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AMD GeodeTM SP4SC30 to SP4SC31
System Platforms Hardware Changes
and Software Compatibility
1.0 Scope
This application note discusses the hardware changes and The only potential issues for software applications written
the resulting software compatibility implications between for the SP4SC30 platform are those that made use of the
the AMD GeodeTM SP4SC30 and SP4SC31 system plat- CompactFlash connector (Change #9), PADCard connec-
forms. tor (Change #15), 5V ISA cards (Change #20), or the LM82
temperature sensor (Change #13). However, in all develop-
ment work done to date using the SP4SC30 platform, no
2.0 Discussion software developed by AMD has made use of these items,
which is why they have been removed or improved on the
Table 2-1 lists the hardware changes. The following sub-
SP4SC31 platform without causing any known software
section describes each hardware change from the
incompatibilities. Developers routinely make use of
SP4SC30 platform to the SP4SC31 platform and the impli-
CompactFlash cards. This is accommodated on the
cations of the change on software written for the SP4SC30
SP4SC31 platform by including an IDE to CompactFlash
platform. This includes utilization of the additional features
adapter card in the kit, with no affect on software.
of the SP4SC31 platform by new software, and
workarounds for previous applications written for SP4SC30 Furthermore, the SP4SC31 platform offers additional fea-
that may be affected by the changes. tures over the SP4SC30 platform, such as TV output, addi-
tional sound inputs, and is USB v1.1 compliant.
Note: All known software written for the SP4SC30 plat-
form is compatible with the SP4SC31 platform.
Table 2-1. Hardware Changes
Change # Description
1 TV output added
2 Additional audio inputs added to the AC97 codec
3 AC97 codec Data and Sync signals available on header
4 27 MHz oscillator option added
5 UDMA LED indicator added
6 Jumpers for VSBL and VCORE added
7 Option added for No Power Sequencing on Power on Reset (POR)
8 3.3V power added to the Video input Port (VIP) header
9 Removed CompactFlash connector
10 Changed resistors values on the IDE data lines for improved UDMA performance
11 Generated new GPIO signals
12 ACCESS.bus2 added to PCI slots
13 Changed temperature sensor from LM82 to LM92 and removed thermal diode header
14 Added push button to generate SMI events
15 Removed PADCard connector
16 USB ports are now v1.1 compliant
17 Changed the National Semiconductor COP8 touchscreen controller daughter card connector Interrupt
18 Diode OR of DOCCS* and ROMCS* added to generate LOG$DOCROMCS*
Revision 1.0 - July 2003 - Confidential 1
Application Note
Revision 1.0 - July 2003 - Confidential
Table 2-1. Hardware Changes (Continued)
Change # Description
19 Removed headers for the Cosmonaut tool
20 Removed PCI bus to ISA bus address line buffers
2.1 Hardware Changes
1) TV output added Implications: This is for debug purposes, and does
not affect software previously written for the
Description: Page 24 of the SP4SC31 schematic
SP4SC30 board, or offer any new features requiring
shows three new connectors, J4, J5, and J19. J4 is a
new software.
4-pin DIN connector for S-Video out, J5 is an RCA
connector for composite video out, and J19 is a 26- Software Workaround: Not applicable.
pin connector for SCART video out. The video
signals originate from the AMD Geode SC3200 4) 27 MHz oscillator option added
processor as shown on page 6 (lower-left) of the
schematics, and are filtered as shown on P24 before Description: Page 23 of the SP4SC31 schematic
being routed to the video connectors. Note that J4, shows the addition of a 27 MHz oscillator. It can be
J5, J19, and all of the other components on page 24 used in place of the 27 MHz crystal circuit shown on
are designated NL for no-load on the schematics, page 3 of the schematics by installing R154. Video
however, the boards have these parts installed as applications require more stability in the 27 MHz
part of a re-work note. clock for good picture quality. The SP4SC31 boards
have R154 installed, connecting the 27 MHz oscil-
Implications: The additional video circuitry does not lator to the processor, and the crystal circuit
affect software previously written for the SP4SC30 removed.
board. To take advantage of the video outputs, the
desired hardware must be installed on the board, and Implications: This does not affect software previ-
software must properly set the video registers in the ously written for the SP4SC30 board, or offer any
SC3200. See the AMD GeodeTM SC3200 Processor new features requiring new software.
Data Book for access to the video registers.
Software Workaround: Not applicable.
Software Workaround: Not applicable.
5) UDMA LED indicator added
2) Additional audio inputs added to the AC97 codec
Description: Page 11 of the SP4SC31 schematic
Description: Page 12 of the SP4SC31 schematic shows a new LED that indicates UDMA activity.
shows the addition of 4-pin headers J14, J13, J15,
Implications: This is a visual aid and does not affect
J21, and J22. These headers are for additional audio
inputs to the AC97 codec.
Software Workaround: Not applicable.
Implications: This additional hardware does not
affect software previously written for the SP4SC30
board. To take advantage of the new audio inputs, 6) Jumpers for VSBL and VCORE added
the AC97 codec must be programmed and operated Description: Page 6 of the SP4SC31 schematic
through the AC97 interface. shows two jumpers, J38 and J42, each connected
Software Workaround: Not applicable. across a 27.4K resistor that is used to adjust VCORE
and VSBL. These were added so the user could easily
and safely add a resistor in parallel to the 27.4K
3) AC97 codec Data and Sync signals available on
resistor to adjust the voltage.
Implications: Does not affect software.
Description: Page 12 of the SP4SC31 schematic
shows the AC97 control signals, AUD$DATAOUT and Software Workaround: Not applicable.
AUD$SYNC, available at header J32.
2 AMD GeodeTM SP4SC30 to SP4SC30 System Platforms Hardware Changes and Software Compatibility
Application Note
Revision 1.0 - July 2003 - Confidential
7) Option added for No Power Sequencing on Power 11) Generated new GPIO signals
on Reset (POR)
Description: Page 8 of the SP4SC31 schematic
Description: Page 6 of the SP4SC31 schematic shows U39, part # PCA9555DB, which is connected
shows two zero ohm resistors, R143 and R166, that to ACCESS.bus2, and generates 16 GPIO outputs.
may be used to select to bypass power sequencing Eight of them go to header J79, five to header J72,
on POR. R143 is a no-load and R166 is loaded. To one to the Eel connector J33 on page 18, and the last
bypass the normal power sequencing, R143 is two are reserved and terminated in a 10K resistor
loaded and R166 is removed. pack.
Implications: Does not affect software. Implications: This new feature does not affect soft-
ware previously written for SP4SC30, but new appli-
Software Workaround: Not applicable.
cations wanting to take advantage of the GPIO
signals must add software to communicate with U39
8) 3.3V power added to the Video Input Port (VIP) using ACCESS.bus2.
Software Workaround: Not applicable.
Description: Page 16 of the SP4SC31 schematic
shows the VCC3V power going through a 0.01 ohm
12) ACCESS.bus2 added to PCI slots
resistor, R237, and a 10