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Manufacturer Cross-Reference for
Bayard-Alpert Gauges
In This Application Note
Manufacturer Cross Reference Table 3
Bayard Alpert Gauge- Pin Connector
Configuration-Cable Selector 4
Specifications of SRS Bayard-Alpert
Ionization Gauges 5
(408)744-9040 Stanford Research Systems
2 Bayard-Alpert Gauge Cross Reference
Stanford Research Systems (408)744-9040
Bayard-Alpert Gauge Cross Reference 3
Manufacturer Cross Reference Table
Glass Tubulated
Connection Diameter Filament Pin SRS Granville- ETI Duniway Kurt J. Varian
Type Material Config (Stock#) Phillips Stockroom Lesker
Glass Tube 0.75 in. ThO2/Ir Fig. B-1 GR-075P 274002 4336P I-075-P G075P K2471304
(Pyrex) (single) (6-552)
Tungsten Fig. B-2 GW-075P 274012 4336TP T-075-P G075TP K7360303
(dual) (6-548)
1 in. ThO2/Ir Fig. B-1 GR-100P 274005 4336P/1 I-100-P G100P K2471301
(single) (6-554)
Tungsten Fig. B-2 GW-100P 274015 4336TP/1 T-100-P G100TP K7360301
(dual) (6-551)
Metal Tube 0.75 in ThO2/Ir Fig. B-1 GR-075K 274003 4336K I-075-K G075K K2471305
(Kovar) (single) (6-547)
Tungsten Fig. B-2 GW-075K 274013 4336TK T-075-K G075TK K7360304
(dual) (6-550)
1 in. ThO2/Ir Fig. B-1 GR-100K 274006 4336K/1 I-100-K G100K K2471302
(single) (6-549)
Tungsten Fig. B-2 GW-100K 274016 4336TK/1 T-100-K G100TK K7360302
(dual) (6-553)
2.75" 1 in. side ThO2/Ir Fig. B-1 GR-100F 274008 4336F/1 I-CFF-275 G100F K2471303