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Your assurance of lasting value accom- HP product serviceability
panies every Hewlett-Packard product. Serviceability can mean many things. In
We intend to continue our long-standing the broadest sense, it means getting full
practice of offering you excellent prod- utilization and value from your purchase,
ucts, supported by a wide variety of use- and this is one of HP's principle objec-
ful services both before and after the sale. tives in serving you.
HP design technology In other ways, it can mean having a
Our responsibility to you begins with E product that is easy to understand and op-
product designs which apply advanced erate - as well as one that works under a
technologies, often pioneered at H P variety of adverse conditions and can be
through our extensive ongoing research depended upon to perform as expected for
activities. Many of today's commonly-ac- years to come. As a practical matter, it
cepted measurement standards and prac- also means having a product fully backed
tices began with the design of innovative by a reputable firm so that subsequent
H P products. maintenance, repairs and parts are read-
Important as advanced technology is, it ily available. Hewlett-Packard's world-
is not the only design consideration, how- wide service organization helps you re-
ever. Among other design contributions to ceive full and continuing value from your
an H P product's lasting value are its HP purchase, wherever you are located.
"manufacturability" and (especially im-
portant after you purchase that product)
its "serviceability". HP SALES AND SERVICE:
HP manufacturing .
H P product designers are closely at- The previously `mentioned product ex-
tuned to the practical aspects of product cellence and value are only part of the to-
manufacture. This emphasis on modern tal H P story. Equally important to you is
manufacturing technology, coupled with the ready availability of local sales and
superior workmanship and high produc- service support.
tivity, ultimately delivers high-value H P To be responsive to your needs and
products to you at competitive prices. In those of other customers, Hewlett-Pack-
addition, H P manufacturing facilities con- ard has over 3,000 sales and service
tribute to the ultimate serviceability of the engineers and other technical personnel
products you purchase.by furnishing you located in more than 172 offices in 65
with clear and well-written operating and countries. This means that a significantly
service instructions. high percentage (more than 10%) of our
Today, Hewlett-Packard has 27 prod- world-wide total number of employees are
uct-responsible manufacturing facilities specifically and directly available to you
located in California, Colorado, Idaho, ana` other H P customers for pre-and-post
New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania and sale technical support.
Massachusetts in the U.S. - as well as in T o locate the H P Sales and Service Of-
Scotland, the German Federal Republic, fice nearest you, please see the complete
France, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and listing inside the back cover of this cata-
Brazil. log.

Printed in U S A
This catalog isi designed primarily to serve the H P has ma.ny additional capabilities not de-
needs of engineeirs. scientists and technicians who tailed in this catalog. which are instead summa-
are concerned 01 work with electrical/electronic rized on the I ast few pages . In the event your
phenomena . It d eals with the broad area of mea- work is relate.d t o any of these other H P capabili-
surement (plus g(meration and recording). as well ties. we will ble pleased to send you specific prod-
as related compu'tation . uct information on request .

Alphabetical Indlex ............................. 1 Microwave Te:st Equipment .................. 378
Model Number I ndex ......................... 10 Network AnalIyzers .......................... 406
Amplifiers .......
............................... 20 Signal Analyziers ............................. 432
Analog Voltmeters ............................ 23 Cabinets & M easurement Accessories .......469
Digital Voltmeteirs ............................ 34 Telecommunic:ations Test Equipment ........480
Component Test .............................. 59 Hewlett-Packstrd Interface Bus ...............511
Digital Circuit T csters & Analyzers ...........76
c Calculators & Peripherals .................... 519
Oscilloscopes ..................................
, 94 Computers: C omponents & Systems .........529
Displays ...................................... 160 Physical & OF ,tical Measurements ...........552
Power Supplies . . .............................
, 171 Civil Engineering/Surveying Equipment .....560
Recorders & Pririters ........................ 208 Solid State Ccimponents & Circuits ..........562
Electronic Counters .......................... 259 Instruments fc)r Chemical Analysis ..........564
Frequency & Tinl e Standards ................ 268 Medical Instrtimentation ..................... 566
Pulse and Word 1Generators ................. 280 Scientific & Iridustrial X-Ray Systems .......568
Pulse Generatc)rs .......................... 282 Ordering Info] rmation ........................ 569
Word Generatlors .......................... 302 After-Sales Se rvice ........................... 570
Frequency Synthiesizers ...................... 306 Warranty. certification & repairs .............
Oscillators & Fuinction Generators .......... 1 13 Training/Vide :o Tapes ....................... 572
Calibrators ...... ............................. 320 Information R.equest Card ...... Back of catalog
Signal Generator s ............................ 326 Sales/Service Offices ..........Inside back cover
Sweep Oscillator!5 ............................ 349
Power & Noise F'igure Meters ............... 368

Analog Voltmet
Analytical Instr
............................. 322 Automatic Sp
............................. 472 Audio Spectn
........................ 37-42, 50 Correlation .
.............................. 471 Digital Signal
.......................... 40, 471 Distortion ..
............................ 28, 32 Fourier .....
....................... .31, 42, 55 Logic .......
.................27-31,35-38, 47 Logic State, 1
.............................. 544 Low Frequeni
......................... ,469-479 Mechanical 11
.............................. 510 Network ...
.............................. 469 Noise .......
.............................. 156 Power Spectri
; ............................ 470 Spectrum ...
dies ......................... 204 Transfer Func
......................... .150-159 Vibration ...
.............................. 348 Wave .......
.................... 441, 465, 496 APC-7 Series A
Asynchronous 1
odule ....................... 210 Asynchronous
.............................. 321 Asynchronous
......................... 151, 423 Atomic Clock
.............................. 348 75 ohm Gene
.............................. 469 Coaxial .....
ide .......................... 400 Resistive ...
.............................. 394 Coaxial Step
.............................. 400 Waveguide .
isplays ...................... 563 Automatic Car
.............................. 236 Automated Me
ators .............. 328, 333, 338 Automated Te5
Automatic Dia
Voltage .................... 322 Automatic Syn
fier ......................... 227 Avionics Signa
ible .......................... 541
Distribution ................278 B
, ............................... 20
, .............................. 367 Balancing Trar
................................ 33 Bandpass Filte
Power ............................................. 20 Basic Control I
Power Supply .................................... 198 Battery Operat
Pulse .............................................. 20 Counters ..,
RF/Microwave ................................... 21 DVM .......
Amplitude/Delay Distortion Analyzer ......... 49,492 Hand-Held C
Analog-to-Digital Converter ................51, 54, 541 Microwave F
Multifunction Meter ................................. Clock. Atomic ..................................... 270
Oscilloscopes ................................. 110-115 Coaxial Instrumentation
Voltmeter ......................................... 29 Accessories ....................................... 400
BB Sweeper Accessory ............................. 510 Attenuators ...................................... 383
Bridge. Directional ............................ 404. 423 Crystal Detectors ................................ 392
Broadband Detectors .............................. 392 Directional Bridge ......................... .404. 423
Broadband Sampling Voltmeter .................... 32 Directional Couplers ............................. 388
Buffered Asynchronous Communications Directional Detectors ............................ 389
Interface .................................... 530. 550 Dual Directional Coupler ........................ 388
Fixed Attenuators ................................ 383
C Frequency Meters ................................ 391
Cables/Connectors ................................. 469 Harmonic Mixer ................................. 398
Cabinet X-Ray Systems ............................ 568 Low-Pass Filters ................................. 397
Cabinets ...................................... .47 3.479 Pad . Attenuators ................................. 383
Cabinets. System I1 ........................... .47 5.479 Power Splitter ............................... 404. 419
Cable Assemblies .................................. 469 Sliding Load ..................................... 396
Calculators ..................................... 5 19-528 Slotted Line ...................................... 394
Desktop Programmable ..................... .52 4.528 Slotted Section ................................... 394
Hand-Held Business ............................. 523 Step Attenuators ........................ 73. 384. 396
Hand-Held Financial ............................ 523 Swept Slotted Line Systems ...................... 394
Hand-Held Programmable ..................521. 522 Switch ............................................ 399
Hand-Held Scientific ............................. 520 Termination ...................................... 396
Calculator Based Network Analyzer ..........41 1. 420 Thermistor Mount ............................... 375
Calculator Controlled Instrument Thermocouple Mount ............................ 372
Systems ................................. 56. 411. 445 Waveguide Adapters ............................. 400
Calibrators Comb Generator ................................... 465
AC .......................................... .320.322 Combining Cases .................................. 473
For 432 Series .................................... 375 Communication Test Equipment .................. 494
For 435A ......................................... 371 Communications. Data ............................ 550
Peak Power ...................................... 375 Communications Test Set .......................... 484
Cameras Component Test. General Information ............. 59
Adapters ......................................... 156 Computers
Oscilloscope ...................................... 155 H P 2000 .......................................... 544
Oscilloscope Camera Adapter Table ............. 157 H P 3000 .......................................... 544
Capacitance Bridges; Meters ..................... 64-71 21 MX. Semiconductor Memory .................530
Capacitive Voltage Divider ......................... 73 Connector Adapters ............................... 470
Capacitors. Decade ................................. 73 Constant Current Sources .................... 200. 205
Card Readers ................................. 526. 537 Controller. Vibration ......................... 200. 205
Carriage. Slotted Section ........................... 394
Converters - ..
Carrier Preamplifiers ............................... 230 A-to-D ........................................... 541
Cases. Combining .................................. 473 D-to-A .................... 50. 54. 205. 236. 256. 541 e-

Cassette Subsystem ................................ 526 Serial to Parallel ................................. > 11
Cavity Frequency Meters .......................... 39 1 Correlator. Spectrum Display ...................... 467
Cesium Beam Frequency Standard ................270 Common Carrier Interface .......................... 58
Chromatographic Data Systems ................... 564 Counters. Electronic .......................... .239.267
Clip. Logic .......................................... 88 Auto . Freq . Conv ................................ 245
Clip.on. D C Milliammeter .......................... 26 Auto . Ranging ................................... 258
C1ip.on. AC Current Probe ........................ 472 Computing ....................................... 250

Counter/Timer ...............242. 251. 252. 260. 541
Digital Multimeter/Counter ..................... 261
Differential Voltmeter ............................
Digital Voltmeter ...................37.44. 48. 50. 54
Milliammeter ..................................
DVM .............................. 248. 251. 253. 258 .26. 38
Heterodyne Converter Plug-In ..............245. 248 Nullmeter .................................... 24. 324
HP-IB Programmable .............242. 252. 266. 541 Offset Plug-In Module ........................... 210
Low Cost ........................................ 265 Preamplifier Plug-In Module ..................... 210
Microwave ............................. 245. 248. 266 Standard ......................................... 324
Plug-In Adapters ............................ 245. 250 Voltage Divider .................................. 471
Portable. Battery Operated ....................... 256 Voltmeters ..................................... 25-28
Programmable ................242. 250.252. 266. 541 D C Power Supplies ............................ 171-207
Reciprocal ........................ 242. 250. 262. 541 Amplifier/Power Supply ......................... 198
Time Interval ....... 242. 246. 250.252. 259.262. 541 Condensed Listing ............................... 172
Time Interver Probes ............................. 246 Constant Current Sources ........................ 200
Transfer Oscillator Plug-In ....................... 248 Digitally Controlled .............................. 205
Universal .......................... .242. 25 1. 259-262 Dual Tracking ................................... 194
Video Amplifier Plug-In ......................... 249 General Information ............................. 171
Couplers. Directional (Coax and Waveguide) 388.390. General Purpose: 25 - 200 W Output ...........180
399 General Purpose: 100 - 2000 W Output ......... 184
C R T Terminals .................................... 534 General Purpose: 300 - 11.000 W Output ....... 188
Crystal Detector .............................. 392. 393 General Purpose: 0 - 320 V ..................... 184
Crystal Oscillators ................................. 276 High Voltage ..................................... 192
Current Low Cost Lab ................................ 175-179
Divider ........................................... 471 Modular. Single Output. Series Regulated ....... 201
Sources ............................ 200. 205. 322. 541 Modular. Dual Output. Series Regulated ........201
Modular. 200 - 600 W. Switching
Regulated ...................................... 203
D Modular. 110 W Switching Regulated ...........202
Modular. Triple-Output Switching ...............202
D / A Converter ............................... 205. 541 Precision Voltage Sources ........................ 195
Data Programmable .............................. 205. 541
Acquisition Systems ..............53. 56.59. 541. 546 Specifications Definitions ........................ 174
Base Management Software IMAGE/2000 . . . . . . . .545 Decade Capacitors and Attenuators ................73
Centers. Mini .................................... 543 Detectors
Communications ........................ 53. 481. 550 Crystal. Coaxial and Waveguide ................. 392
Communications Interfaces ...................... 530 Directional ....................................... 389
Error Analyzer ................................... 494 Slotted Line ...................................... 394
Generator ........................................ 305 Digital
Source Interface .................................. 53 1 AC Voltmeters ................................. 38-54
Station ...................................... .53 4.536 Capacitance Meter ................................ 68
Transmission Test Set ............................ 494 Circuit Test ............................... 76.93. 541
Voice Channel Test Set .......................... 484 D C Voltmeters ................................. 38-54
Data Source Interface .............................. 530 1/0 Sub-system .................................. 541
DC LCR Meter ....................................... 66
Amplifier Plug-In Module ....................... 2 10 Multimeter ..................................... 37-54
Attenuator Plug-In Module ...................... 210 Ohmmeter ............................... 37.54. 62-67
Bank Amplifier .................................. 232 Oscillator ......................................... 314
Bridge Preamplifier .............................. 227 Power Meters (RF/Microwave) ..................370
Coupler Plug-In Module ......................... 210 Pressure Gauge .................................. 556
Printer ........................................... 236 Error Rate Measurement .......................... 504
Programmable Power Supplies ..............205. 541 Error Rate Measurement System ..................504
Signal Analyzers .............438. 440. 466. 496. 498 ESCA Spectrometers ............................... 564
Spectrum Analyzers ...............445. 448. 466. 496 Expander. 1-0 ...................................... 538
Tape Systems .................................... 533
Thermometer ..................................... 533 F
Vibration Controller ............................. 466 Fast Fortran Processor ............................ 530
Voltmeters .............................. 34.54. 44-49 FaxitronTM X-Ray Systems ......................... 568
Digital-to-Analog Converters .....50.54. 205. 530. 541 Filters
Digitizer ........................................... 526 Bandpass ............................... 348. 397. 462
Dimensional Measurement ...................552. 558 Coaxial and Waveguide .......................... 397
Diodes ............................................. 562 High Pass ........................................ 404
Directional Bridge ............................ 404. 423 Low Pass .................................... 397. 404
Directional Couplers Low Pass Plug-In Module ....................... 210
Coaxial ........................................... 389 Fourier Analyzer .............................. 466. 496
Waveguide ....................................... 390 F M Signal Generators ...................328. 333. 338
Directional Detectors .............................. 389 Frequency
Disc Sub-systems .................................. 532 Counters ......................................... 541
DISComputers ..................................... 530 Doubler Probe ................................... 346
Display Terminal Interface ........................ 530 Doublers .................................... 345. 348
Displays ....................................... .160 170
. Meters. Coaxial and Waveguide .................391
Cathode-ray Tube ................................ 160 Response Test Sets ............................... 402
High Resolution/Storage ....................162.165 Frequency Standards
Large Screen Analog System ..................... 170 Cesium ........................................... 270
Large Screen 35.6 cm . (14 in.) .................... 168 Distribution Amplifier ........................... 278
Large Screen 43.2 cm . (17 in.) .................... 166 General Information ............................. 268
Large Screen 48.2 #n . (19 in.) .................... 168 Quartz ........................................... 276
Large Screen 53.3 cm . (21 in.) .................... 166 Rubidium ........................................ 273
Numeric and Alphanumeric ..................... 563 Standby Power Supplies ......................... 279
Distance Meters .................................... 560 Frequency and Time Standards .................... 280
Distortion Analyzers .......................... .442.444 Frequency Selective Voltmeter and Tracking
Distributed Systems ................................ 550 Oscillator ......................................... 440
Distribution Amplifiers ............................ 278 Frequency Synthesizers .................. .306.308. 328
Divider Probe ...................................... 471 Function Generators ........................... 3 16-319
DME/ATC Test Set ............................... 346 Fuseholder. R F .................................... 348
Double Balanced Mixers ........................... 348
Dual Tracking. Power Supply ..................... 194 G
Duplex Registers ................................... 530 Gas Chromatographs .............................. 564
General Purpose Interfaces ........................ 530
General Purpose Interface Bus Controller .........530
E Generators
EIA Registered Visible Light Emitting Noise ........................................ 376. 468
Diodes ........................................... 563 Pulse ..................................... .88.230.301
Electronic Counters ........................... .239.267 Signal ....................................... .326.348
Electronic Distance Meters ........................ 560 Spectrum ......................................... 348
Emulation Subsystem .............................. 543 Sweep ............................. .309. 3 18. 349-367
Error Measuring Set (1 Kb/s X 50 Mb/s) ......... 502 Tracking .......................... .452. 456. 458-562

Word ........................................ . 3 02.305 Light Emitting Diodes ............................. 562
Graphic Plotters ................................... 209 Limiter ................................. ............ 465
Graphic Plotters Terminal ......................... 218 Line Printers. 200 LPM ................ ............533
Group Delay (Network Analyzer) ................. 416 Liquid Chromatographs ............... ............ 564
Group Delay Network Computer .................. 219 Loads/Termination. Coaxial and Waveg uide ......396
Guarded Digital Multimeter .................... .50. 54 Logarithmic Preamplifier .......................... 230
............ _..

Logarithmic Voltmeter .............................. 30
H Logic
Hardwired Serial Interface .................... 530. 550 Analyzer .............
Harmonic Analyzer ................................ 438 Clip ..................
Harmonic Mixer (Coaxial and Waveguide) ........ 398 Comparator ....................................... "/

Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) .......51 1.518 Lab ................................................ 92
Hexadecimal Display with Electronics .............563 Probes ........
High Resistance Meter .............................. 63 Pulser ........
Hi-Re1 Numeric Displays .......................... 563 State Analyzers
I Troubleshootin:
IMAGE/2000 Software ............................ 545 Low Distortion C ........................ _..

IMAGE/3000 Software ............................ 543 Low Frequency Spectrum Analyzer ..... 445, 448, 456.
Impatt Diodes ..................................... 562 466. 496
Impedance Meter ................................ 64-66 Low Gain Preamplifier ....................... 227. 230
Impedance Meter. R F Vector ....................... 74 Low Resistance Meter .............................. 62
Impedance Probe .................................. 423
Impedance Transformers (50 - 75Q) .........423. 465 M
Input/Output Computer Cards .................... 530
Machinery Analyzer ............................... 466
Inspection Systems. X-Ray ........................ 568
Magnetic Tape Recorder. Digital ..................234
Instrument Accessories ............................ 471
Magnetic Tape Subsystem. Digital .....................
Insulation Resistance Meter ........................ 63
Mark Reader. Optical ............................. 537
Insulation Test ...................................... 63
Marker Generator ................................. 352
Intelligent Terminals .......................... .534.536
Mass Spectrometers ................................ 564
Interface Bus. Hewlett-Packard .................... 5 11
Mechanical Impedance Analyzer ..................466
Interface Bus Card ................................. 542
Medical Applications .............................. 568
Interface Cover for 1645A ......................... 494
Medium Gain Preamplifier ........................ 227
Interface Kit. Digitally Controlled Power
Supply ........................................... 205 Memory Systen ...... 530
Interface Kit. Multiprogrammer ...................541 Meters
Integrating DVM ........................... .38. 50. 54 AC ............................................. 30. 42
Intermodulation Analyzer ......................... 445 A C / D C .......................
Capacitance ...................
L Differential ....................
Digital Multimeter ............................. J I-JU
Laboratory Kit. Microwave ....................... 378 Distance .......................................... 560
Laboratory. Strip Chart Recorder ........208. 220-226 Gain Phase ....................................... 414
Laboratory. X-Y Recorder ....................208.216 High Capacitance ................................. 70
Laser Measurement ................................ 559 Impedance ........................................ 74
Laser Transducer .................................. 558 LCR ........................................... 61. 66
LCR Meter ......................................... 61 Logarithmic Voltmeters ................... .30. 33. 42
Level Generator .................................... 497 Milliammeter AC ............................. .38. 40
Milliammeter. D C ..................... 26. 38. 40. 44 Modular Power Supplies ......................... 201
Milliohmmeter ............... ..................... 62 Strip Chart Recorders .................. .208. 220-224
Multifunction ..................................37-54 X-Y Recorders .............................. 208. 213
Noise Figure ................. .................... 376I Ohmmeters ............................... .27. 37.54. 62
Ohmmeter .................... ..............37.54. 61 Optical Mark Reader .............................. 547
Power (RF/Microwave) . . . . ................ ..370.374 .
.......... ... ~ ~
Optically Coupled Isolators ........................ 563
Selective VM ...................... 440. 490. 498. 500 Optoelectronics .................................... 563
Standing-Wave-Ratio (SWR) .................... 401 Oscillators
True RMS ................................ .31. 42. 55 Audio ............................................ 312
Microcircuit Interface ......................... 530. 541 Function Generator .......................... 3 17-3 19
Microprogrammable Processors ...................530 General Information ............................. 311
Microwave Catalog ................................ 378 Low Frequency .................................. 316
Microwave Counters ..................... 245. 248. 266 Quartz ........................................... 276
Microwave Laboratory Kit ........................ 378 Quartz Component .............................. 277
Microwave Link Analyzers .. ................. 6.3 39 .50 R F ............................................... 307
Microwave Power Measuring 1Equipment ..........31 68 Sweep .............................. 307.309. 349-367
Microwave Signal Generators .................343.31 45 Telephone Test ................................... 489
Microwave Test Equipment ................... 84 D5 .37 . 1 Test .............................................. 315
Milliohmmeter ......................................
....................... 162 Wide Range ...................................... 312
Mini Data Centers ................................. 534 Oscillographic Recorder .................208. 227. 230
Mixers. Coaxial and Waveguide ......... 348. 398. 465 Oscilloscopes ................................... . 94 159
Mixer/Detector .................................... 562 Accessories .................................. .150 154
Modal Analysis .................................... 466 Cameras .......................................... 155
Modular Power Supplies ...................... .20 1.203 Contrast Filters .................................. 154
Modulators. PIN Diode ........................... 347 275 MHz Delayed Sweep ..................... 98-101
Motor Controller. Programmable ................. 538 275 MHz Dual-Delayed Sweep with
MPE/3000 Software .............. ................. 542I Microprocessor ............................ . 98.101
Multi-meter ....................... .......27. 38. 40. 54I 200 MHz Delayed Sweep ........................ 102
Multiple Span Plug-In Module ....................22c1 200 MHz Dual Delayed Sweep .................. 102
Multiplexer. General Purpose ......................538I General Information ........................... 94-97
Multiprogrammer .................................. 538I
................. High Frequency Plug-Ins ........................ 116
High Writing Speed Mainframes ............123. 142

N Large Screen Mainframe ......................... 122
Light Shields ..................................... 154
Network Analysis. General Information .......406.410
Low Frequency .................................. 144
Network Analyzers ........................... .406.43 1
Plug.1n. 180 series ................................ 124
Networks. Computer .............................. 550
Plug.1n. 183 series ................................ 142
Protective Covers ................................ 154
Analyzer. Acoustic ............................... 466
Portable ...................................... 110-113
Figure Meter ..................................... 376
Rack Mount Slides and Adapters ................ 154
Generator ................................... 376. 468
Ruggedized Portables. 35 & 50 MHz ............ 114
Source (IF) (UHF) (VHF) and Waveguide ...... 376
Sampling .................................... .13 4 138
Null Detector Plug-In Module ..................... 210
Spectrum Analyzer Plug-In ............ 141. 450. 452
Numeric LED Displays ............................ 563
Testmobiles ...................................... 158
100 MHz Third-Channel Trigger View ........IO4.109
0 Variable Persistence/Storage ............112. 119-121
OEM Viewing Hoods ................................... 154
Displays ......................... 60 Output Voltage Divider ............................ 348


P Modular. Single Output. Series Regulated
....... 201
Modular. Dual Output Series Regulated .........201
Pad. Coaxial Attenuator ........................... 383 Modular. 200 - 600 W. Switching ...............203
Pattern Analyzer .................................... 83 Modular. 110 W. Switching ...................... 202
Pattern Generator/Error Detector .................502 Modular. Triple-Output Switching ...............202
Peak Power Meter. Analog ........................ 375 Oscilloscope Probe ............................... 152
Phase Lock Synchronizer .......................... 367 Precision Voltage Sources ........................ 195
Phase Meters .................................. .41 4.429 Programmable .............................. 205. 541
Phase Modulation. Signal Generator ..............328 Specifications Definitions ........................ 174
Phase Sensitive Demodulator Preamplifiers ........230 Standby Counter ................................. 245
Phase Shifters. Waveguide ......................... 398 Power Supply/Amplifier ........................... 198
PIN Diodes ........................................ 562 Preamplifiers ........................................ 21
PIN Modulators. Microwave ...................... 347 Precision D C Amplifier ................................
PIN Photodiodes .................................. 563 Precision Frequency Source ........................ 268
Plotter. X-Y ........................................ 527 Precision Oscillator ....................................
Plug-In Counters ......................... 242. 247. 250 Precision Voltage Sources .......................... 174
Plug-In Extender ................................... 538 Preselector ......................................... 462
Plug-In Oscilloscopes .......................... 116.143 Pressure Gauge ........................................
Plug-In Pulse Generator System .............. 2.300 .29 Printers ....................................... .236.238
Point Plotter Plug-In Modules ..................... 21 1 Printer. Line ...........................................
Portable Printer. Thermal ................................... 236
Calculators ....................................... 5 19 Probes
Counters ......................................... 256 Accessories .................................. 152. 471
Instrumentation Tape Recorder .............208. 234 Active ....................................... 151. 423
Oscilloscopes ................................. 110- 113 Current ...................................... 152. 472
Storage Oscilloscopes ............................ 1 12 Digital Multimeter ................................ 40
Strip Chart Recorder ........................ 208. 226 Frequency Doubler .............................. 346
Test Set .......................................... 484 High Frequency ................................... 32
Voltmeter ......................................... 29 Impedance ....................................... 423
X-Ray Systems ................................... 568 Logic ........................................... 84. 87
Power Meters. R F & Microwave ..............368.374 Slotted Line ................................. 394. 395
Power Sensors ................................ 372. 375 Trigger (TTL. MOS. ECL) ........................ 84
Power Meter Calibrators ...................... 371. 375 Time Interval .................................... 246
Power Splitter ................................. 404. 419 Voltage Divider ............................. 150. 471
Power Supplies ................................ .17 1.207 Process Control Interface .......................... 538
Amplifier/Power Supplies ........................ 198 Processors .......................................... 530
Atomic Clock .................................... 279 Programmable Counters ........242. 250.252. 266. 541
Condensed Listing ............................... 172 Programming. 1900 System ........................ 300
Constant Current Sources ........................ 200 Pseudorandom Noise Generator ................... 468
Digitally Controlled .............................. 205 Pulse Amplifiers .................................... 20
Dual Tracking ................................... 194 Pulse and Word Generators .................. 0.305 .28
Frequency Standards ............................. 279 Pulse Generator ................................ 88. 541
General Purpose: 25 - 200 W Output ........... 180 Pulse Modulators. Microwave .................36. 347
General Purpose: 100 - 2000 W Output ......... 184
General Purpose: 300 - 11.000 W Output ....... 188 Q
General Purpose: 0 - 320 V ..................... 194 Q-Meter ............................................. 72
High Voltage ..................................... 192 Quartz Component Oscillator ..................... 277
Low Cost Lab ................................ 175-179 Quartz Frequency Standard ....................... 276
R Signal Generators. General Information 306. 3 11. 326.
Random Noise Generator ......................... 468 432-437
Range Calibrator (for 435A) ....................... 371 Signal Generators and Accessories ............ 6.348.32
Ratio Meter ......................................... 50 Signal Generators. HF. VHF. U H F ...........333.342
Readers. Card ...................................... 537 Signal Source ........................ 33. 307. 31 1. 322
Reciprocal Counters ................242. 250. 262. 541 Signature Analysis ............................ 448. 466
Recorders Sinewave Generators ................ .307. 3 11. 322-332
Oscillographic .......................... 208. 227. 230 Sinewave Oscillator .......................... .307. 311
Portable Instrumentation Tape .............208. 234 Single Span Plug-In Module ....................... 220
Strip Chart ............................. .208. 220-226 Sliding Load (Coaxial and Waveguide) ............ 396
X-Y ......................................... .208.217 Software. Computer ............................... 530
Reflection/Transmission Test Sets ........402. 419-443 Solid State Displays ................................ 563
Reflectometer Bridge .............................. 404 Solid State Lamps ................................. 563
Relay Output Cards ............................... 541 Spectrometers ...................................... 564
Relay Register ..................................... 530 Spectrum Analyzers. General Information .... .432.437
Resistance Meter .................................... 63 Spectrum Analyzers ........141. 445. 448. 452.466. 548
RMS Voltmeter ............................. .31. 42. 55 Spectrum Analyzer Preselector ..................... 462
Rotary Air Line. Coaxial .......................... 400 Spectrum Display ...................... ...........467
Rotary Joint. Coaxial .............................. 400 Square Wave Gen .................... 3 3-3 19. 327-329
Rotary Machinery Analysis ........................ 466 Standards: Frequency and Time ....... ...........268
Rotary Vane Attenuators. Waveguide .............387 Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Meter ... ...........401
Rotating Machinery Analysis ...................... 466 Step Attenuators ....................... ...... 384. 386
RTE-B Real Time System ......................... 546 Step Recovery Diodes ................. ...........562
RTE-C Real Time System ......................... 546 Stepping Motor Control ........................... 541
RTE-I1 Real Time System ......................... 546 Storage Control Unit .............................. 532
RTE-I11 Real Time System ........................ 546 Strip Chart Recorder .................... .208. 220-226
Rubidium Frequency Standard .................... 275 Structural Dynamics ............................... 466
R X Meter ........................................... 75 Sweep Oscillators. General Information .......349.35 1
Sweep Oscillators .................... 307.309. 349-367
Sweeping Slotted Line ............................. 394
Switches ....................................... 541. 562
S-Parameter Test Sets ......................... 419. 429 Switches. Coaxial .................................. 399
Sampling Oscilloscopes ........................ 134-138 Swivel Adapter ..................................... 400
Sampling & T D R Accessories ..................... 139 Synchronizer Counter .............................. 339
Scanner ............................................. 53 Synchronizer. Phase Lock ......................... 367
Scanner Plug-In Module ...................... 210. 541 Synchronous Communications Interface ...... 530. 550
Schottky Diodes ................................... 562 Synchronous Data Set Interface ................... 530
Scientific & Industrial X-Ray Systems .............568 Synthesizer. Automatic ............................ 309
Selective Level Measuring Set ...................... 500 Synthesizer. Frequency ....................... .307.3 IO
Selective Level Voltmeters ......................... 497 Synthesized Signal Generators ..................... 328
Selective Voltmeter ..................440. 490. 497-499 Synthesizers - General Information .............. 326
Self-Test Digital Multimeter .................... .44. 50 Synthesizers. Spectrum ............................. 466
Sensors. Microwave Power ................... 372. 375
Shorts. Coaxial and Waveguide .................... 396 T
Signal Analyzers. Digital ...................... 466. 496 Tape Cassette. Punch. Reader Sub-systems ........526
Signal Analyzers. General Information ........432.437 Tape Recorder. Digital Magnetic ..................234
Signal Analyzers ......................... .141. 432-465 Telecommunications Test Equipment.
Signal Coupler Preamplifier ....................... 230 General Information ........................ .480.483



Telephone Test Oscillators ......................... 489 V - l
Teleprinter Interfaces .............................. 550 Variable Phase Function Generator ............... 316 4
Temperature Plug-In Module ...................... 220 Vector Impedance Meter ............................ 74
Terminal. C R T .................................... 534 Vector Voltmeter .................................. 424
Terminated Output Cable .......................... 348 VHF Oscillator .................................... 346
Terminations. Coaxial and Waveguide ........ 140.396 Vibration Analyzer ................................ 466
Test Leads ......................................... 469 Vibration Controller ............................... 466
Testmobiles. Oscilloscope .......................... 158 Video Tapes ........................................ 570
Test Oscillators .................................... 3 15 Voice Band Analyzer .............................. 496
Test Set. Voice Band ............................... 496 Voltmeters ....................................... 23-58
Test Sets. Transmission ............................ 496 Voltmeter. Vector .................................. 424
Thermal Printer .................................... 236
Thermistor Mounts. Coaxial and Waveguide ...... 375
Thermocouple Power Sensors ...................... 372 Wave Analyzer ..................................... 438
Thermometer ................................. .553.555 Wave Analyzer ................................ 439. 497
Time Base External Module ....................... 212 Wave And Distortion Analyzers ......... 440. 442. 448
Time Base Plug-In Module ........................ 210 Waveform Analyzer. Fourier ................. 466. 496
Time Domain Reflectometers ..................137.139 Waveguide
Attenuators ...................................... 387
Time Interval Counters .................. .242.262. 541
Coaxial Adaptors ................................ 400
Time Mark Generator ............................. 153
Time Standard ................................ .270.273 Crystal Detectors ................................ 393
TIMS .............................................. 485 Directional Couplers .............................. 390
Total Station ....................................... 561 Frequency Meters ................................ 391
Tracking Generators .......................... .452.462 Harmonic Mixer ................................. 398
Training/Video Tapes ........................ .572.574 Holder ........................................... 400
Transfer Function Analyzer .................. 466. 496 Instrumentation and Accessories ................. 471
Transmission Impairment Measuring Set .......... 485 Instrumentation vs Frequency Bands ....... .38 2.471
Transmission Line Test Equipment. Coaxial ....... 380 Low-Pass Filters ................................. 397
Transmission & Noise Meter Psophmeter ......... 488 Millimeter Counter .............................. 240
Transmission Parameter Analyzer ................. 496 Movable Shorts .................................