or
2 V peak-lo,peak i o t0kO,tto%
VSWR: < 1.2 atloMHz (50O)
Distorlbn: < -30 dBc

Mechanlcal 7.75 x7.5' x 2'(wxtxh)
Welohl 3 tbs

Power 100/120/z2ot24o vAC. 10 wans. 50/60 Hz

Warranty One year pads and labor on materjals aod workmaoship.
Oberalio n Line Voltade Selction
Norma, operalion is indicaled by the green lighl on The FS710 oprales lrom a 1O0, 120,220 ot 21O
the lower lett comer ol the fiont panel. A red lighl Volt AC nominal, 50 or 60 Hz powgr source. Before
indi:ates that ih input signal is loo low to maintain applylrE power, ve.ily that the lins selecto, card
(locald in the powr eriry rnodul) is in the coned
the sel arplitude oulp.ri.
posilbn. Th slected vollage E indixted by the
white dot on th voltags list.
To change thg lidg voltage selec{ion, dGconnect
WARNING: Dangeous voltages are present the lins cord and rernovs lh luse rnodulg with a
on ths printed clrclit board. Al,vays tum lhe power small screwdrlvsr- Pull out thg vohagg slectbn
otl and disconnecl lh lino cord bslore renbvihg card (localgd at the righl ot the powff ent.y
the cover or changing compone.is. lrpdulE) w h a pak ol nedle nose pliers. Rolate
ihe plastic indlcator urill ll lines up wilh lh6 conect
I rpl lit, chck the rear panel
trorn panel indlcaio. is voltaoe irdhaled on the tuse holder ard reinse.l
powr ibh, lhe powr co.d. and the tuse. ll the the card. hsta0 lh corec{ luse, reinsert the luse
SkJnal lndi:ator is red, chck for proper inpul signal hoher ahd.eplace the line cord.
lrequency {10 MHz 1 1%) and sutllcient amplitude.
Also, check lor open or short cirqrils on tho ingJt Line Fuse
and output connections.
Verily that lhg conect llne luse ls installed befo.e
Cslllr3lj-e-o conmcting lh line cord. The rear franl lndicates
Ihe co.red tus size, 1/4 Amp @ 100/120 Vofts o.
Either J50 or J75 (not both) should be installed to 18 Aw @ 220/240 Volts. lf necsssary lhe tuse
malch the inpst signal impedarrcs (50 or 7q ohms, can bs changed as indlcated in the ling votlage
respclively). The oulpqt level can be si lo any seleclbn sectbn-
levgl from .75 lo 1.25 volts peak lo peak by
adiustlng P'l. O lhe 8 round holes ln lhe top of lhe
box, P1 is accessibl through the righl-rear

Circull Descriolion
T1, L101, C101, R101, and Bl02 compdsE lhe
input networt and provide ground isolation,
bandpass liltdng, atd inpedanc malching. The
signal is amplilid by Ul and tunhr filtered by a
'staggr luned' nstuo consisling ol L103, C107,
R105, C108, C109, and L102. U2 controls lhe gajn
ot ul by compadnE lhe pak voltaoe at Ll02 w;th
ttle relerg lce vollage ltom P1, Rl 17 and R118. 01
irdicates loss ol signal (red) it lhe control voltage
from U2 becomos less lhan -2,5 vo[s. 08 bullers
the dgml lor dlEtribrnbn to the oriprd kansisio6
Ql lhrough 07. Final bandpass iihering and
impedance natching iB provided by L11-L7'1,
C1171. ard R11-R71.

Parls List

c rl 56P Cap*ird, CEmic Disc- sOV, 1
, SL 131 ..7UH
c 12 .1U Cap, r,bnolyhic Ctnic. 5OV, 20%, Z5U 141 tl.7UH
C4, Monotn'ic Crnic, Z5U
5OV, 2O%, Lsl 4.7uti
c 2l 55P Capadlor, Cranic Oi.c, sOV, 10,6, SL 161 4.7UH
c2.IU Cap, irorElyt'ic Cr$nac,5OV, ?oA, Z5U 171 4 7U8
aa .lu Cp, i,bmlyfic Crarniq 50V,2O%, Z5U 1101 4.7UH ln&clor. Anal giel&d
c 31 55P Cpelq, C.anic Oisc. sov, 1o%, SL L JO2 4.7IJH lndL,cior. AiaL Shilded
c3 .1U Cap, ilorolyhic Crrnb, sOV, 2O%, Z5U LlCO 4.71JH lnd'rctor, Arial, Shi.l&d
c3 .1U Cap, [/kIE tn: Cramic, 50V, 2o%, ZsU P1 S
941 56P Capadtd, Crarnlc Oisc, 50V, 10t(, SL PCr FS710
c42 .1U C4, r,brdyiic Cii.nb sOV, 2o%, ZsU ol aB90a 'rmsisbr, TG92 tuctag
c .1u Ca9. rrorclinb Cffib, 5oV, 2o%. z5U a2 a904 Transisb., TO92 Paclags
c 5t 56P Capadlo., Cl:mb Disc. sOV, 10%, SL 03 a'(FOl TEnsisbr. TG92 Paclg
c5e .1u Cap, l.lonolylhb Cranr:,50V, 20%, z5U 04 a'Egor TEnsistDr, Te92 Pactage
c53 .1U Cap, l4onoLlhb Cramiq 5{V, 20%, Z5U 05 al:Fol Tmsisbr, TO92 Padge
c 61 s6P Cepaob., Crsnic Ois., 5OV, 1o%. SL 06 4.13904 TlBnsisbr, TG92 Pedge
c 6? -1U C+, Moi'olyti: C.emb,5oV, 20%, Z5U 07 2nltB@t TBsi.br, TCr92 Pactge
c 3 .1U Cap, ilomtni: Cq-amic,50V. 20%. 6U 08 a{2907 TEnsisior, TO92 PadaSo
c 71 56P CaFd16(, Clana Disc,50v, 10%, SL Q9 aS6 TEnsisb., Tq92 Pato
cz .1u c+, [bmwft Cardb, 50V, 20%, Z5U o 10 a,gc Tlanrirbr, TO92 Psdag
c73 .1U C;ap, iromll.tic Cs-drnic, 5oV, 2O%, Z5U Rl1 lg Bosisior, Cadon Fiktr, V4W, 5%
c 101 56P Capadto, Cranb Oisc, sOV, 1,SL F'12 Zm Fidslcr, Ca6on Fikn, 1/4W, 5%
c 102 1@P Capadlor, Cema Dis6, sOV. 10%, SL P'13 47 Fdsbr, Ca6o. mm, l/4w' 5%
c 16 r@P Cap&iId, Clalnb Obc, sOV, 1096, SL Relisbr, calbon Fim, tlw
c104.1u Cap, l'romlyhic cramiq 50V, 2O%, Z5U R?1 4t Flssislor, Carbon Fh, 1/4W 5%
c 105 ,1U Cap, r/orclylhic Csernic.5oV, 20%, ZsU R2 2m FlesislDr, CartonFln, 1/4w, 5%
cts .oru Caeadb.. Cramic Disc. 1@V. 2096. 25 RAq F6sislo., Carbon Film, 1/aW 5%
c 107 39P Cap-ilo.. Cramic Dasc, 50V, 10%, SL F.24 4 Fsisbr, Carbo Filn. 1/4W 5%
c 1a6 loP Cap*ila, Cemic Dis, 5o!, 1o%. SL 431 4 Fesirbr, Catto.r Flkn, 1/4W5%
c1@ 39P Cap4ilor, CrJnE DiEc, 50V, I 0%, SL Ae 270 Flsisbr, Carto. mn, 1/41/V.5,t(
c 110 .ollJ Oiapdio., Crafric Oisc, 100V.2 , 25 F33 :r/ Fl$isbr, Crtoo Fikn, 1/4W, 5%
c111 .1tl Cap, llonolinic Cl4b, sov, 2o%, Z5U Rssisbr, Crtoi Fm, l/4U 5%
c 112 .01U Cepadb., Csanic Disc, 1 @v, 20%, 25 F!ad$or, Ca6on Film, 1/:lU 5%
c 1i3 .1LJ Cap. Llonoiihb Cffiic.5!V, 2o%, Z5U A4 2m R4irt r, Carb6 Filn, 1/.4W, s%
c 11a .olu CaDaribr. Cranic D$, 100V, ?016. Zs R43 47 Rsislor. Cerbon Fdm, l/4W 5%
c r15 .1u Cap, l'/bnolyhic Cffiiq sOV, m%, Z5U R.i!tor. Ctbon Flm, t4W, 5%
c 116 22tJ Capacilo., Tanlaum. 35V. 20%, R.d R51 42 RBisb., Ce.bd! Fllm, 1/4W 5%
c t17 zAJ capa.ib., 'rada!m, 35v, 20%, Bad R52 270 Besislor, Carbon Filrn, v4\rY, 5%
c11g za) capacllor, Tariaium, atv, 2o%. R.d R53 4/ B6isb.' Carboi Film, 1/4W, 5%
c 119 azu Capadror, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad 454 4 FIElisbr, Ca6.. Fllrn, 1/4q 5%
41?! mJ capadlcr, Elo('ohic, 16V, m%, Bad Rsl lf/ .
Fsislor, Cart Film, 1/4W,5%
c 121 2mU capadlcr, Electotyltc, l6V, 20%, Fad FSZ 270 Flesisbr, crton FiLn, 1/4W. 5%
c12 N Cap.dor, Silvd M, 25oV, 5%. DM15 R3 4 Fesisbr, Catboo Fjkn, l/.4U 5%
D1 GLPED2 LEO, Bedaqular, Elilor Rsisror, Carbdr Fdm, 1/4W, 5%
D2 5oa2,2w F*isbr, Crlon Fih, r/aq 5%
D3 5oa2-2&O R72 2m Belisto., Caftd Filn, 1/.aW. 5%
O,t BFIO R73 q Relisbr. Crbon Fl!r, 1/4W. 5%
J1 A C CotEclor, ANC, Pami l,4dl.l Fle.irbr. Carbo. Fln. 1/4W. 5%
J2 8NC Cdrrldo., BliC, Panl Mounr n101 73.2 Rsisb., iretd Film, 1W, 1%.5oPPM
J3 8IE cqTdor, BNC, ParEl irount Rl@ 51 Rsisbr Carbd! Fttn. 1/4W 5%
J4 8ib C..r'cb, BNC, Pard Mornr R1co 33K Flesi6br, Ca.bon Film, 1/4W 5%
J5 St Cn rrBlor, BNC, ParE{ Mount 8104,!7 Flesbbr, Ca.bon Fllm, 1/4W 5%
J6 EflC CqrE6., BNc, Pail !bun1 8105 aoK Rs3isbr, Cr!6 Fllm, 1/4W, 5*
J7 BNP CsRtor, BNC, Parpl ii.rlnt Rlc6 4 Re.i3br, Calb.o Film, 1/4w. 5%
J8 INSL C6ndDr, 8NC, Panel lbunt 8107 1f 8s6i$or, Cari6 Flh, 1ltw, 59(
J9 MlNtT0t R16 {/ F.aslo., Cdbo.r F!n, 1/4W, 5%
L t 1 4.7UH Bl 220 FP.isbr, Carbon Filtn, 1/4W 5%
L21 4.1VH Rli0 l@K Reisb., Crbo. Flrn, t/4W 5%
R 111 lod< B3isbr, Carbon Filn, v4W, 5%

R l't2 z7l< Fsisb., caboo Film, v4w, 5%
R'r19 2& Ftesbb., Cslon FIm, 1/4W, 5%
R 114 3 Fi3br, C?tdl Fild, 1/4W 5%
n115 1,7K F:i5E Csb.o Fllft, tilw,s%
R116 1.7N Ba!bb., Cddl Fbn, l/aw,5%
R 117 3.7K Rer.!., ill Fln, 1aW 1%, 5oPPM
R118 750 Fbi.b., i,lil Ftn. 1/8W l%. 5oPPM
n t19
R 120
nsbb., Crbdr Filh, 1/4W, 5%
Firb., crldl Flln, l/rrw, 5%
T1 tl.1
U1 Irtct5s
u2 LFill'l
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zo FSTIdl
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Figure 2. FS710 PC Layout