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File Number S360-26
Order No. GC33-8000-0
Program Logic
OS ALGOL (F) Compiler Logic
Program Numbers: 360S-AL-531 (Compiler)
360S- LM-532 (Library Routines)
OS Release 21
This manual describes the internal logic of the
ALGOL (F) Compiler. It is intended for the use
of IBM field engineers, systems analysts and
The ALGOL (F) Compiler is a processing program
of the IBM System/360 Operating System. It
translates a source module written in the ALGOL
language into an object module that can be
processed into an executable load module by the
Linkage Editor.
Page of GY'l3-8000-0
Revised January 15, 1972
By TNL GN33-8129
The IBM System/360 Operating System ALGOL handles the output of diagnostic messages
Compiler consists of ten phases, or load in the three phases mentioned, is described
modules. Chapter 1 of this manual provides in Chapter 9.
an introductory survey of the main
functions of the several phases. A more Chapter 10 describes the ALGOL Library,
detailed description of the individual which consists of a set of load modules
phases is provided in the subsequent chap- representing standard I/O procedures,
ters, as follows: mathematical functions, and the Fixed Stor-
age Area.
Directory (IEXOO) Chapter 2
Initialization (IEX10) Chapter 3 Chapter 11 describes the composition of
Scan I/II (IEXll) Chapter 4 the object module generated by the Compiler,
Identifier Table Manipulation and the organization of the load module at
(IEX20) Chapter 5 execution time.
Diagnostic Output (IEX21) Chapter 9
Scan III (IEX30) Chapter 6 Other publications that will be useful
Diagnostic Output (IEX31) Chapter 9 to the reader in understanding the Compiler
Subscript Handling (IEX40) Chapter 7 are:
Compilation Phase (IEXSO) Chapter 8
Termination Phase (IEXS1) Chapter 8 OS ALGOL Language, Order No.GC28-661S
Two of the phases (Load Modules IEX21 OS ALGOL Programmer's Guide,
and IEX31) are devoted exclusively to the Order No. GC33-4000
editing and output of diagnostic messages.
Diagnostic output is also provided for in OS FORTRAN IV Library, Order No.
the Termination Phase (Load Module IEXS1). Order No. GC28-6S96
The Error Message Editing Routine, which
First Edition (September 1967)
This edition applies to release 21 of the IBM System/360
Operating System, and to all subsequent modifications unless
otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
Changes are continually made to the specifications herein;
before using this publication in connection with the operation
of IBM systems, consult the latest SRL Newsletter, Order No.
GN20-0360 for the editions that are applicable and current.
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computer to update the text and to control the page and line
format. Page impressions for photo-offset printing were ob-
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