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Do not reproduce without written permission PP 5662-257.1
Jan 84
PURPOSE - Support for the 3880 Storage Control Speed Matching Buffer
The OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions program is supported on feature for the 3375 (#6560).
S/370, the 3031,3032,3033, and 4300 Processors in S/370 mode. It - Support for the 3880 Storage Control Speed Matching Buffer
can also run on the 308X Processors under VM. It provides support for feature for the 3380 (#6550)
the 4331 Model Group 2 Processor, the 3262 Printer mdls 1 and 11, the
3848 Cryptographic Unit, the 3375 Direct Access Storage, the 4341 Provide support for the 3380 Direct Access Storage.
Model Group 10 and 11 Processors and enhanced dump facilities. Support for 4K Page Sizes.
DESCRIPTION - Makes possible the execution of VS1 under VM on processors
RELEASE 1 with 4K key-in-storage domains.
Support for the 4331 Model Group 2 Processor. RELEASE 4
- Allows optimization of I/O Load Balancing algorithms. Support for the 4341 Model Group 9 and 12, 4361 Model Group 4
and 5, and 4381 Model Group 1 and 2 Processors, which allows
Support for the 3262 Printer mdls 1 and 11: The 3262 Printer mdl the OS/VS1 I/O load balancing algorithm to be optimized to the
1 is a 650 line-per-minute printer (nominal speed) using a individual processor performance characteristics.
48-character-set print belt. The 3262 Printer mdl 11 is a 325
line-per-minute printer (nominal speed) using a 48-character-set Support for the 3380 Direct Access Storage and the 3380 Speed
print belt. Both printer models attach to the 4331 Processor. The Matching Buffer of the 3880 (#6550). The channel commands for
OS/VS1 support allows the 3262 Printer to be used as a system Dynamic Pathing are not supported. (The 3380 mdl AA4 can be
printer, data management printer and as the output portion of a used without this support.)
composite console. Support for the 3880 Storage Controller, mdl 13.
Enhanced Dump Facility I: The dump enhancements are: Support for the 4245 Printer including changes to SYSGEN for
- Provide machine-readable abend dumps via a user SYSMDUMP device recognition, and changes to allow their use as a DSO writer
data definition (DD). A SYSMDUMP will include the fixed and JES writer.
nucleus, the partition and the pageable supervisor above the JES Support for the 3430 Magnetic Tape Subsystem.
Addition of the System Authorization Facility Security Router,
- Allows multiple system dump data sets. This enhancement providing a standard interface common to MVS and VS1 for
allows up to 99 system dump data sets which are installation- modules requesting security services and installation-written
allocated and maintained. security processing routines.
- Allows OS/VS1 handshaking with VM to have OS/VS system A repackage of the Stand-Alone Dump program removing prior
dumps taken via the VMDUMP command. This facility can be space limitations for several modules.
provided by initializing the VMDUMP parameter on the NIP
PARAMETERS' time or by using the VMDUMP keyword on the
SET command. The customer is responsible for ordering and installing OS/VS1 Release
7 prior to installing the OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions
- Provides an in-storage console trace. The number of kilobytes to program product.
be reserved for a console trace area and the initial status of the
trace can be specified on the NIP member of SYS1.PARMLIB or SPECIFIED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT
suspended and resumed (provided space was reserved) via the
CNTRACE keyword on the SET command. The OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions program product is
supported on any IBM S/370, 3031, 3032, 3033, or 4300 Processors in
Virtual Machine/VTAM Communications Network Application S/370 mode. It can also run on the 308X Processors under VM.
(VM/VCNA) support: VM/VCNA uses the IUCV (Inter-user
Communication Vehicle) support provided by OS/VS1 Basic SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS
Programming Extensions to communicate with the VM/SP (Virtual The OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions program product requires
Machine/System Product) control program. The IUCV support OS/VS1 Release 7 as a base. Also, Data Facility Device Support
may be used by other privileged programs running on OS/VS1 Release 1 Modification Levell is co-requisite with Release 3 of the
Basic Programming Extensions. Basic Programming Extensions and Data Facility Device Support
lOS Serviceability Enhancement: Prior to abending, a problem Release 1 Modification Level 2 is co-requisite with Release 4 of Basic
determination area is reserved and pertinent lOS data is stored to Programming Extensions.
diagnose lOS abends. Starter System: The starter system provided is a special OS/VS1
Support for 3848 Cryptographic Unit: The 3848 Cryptographic Unit system ordered separately.
is a channel-attached unit that enciphers and deciphers data. A The starter systems provided have been updated from OS/VS1 Release
new program product. the Cryptographic Unit program product 7 to include the OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions program
(5740-XY6) can provide generation and management control product and require a_ minimum of 192K bytes of real storage. This
functions for cryptographic keys. starter system is o'nly available to licensed users of the OS/VS1 Basic
RELEASE 2 Programming Extensions program product.
Support for the 4341 Model Group 2 Processor. A 3380-resident starter system with the OS/VS1 Basic Programming
Extensions Release 4 program product applied will be available to
- Allows optimization of I/O Load Balancing algorithms. licensed users of record of this program product. This starter system
Enhanced Dump Facility II: The dump enhancements are: will be necessary for users with 3380 DASD as the only DASD attached
to their processor. In addition to OS/VS1 Basic Programming
- A dump management facility for system dumps. Extensions Release 4, the user will require a license for OS/VS1 Data
Facility Device Support Release 1.2 (5740-AM6). To install this starter
- Allows user machine-readable dumps to be taken via the system, the user will need the functions provided by the Data Facility
DMDUMP command of VM/370. Data Set Services (5740-UT3) program product, or its equivalent. The
- Allows system dumps and user dumps to specify a VM userid for user may order the 3380 starter system with the Data Facility Data Set
dumps taken via the VMDUMP command of VM/370. Services program product included in the starter system.
Provides support for the 3375 Direct Access Storage along with the Starter systems residing on 2314, 3330, 3340 and 3350 DASD with the
program product Data Facility Device Support (5740-AM6). OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions Release 2 program product
applied will still be available. These starter systems do not contain the
RELEASE 3 OS/VS1 Data Facility Device Support program product, and therefore,
Support for the 4341 Model Group 10 and Model Group 11 do not support 3375 DASD.
Processors. Also still available is a 3375 starter system with Basic Programming
- Allows optimization of I/O Load Balancing algorithms. Extensions Release 3 and Data Facility Device Support Release 1.1
Enhanced Dump Facility III.
The starter system has the basic elements necessary for system
- Symptom strings will be provided for all system dump data sets generation in a form that is directly usable by a majority of customers.
excejJt those being taken via the VMDUMP command of The starter system functions with a variety of different I/O units at
VM/370. 'standard' addresses. Customers may use the starter system to
perform system generation if there are appropriate matching units and
Enhancements for the 3880 Control Unit Buffer. addresses in their own configuration.
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Do not reproduce without written permission PP 5662-257.2
Jan 84
OS/VS1 Basic Programming Extensions (cont'd)
Dedicated Data Set Support is used in SYSGEN for the utility data sets Notes: The following notes are applicable to the "Starter System
in assemblies, link edits and data set copies. Requirements Chart":
The starter system runs on any IBM Processor supported by OS/VS1 11. DASD 3330/3333 mdls 1 and 11, 3340, 3375, 3380 and 3350 are
which meets the minimum system requirements. RMS (Recovery generated on channel 1 and accessed on channel 1, with