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File No. S360-50

System/360 Disk Operating System User's Guide:
Control Statement Techniques

This publication provides guidance in the use of control
statements as related to compilations, linkage editing,
utilities, sorts, -and user programs. It presents tested
examples with supporting explanations as an aid to under-
standing the input stream requirements for processing in
the System/360 Disk Operating System environment. The
control statements discussed are job control statements,
linkage editor control statements, and operator commands.
A list of related publications appears in the Preface.
PREFACE supplements the data discussed in classes and
related SRL publications by bringing it together in
The objectives of this publication are: functional form.
1. To bring into perspective for the new user the The examples were tested on system release 9;
Disk Operating System job stream requirements changes through system release 12 were reviewed
2. To furnish typical job stream examples and to assure validity of the information.
reference data covering the normal processing Related publications are:
needs of the DOS user 1. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
Job stream examples are presented in building System Control and System Service Programs
block fashion. Each new type of statement is (C24-5036)
discussed when it is first used; only unusual 2. mM System/360 Disk Operating System:
circumstances are pointed out in succeeding Operating Guide (C24-5022)
examples. To simulate an installation environment, 3. mM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating
a specific System/360 machine configuration and Systems: Utility Programs Specifications
DOS system generation are assumed. The List of (C24-3465)
Examples provides quick reference to specific job 4. ruM System/360 Disk Operating System:
stream examples and discussions pertinent to a Sort/Merge Program Specifications (C24-3444)
given control statement type. Appendices furnish 5. mM System/360 Disk and Tape Operating
statement summary data. System: Tape Sort/Merge Program
No attempt has been made to cover all Specifications (C24-3438)
possibilities, but rather to present sufficient 6. mM System/360 Disk Operating System:
information through a number of examples to enable Autotest Specifications (C24-5062)
the user to modify an example for his particular 7. ruM System/360 Reference Data: TOS/DOS
needs or to create his own job stream. The manual Job Control Statement and Operator
does not take the place of formal training, but Communication (X20-1748)

First Edition (Reprinted December 1969)

Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained
through IBM branch offices.

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may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Technical Publications
Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y. 10601.