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We warrant each of our products to be free
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obligation under this warranty is to repair or
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within a year after shipment, proves defective
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To exercise this warranty, call your local
field representative or the Cleveland factory,
DDD 216-248-0400. You will be given assist-
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Keithley Instruments maintains a complete re-
pair service and standards laboratory in Cleve-
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in Los Angeles and in all countries outside the
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To insure prompt repair or recalibration serv-
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Section Page Section Page

I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . I-l 8. Time Constants - Slow
Response . . . . . III-13
II. SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . II-1 9. Transients Caused by
Push-to-Read Switch. III-14
III. OPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . III-1 10. Verification of the
Accuracy . . . . . III-14
A. Outline of Procedure . . . 111-1
B. Description of Controls IV. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION . . . . . IV-1
and Terminals . . . . . , III-2
C. Operation Steps. . . . . . . III-3 A. power Supply. . . . . IV-1
D. Standardization. . . . . . . III-4 B. Null Detector . . . . . IV-1
E. Connecting the Unknown C. Bridge Circuitry. . IV-3
Resistor. . . . . : III-4 D. Overvoltage Protection. . IV-4
F. External Bridge Voltage
Supply. . , , . . . . . , III-8 V. MAINTENANCE . . . V-l
G. Voltage Across Unknown and
Standard Resistors. , , , . III-8 6. REPLACEABLE PARTS . . . . . 6-l
H. Accuracy Considerations. . . III-9
1. Null Detector 6-l. Replaceable Parts List. 6-l
Sensitivity . . . . . . III-9 6-2. How to Order Parts. . 6-l
2. Null Detector Zero Model 515 Replaceable
Drift , . . . . . . . . III-10 Parts List . . . . 6-2
3. Resolution of the Model 515 Schematic
Readout . . . . . ; . . III-10 Diagram 14522D . . . 6-10
4. Accuracy of the Read- Green Calibration
out and Standard and Repair Form . . . . 6-11
Resistors . . . . . . . III-10
5. Temperature and Voltage
Coefficients in the * Change Notice Last page
Bridge Resistors. . . . 111-12
6. Leakage Resistance
Across the Unknown. . . III-12 *Yellow Change Notice sheet is included
7. Errors Caused by Guard only for instrument modifications affect-
to Ground Resistance. . 111-12 ing the Instruction Manual.

0568R i

The Model 515 MegohmBridge if5a Wheatstone Bridge for measuring
resistors from 105 ohme to 10 ohms with accuracies from 0.05% to
1.0%. It is complete, with an electrometer null detector, shielded
enclosure for the unknown, and a bridge voltage supply.
A unique system of switches is provided to allow corrections to be
made for the slow changes in resistance of the standard high megohm
resistors. This enables all values of resistance to be read with rated
accuracy, directly from the bridge dials.
Bridge voltages in one volt steps up to 10 volts are available from
the internal supply. With external supplies, voltages as high as
1,000 volts csn be used.
A connector is provided so that unknown resistors can be measured
outside the instrument as well as in the built-in shielded enclosure.

RANGE: lO5 to l&5 ohms with a six-dial in-line readout.
ACCURACY:As tabulated below, if bridge is operated so that volt-
age *cross stendard resistor does not exceed 10 volts.
RangeOhms Accuracy Possible Bridge Min. Volt. for
Voltage Rated Accuracy
105 to 10-f 0.05% 1tolooOV 5v
10 to 108 0.05 1tolocn 50
10;I to 109 0.10 1 to loo0 3
109 to 1010 o.l.5 1toloco 2
1010 to loll 0.2 1 to 1000 1
loll to loI2 0.25 1t0lOo0 1
12 to lo13 0.30 1 to 1000
El3 to 1014 0.5 1to 1000 1;
1014 to lo15 1.0 10 to 1000 100
For less than minimum voltage, accuracy decreases in proportion
to the ratio of applied voltage to minimum stated voltage.
INKTT: Built-in compartment or Remote Test Chamber with teflon-
insulated triexial cable.
GROUNDING:One terminal of unknown is at ground potential.

yy4DmmR Electrometer with a grid current of less than 5 x
amperes and sensitivity ranges of lvolt perdiv. to 1 mill-i-
volt per diw in decade ranges. Reading is non-linear past l/3 of
full scale for ease in balancing.
ZEROCREYX Normally closed zero-check button shorts out null de-
tector input except when depressed.
BRIWEFQTERTI&z Internal: From zero to 10 volts in one volt steps
selectable from the front panel. External: With Keithley Model 2443
or 241Power Supply, from zero to 100 volts on any resistance reading,
from 100 to 1000 volts provided the readout dial is at least in the
x10 position. Bridge interlocks, and the inherent overload protection
of the Keithley power supplies, prevent damage if readout dial is in-
advertently placed in the wrong position. Since other types of power
supplies do not provide the correct overload protection, only the
Keithley Model 240 or 241 is recormnended.
POWER: 100-130 or 200-260 volts, 50-60 cps. 10 watts.
TIJBEANDTRANSIS!t.OR i-5886, 2-6418, 1-0~2; 1-2~1535,
ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE: Model 5151 End Frames with mounting hardware,
rubber feet. Model 5154 Cabinet; Model 5152 Remote Test Chamber with
60" triaxial cable and bridge connector; Model 5153 60" trisxial. cable
with bridge connector on one end.

515 II - 1
DIMENSIONB: Model 515 bfegolpnBridge, 19" w x 14" h x I@" d.
Model5154 Cabinet, 21" w x 25" h x 16&f a.
NE2 WEIGR!J!z Model 515 Megolm Bridge, 24 lbs. Model. 5154 Cap-
inet, 52 lbs.

515 II - 2

A. OUTLINEOF PROCEDURE, (taken from instructions fastened to the
inside of the door of the Shielded Measuring Compartment).
1. Connect power cord to 115 volts, 50/60 cps unless specified
on rear for 230 volt. To change line voltage see Section V -
2. Turn on power; set MILLIVOI/IS PER DIVISION switch to 1000;
release HJSH'IO READswitch. Set meter to zero with FINE ZERO.
If necessary use COARSE ZERO. Increase sensitivity and rebal-
ace. Drift which msy be apparent at maxirann sensitivity will
become negligible after a short warm-up.
1PLIERdialtom; and RESISTAEtX, OHMS dials to 10.000. Bring
to exact null with ORMS dials; at the same time increase the null
detector sensitivity to ma%-. Release HJSH READbutton
and set FUNCTION 9
switch to CALIBRATE. Adjust l0 CALIBRATE
potentiometer to give a null when II 9?3FONDswitch is oper-
ated. Next set exponent dial t&IO T and repeat step 3. Do
the same in sequence UJP thrn I.0 . This completes the bridge
4. 0PEwJ!I0N: Place resistor to be measured in compartment.
Locate the ground clip to suit the resistor length, and close
Select bridge voltage. Internal voltages from 1 to 10 volts
or external voltages up to 100 volts may be used with no special
precautions. Above I.00 volts the xl0 or xUl0 dial must not be
set at zero. With the Kelthley 240 or 241 Power Sypp3y, the
interlock circuit will prevent damage.
Set null detector sensitivity to minimum and operate PUSHM
READbutton. If miU. detector deflects to left the readout
dials (RESISTAECE,OBMS)are set below value of resistance.
Increase the indicated mISTAWCE until a null is obtained.
If null detector deflects to right reduce the indicated RE-
SISTANCE. If no deflection is observed increase null detector
sensitivity. Final balance should be made tith enough sensltiv-
ity to give required accuracy.
For external operation, attach special cable only to input con-
nector and set FUEtX!IONswitch to EiilWNU OPEW. Since the
door interlock is now inoperative observe care with high bridge
5. ACCURACY:As tabulated below, if bridge is operated so
that voltage acrose stendard resistor &es not exceed 10 volts.

515 III -1
Rang% ohms Accuracy Possible Bridge Min. Volt. for
Voltage Rated Accuracy
I.05 to lo; 1tolooov 5v
I.07 lo to loo0 50
108 : $9 1to lGQ0 3
I.09 to 1010 1 to loo0 2
lo~tolo~ 1 to loo0 1
lo~tolLG 1tOlOOO
lo12 to I.013 0.36 1 to 1000 ;
lo13 to lo*
lo14 to I.015 0.5
1.0 ltolcoo
lotoKxxl lE
For less then mlnimm voltage, acouracy decreases in proportion
to the ratio of applied voltage to minirmpmstated voltage.
BRIR3EVOUCS: This rotary switch adjusts the voltage applied
to the bridge In 1 volt steps up to I.0 volts and &so Is used
to energize the external supply circuit when it is in the EK!l!
ON: Toggle switch is the main power switch. Preseme of power
is indicated by the i-ted meter dial.
MIUXVOIfE3 PER DIVJSIOIk Rotary switch provides decade step6
of nuU detector sensitivity.
FINE ZERO: Ten-turn control18 used for sett%ng the null de-
tector to zero.
COARBEZERO: Eleven position rotary switch sets the meter zem
,&thin the range of the FINE ZEROcontrols. It mey be swltchee8
with a screwdriver from the fxont panel.
NUT&INDICAMR: Three-inch meter, Incorporating a non-linear
;mvement for easy bridge balancing,
'RTSH9X) READz Push-button switch mxnNJy shorts the miJ.l de-
tector @put. It may be locked In the open position.
'FUNCTION Four position rotary stitch provides the necessary
circuit arrangements for calibration of the standards, and also
employed when the unknown resistor is outslde the instr7.mvd.
'RESIS'JANCE,OHMS: These seven di.als include five decade step
xw-itches and one rheostat which forn the variable arm of the
bridge. !W seventh dial is a nailtiplier switch. At b&lance,
the unknown resistance is read directly from these dials.
Below these dials is the shielded test chamber. This contains
the external input connector and 81s calibration controls in
addition to the guarded test terminal. The external input con-
nector is a teflon insulated triexial receptacle (Gremw 5632~).

515 III - 2
EUSE: A fuse extractor post Is located on the rear of the in-
strmnent . For ILL5 volt operation use a 3 AG, t amp. fuse; for
230 volts use a 3 b3, l/8 mqp.
POWER CORD: The three wire cord with the NlNA approved three-
prong plug provides a ground connection for the cabinet. An
adapter to allow operation from twn prong outlets is provided.
ACCESSORY OUTLET: A three-terminal convenience outlet Is pro-
vided on the rear for operation of an external power supply.
It is wired directly to the powr cord and is not controlled
by the bridge power stitch.
EXTEBNAL INHTl!z UHF receptacle on the rear of the instrument,
used to connect an external power sqpply when bridge voltages
above 10 volts are desired.
1. Connect power cord to ll5 volt, g/f50 cps, unless specified
on resx for 230 volts. !Co change line voltage see Section V,
2. Set null detector to l.CW milklvnlts per cllvislon and un-
lock PUSH'JB READsnitch so null detector input is shorted (note
the null detector is normeSLy shorted corresponding to sn open
galvanonder key).
3. !Cum power on and allow 30 seconds for warm-up. The meter
should indicate zero. Increase mill sensitivity and re-zero
if necessary. If the detector cannot be set to zero, use the
coarse zero control.
4. Standardize the bridge if necessary (See D - Stsdardiza-
z, following).
5. Insert the component to be measured in its test fixture.
Set the function switch to OPRRATE when using the self-contained
shielded measuring compartment, or set it to EWERNALOPFJWCE
when the unknown is located in the Model 51.52 Ren&e Test Chamber
or in another external sample holder. See E. Connecting to the
Unknown Resistor, which follows for detailed instructions for
connecting the unknown.
6. Set the BRnaE MU16 to the desired value. For external
bridge supplies, see F. External. Bridge Voltage Supply following.
7. Operate the FWH M RENI button and b&Lance for null with
the resistsnce dials. Increase the null detector sensitivity
(See H.Aa?uracy) to give the desired accuracy at final belsxxe.
The resistance of the comnent is then read. directly from the
resistence dlaJ.8.
Use x M to x O.OOldi

515 III - 3
Wire-wound resistors have the greatest accuracy and keep their cali-
brations over long periods of time. Values greater then about one-
megohm, however, are too large and too expens e to be widely used.
Carbon film resistors provide values up to 10ei ohms and higher with
reasonable SUCC~QS this type resistor is used in the Model 515.
But then value of these resistors changes wlth time, sometimes one
or two percent per year.
The Keithley Model 515 MegohmBridge has been designed so that fre-
quent compensations can be made for variations of its high-megohm
standard resistors. This process is called Standardization and is
carried out as given below. Section IV - Circuit Description dis-
cusses the circuitry involved.
The bridge should be restandardized following a chenge in tempera-
ture of greater than about lOoF, and at least once each week, to
compensate for the errors introduced in the carbon standards by tem-
perature and time. For the utmost accuracy possible from the bridge,
it can be standardized. daily, hourly, or immediately before a crit-
ical measurement.
To Standardize the Bridge:
1. Set the Multi lier (the farthest right of the RESISTANCE,
OfJim dials) to 108 .
3. Set NCLtLDETECTOR 1000 mv per division.
4. Operate IUSH ltl READswitch and balance the bridge as in
normal operation. The reading will be close to 10.00. The
final balance should be made with maxinnunnull sensitivity.

5. Release BUSHTo READswitch and set FUNCTIONswitch to
6., Operate PUSHTo READswitch and re-balance the bridge with
the 10 CALIBRQE potentiometer located in the Shielded Measur-
ing Compartment.
7. Turn FUNCTIONswitch back to STANDARDIZE.

8. Turn multiplier to I.07 and repeat steps 4 thru 7. Do this
for each successive mult lier thru 1011. The 1Ou position
is ot used since the 10f?i ohm standard is calibrated in the
lo I.? multiplier position.
1.~ Using Internal Test Chsmber

515 III - 4
Fig. 1 Shielded Measuring Compartment, With Unknown Installed
The bottom section of the bridge contains the shielded compart-
ment for holding the unknown resistor, and is accessible when
the hinged door has been opened. The compartment has been de-
signed for greatest user convenience. Its being shielded elim-
bates troublesome pickup, and the unit construction eliminates
the necessity for having cables running from the unknown to
the bridge, with their associated flexure noise.
The measuring compartment will accept resistors up to about
eight inches long. Connections to the bridge are made through
banana jacks. A convenient clip to use with the banana jack
is the readily available Grayhlll Test Clip #2,1; it has a ban-
sna plug on the bottom snd spring clips on the top for holdin@;
the resistor heads; three are supplied with each bridge. These
clips are illustrated in Fig. 1, holding a typical high-megohm
A number of ground jacks have been provided so that the ground
clip can readily be placed for conveniently holding the unknown
resistor, irrespective of its length.
In measuring high resistances, the many precautions necessary
in electrometer techniques must be borne in mind; most important
are the need for dryness and cleanliness so that leakage resist-
ance paths from the HI terminal to ground will not affect the
accuracy of measurement, and mounting the resistor so that its
body does not touch conductors or other insulators setting up
undesired or inadvertent leakage paths.

53.5 III - 5
2. Unknown Resistance Ecternal to ths Bridge.
The Moe1 51.52 Remote Test Chamber shown in Fig. 2 Is used for
testing irmilation or making other external shielded measure-
ments.: This test chamber is equipped with an integral &I-Inch
teflontinsulated trisxial cable fitted with a conuector for
attaching to the mating cqnnector in the Shielded Measuring
Compar&nentlnthebr.Mge. The chamber and connecting cable
are rated for continous operation at temperatures as Wgh as

Flg. 2.Model 5152 Remote Test Chamber
The eLectrical connections are made throngh banana jacks in
the oh&her. The hw.yhilJ. #2-1Test Clips as shown in Fig. 2
are furnished to facilttwte installing unkuowns tith axisJ~lea&s.
The banana jacks of course, can be used with any other connectors
or resistor holders.
To use:the Model 5152 Remote Test Chamber, fasten its cable
connector into the mating connector located in the Measuring
Compartment in the Bridge, and connect the unknown resistor
betweeq the RI and GROUND banana jacks in the Test Chamber (us-
ing the Cks+yhil.l test clips if possibae).
The third bsnsz.%jack in the Renwbe Test Chamber Is QUARD;it
Is cdn@ected through the inner shield braid of ths triaxial
cable to the guard connection in the Bridge.
Guarding is used exbenslvely in the Bridge to reduce the e&or6
causedfby spurions Le&age cwrents. WaxIing should also be
[email protected] in the construction of test electrodes fitted to the
RemoteITest Chamber, in order to obtain the greatest accuracy
from We bridge measurement,

515 III - 6
The guard conductors are driven from the galvanometer junction
of the low tiedance standard arms of the bridge; a total re-
sistance less than 10" ohms from guard to gmund till stit
the standards sufficiently to create errors great enough to
impair the rated accuracy of the bridge. Great care has been
taken in the construction of the bridge to kee the GUARD to
GROUND resistance substantial& higher than 10Yl ohms, and cexe
should be taken by the user to maintain that high level.
Fig. 3 is a simplified schematic diagram showin@;the electrical
connections of the standard and readout resistors, the unknown,
the null detector, and the guarding. A more extensive discus-
sion of the circuit operation and guarding will be found in
Section IV Circuit Description.

Fig. 3 Model 515 MegohmBridge, Simplified Schematic Diagram
In cases where measurements with the unknown external to the
bridge are necessary and the Model 5152 Remote Test Chambe?
is not suitable, the user can make his own holding fixture
and connect it to the bridge.
Teflon insulded trisxial cable should be used for the con-
nection. The central conductor is the High Impedance conductor;
the inner shield braid is the Guard, and is driven from the
low impedance arms of the bridge; and the outer braid is GND,
to provide shielding. Amphenol 21-529 is a suitable cable.

515 III - 7
The connector should also be teflon insulated. Gremar 7991
is satisfactory. Fig. 4 shows the connector and cable.
Bridge voltages higher than the 10 volts available from the internal
4 are desired when measuring resistances greater than about
;;r; ohms, or in studying the voltage coefficient of a resistor.
A UliF connector labelled EXTERN& LLNFVT mounted on the rear of
the bridge cabinet for ready connection of a high voltage source.
The shell of the connector is at ground potential, and this grounds
one terminal of the external bridge supp4. The central conductor
is the high - voltage lead. The bridge is insulated so that the
external bridge voltage can be as high as 1000 volts.
Either the Keithley Model 241 or the 240 Regulated High Voltage Sup-
ply makes a very satisfactory source for external bridge voltage.
The over-current protection on each is an important feature in pre-
xenting damage to the bridge resistors or to the unknown.
Whenusing externalbridge supply, setBRII?GEVOLTSto EXTafter
connecting the supply to the UHF receptacle on the rear panel. Do
not app4 more than 100 volts unless the x ICC or the x 10 dial is
in a position other than "O", for too much current will flow through
the bridge resistors. With the recommendedModel 240 or 241 Regulated
Voltage Supp4 the over current protection will prevent damage in
the eventthis precaution is not observed.
In making voltage coefficient measurements, it should be kept in
mind that the voltage applied to a Wheatstone Bridge is greater than
the voltage appearing across the unknown resistance being measured.
The relationship between the bridge voltage and the voltage across
the unknown is given in Section 0, below.
The shielded measuringcompartment in the bridge has a safety switch
which is operated when the door is closed. This switch operates
a relay whiah applies the voltage from the external bridge supply
to the bridge circuit. With the door open, the voltage is renmved,
so that the unknown can be changed without possible harm to the operator.
When the unknown is located outside the bridge, and the FUNCTION
switch set to MTERNALOPERATE,this safety interlock is removed fmm
the circuit< Unless the external bridge voltage supply is turned
off or disconnected, voltages dangerous to the operator may be present
at the unknown terminals. A convenient means of disconnecting the
source is to switch the BRIDGEVOLTAGE from EXT to zero.
In many cases, particular4 in measuring coefficients of resistors.
it is important to know the voltege across the unknown. In measuring

515 III - 8
the leakage resistance of capacitors, the applied voltage must be
known to avoid breakdown. Also, for rated accuracy, the voltage
across the standard resistor must not exceed ten volts.
If the bridge voltage is E, the unknown resistance X, and the stand-
ard resistance S, then the voltage across the unknown is:

and the voltage across the standard is:

The bridge voltage is read from the BRImE VOLTSdial or from the
external bridge voltage supply. The standard resistance is the value
indicated by the m&tiplier dial.
The accuracy of measurement of an unknown resistor in a Wheatstone
Bridge depends primarily on the accuracy and stability of the other
three arms in the bridge, upon the resolution of the variable arm,
and upon the ability of the null detector to respond to the small
incremental changes in the variable arm. There are also numerous
secondary effects. These will aU be discussed below.
1. Null Detector Sensitivity.
To be able to detect a desired fractional deviation of the un-
known, corresponding to the wanted percent accuracy of the measure-
ment, the required null detector sensitivity is given by the
approximate expression*:

e is the null detector signal in volts
x is the incremental pa-t of the unknown resistance
E is the Bridge Potential in volts
S is the Standard Resistance, in ohms
X is the Unknown Resistance, in ohms
For resolutions of O.l$ in the unknown,
x = 0.00l.x
If X and S are approximately equal, and the Bridge Potential
is 10 volts,
o.oolx = 0.0015,

e = 0.0025 v0its
(2.5 millivolts)
*See Electrical Measurements by F. K. Harris. John Wiley & Sons, N. Y. 19.52
OY63R 515 III - y
In the case when X is approximately 10 S,

e = .W8 volts
(o .8 miuvolts)
The maximum sensitivity of the null detector in the Model 515
MegohmBridge is one millivolt per meter dial division, and
is thus sufficient for the rated accuracy of the bridge. Care
should be taken, however, to be certain that the detector sen-
sitivity and the bridge potential are great enough end the re-
sistance of X end S are sufficiently close to each other to
obtain the expected accuracy of measurement.
A check on the sensitivity of the system may be made by unbalanc-
ing the bridge readout dials a given percentage and observing
the null detector deflection.
2. Null Detector Zero Drift.
Vacuum tube electrometers drift about one to two millivolts
per hour, and this rate can be expected in the Null Detector.
Obviously, a false balance is indicated if the meter points
to zero, indicating balance, when in reality thereare several
millivolts at the input.
This error is easily eliminated by adjusting the null detector
to zero,whlle the PUSH7.0 READbutton is released, then depres-
sing the button end balancing the bridge.
3. Resolution of the Readout.
Using only the readout dials x10 through x.001, full rotation
of the x.001 dial is O.l$ of the total setting. The dial can
be easily read to one-twentieth of its full rotation, giving
a readout resolution of 0.005%. This is ten times the best
accuracy specified for any range.
Whenusing all the dials, the readout resolution is very much
greater than the maximumaccuracy.
4. Accuracy of the Readout Resistors,the Standard Resistors,
end the Standard Calibration Controls. (See Fig. 3 for the
location of each of them in the Wheatstone Bridge Circuit).
The accuracy of the resistors on the switches controlled by
each Readout Dial (RFSISTANCE,OHMS)is:

515 III - 10
Xl00 x.01 X.001
0.5% O%$ 0.1% 1.0%
ma~i.smmaccuracy with the bridge is obtained when using the
dials xlOthroughx.001. !l!his is because the most accurate
readout resistors are used, and also because the unknown re-
sistance and the standard resistance are sufficiently close
that the null detector has enough sensitivity with bridge Wit-
eges less than ten volts (see Section III R. 1).
!Chexl00 dial has only 0.5% resistors associated with it
because of the extremely high cost of more act te high
value resistors, and because resistors above 10 ohms
are not very stable high accuracy measurements are not
The resistors on the x.01 end x.001 dials are less accurate
because they are not followed by enough diels to give high
resolution, and their accuracies are great enough for rated
accuracy when using the x1.0 to x.001 dials.
With the MCLTIPLIER dial in either the 105 or 106 position
all three aTm6 in the bridge itself are wirewound resistors
accurate to .02f&, permitting the unknown to be measured to an
accuracy of .05$.
With the MUTEIPL.lRR the lo7 position, after the Standardiza-
tion process, the bridge accuracy is that of the previous re,nge
(.05$) plus the error introduced by standardizing, which is
conservatively set at .05$.

FoUowing this pattern, the accuracy of the bridge at each suc-
cessive step of the lrmltiplier dial is the accuracy of the pre-
vious step plus the .05$ standardizing error. It is in this
fashion that the accuracies in the specifications up thru 1012
ohms were derived.
FromlO~tto l.014 ohms, enough secondaryl~ffects are present
to warrant the 0.5% rating, and above I.0 ohms, the xl00 dial
is used, adding enough further error to bring the overall accuracy
rating to l.O$.
The standard resistors used are as follows:
Multiplier Resistor !Pype Accuracy
Wire Wound
0 (1 0.0s
q 0.0s
Dezosit,ed Carbon 1.0 %
3 1.0 5
II 2.0 $3
30 2.0 $
I& I! II
ld2 II 11

515 III - XL
The Standard Calibration Controls arm is either a wirewound
resistor accurate to 0.02$, or deposited carbon resistors in
series with trinnaing potentiometers.
5. Temperature and Voltage Coefficient of Bridge Resistors.
The wirewqind resistors employed are free from voltage coefficient.
They use one of the lowest temperature coefficient of resistance
alloys available, changing 20 parts per million per 'C, or O.OG~$,/~C.
They are measured at room temperature, 25oc, end for greatest
accuracy, the bridge should be used near this temperature.
The depositedcarbon and Hi-Meg resistors have substantially
higher temperatuqe coefficients of resistance than the wire-
wound resistors. But if the bridge is allowed to come to its
working temperature and standardized, it will have its rated
accuracy unless the temperature changes. In this case it should
be restandardized.
Deposited carbon and Hi-Meg resistors also exhibit voltage co-
efficientof resistance. The'Hi-Meg resistors used in the bridge
are spiralled and have about one tenth the voltage coefficient
of standard Hi-Meg units. Nevertheless, the voltage across
these resistors should not exceed 10 volts for ms.xitmsnaccur-
acy . Seem Section G. Voltage Across Unknown and Standard Re-
sisters .
6. Leakage Resistence Across the Unknown.
lOlo ohms shunting one megohm(I.0 6 ohms) produces a change of
0.015; and 1015 ohms shunting 1012 ohms produces a 0.1% change.
With high resistance resistors end high accuracies leakage re-
sistance is an important consideration.
The termipals of the Model 515 MegohmBridge have been carefully
made with teflon insulation, and guarding has been employed
extensiveily . The major concern of the operator in using the
bridge is to keep the insulation clean and dry. The user, how-
ever, should be greatly concerned with the bobbin and housing
or casing of his unlrnown resistor and with any specielly built
holdllng fixture. Paper base bakelite which has been handled
and allowed to remain in a humid atmosphere has a surprisingly
low resistance. Glass envelopes which have been handled and
have finger oil and salt paths between fused-in wire conductors,
or simple water vapor paths, also csn have a surprisingly low
resistance. E&reme care is necessary to avoid unsuspected
errors or: instabilities in measuring high resistances.
7. Errors Caused by Guard to Ground Resistance.
Guarding, as described in Fig. 3 Section III E, is used exten-
sively in.the construction of the Model 515 MegohmBridge to

515 III - l2
reduce errors caused by undesired leakege currents. The Guard
conductors are driven from the low impedance side of the Null
Detector. Resistance from Guerd to Ground shunts the resistors
on the Readout Mel switches and the Standard Calibration con-
trols. The Readout Mal resistors of xl0 to x.OClmay be as
shunted with 5 x of ~~~nt~~~$o~~ 10
In the buildl
shunting errorT was establish;d for the lowest Guard to Grouud
resistence, and the user should da nothing to lower it.
The Guard &onductors are mstly inside the instrument cabinet
but Gusrd is exposed in the connector on the external unknown.
Wreme care must be taken at all times, with the instrument
cover on or'off, to maintain the cleanliness and dryness of
the Guard to Ground insulators.
The Guard conductor is also exposed in the 5152 Remote Test
Chamber. If sny resistor-holding electrode is connected to
T&M&% 12 G
5 5 uard, it too, must have a resistance greater
ohms to ground, for meximumaccuracy.
8. Time Constants - Slow Responses
Ten picofarads and ICE ohms have a time constent of I.0 seconds;
the wiring capacitances in the bridge end null detector input
combined with an unknown of about 1012 ohms produces a time
constant of several seconds.
The time constant is apparent in the length of time required
for the null detector meter to reach its final position after
an ed.justmellt has been made in the bridge.
For maxin~~~measuring accuracy, the bridge null mnst be care-
fully determined, and readings taken only after the null detector
meter pointer has stopped moving.
The bridge has been carefully designed to keep the stray capacit-
ances as low as possible, so that measurements can be made as
rapidly as possible. In measuring resistors greater than lOl2
ohms, the standard resistor is never greater than 1012 ohms,
thus the time constant is never longer then several seconds.
Measuring the leakage resistance of capacitors with the Model
515 MegohmBridge can be a very tedious process, for with good
capacitors with very little leakage, the time constants with
the bridge impedances c&n be as long as several days. It is
recommendedthat this sort of measurement be done by charging
the capacitor to a known voltage and measuring its voltage at
known times later with a Keithley electrometer voltmeter.

515 III - 13
9. Transients Caused by Push-to-Read Stitch
Whenever two conductors have been m&zing contact and are.separ-
ated, a~charge appears on the contictors. In the Model 515
MegobmBridge, this charge transfer is apparent in the null
detector meter when the Push-to-Read swltch is operated, re-
moving the short circuit across the detector input. It
is mxt~noticeable when using the 10EP ohm multiplier and measur-
ing unknowns of 10" ohm or greater.
The Push-to-Read switch has been very carefully designed and
constrnqted to minimd.ze charge transfer, but a few nKU.Llivol.ts
are often induced in the bridge circuit by its operation.
!Phis is not harmful, but it is necessary to wait each time the
switch Is operated, for several time constants during which
the voltages come to their steady-state value, and the null-
detector meter pointer stops drifting.
10. Verification of Accuracy
In chec ng the ccuracy of prototype bridges, resistors of
105, 10F, ani 10? ohms were coqpared between the Model 515,
and. a Leeds and Northrup Guarded Wheatstone Bridge, Catalog
4232-B. These measurements were thus traceable to the National
Bureau gf Standards, e& were verified with various resistor
manufackurers. Agreement was within O.Ol$, which is weld. tithin
Model 515 specifications.
Resisttlllce values between 107 and. I.010 ohms were s-ted by
a deltzwye Transformation; AIEE !!kansactlons Paper 58-556
gives the details.
Resistance values up to 10U ohms were also measured carefulJy
by meas~ing the discbarge times of accurately known capacitors.
Above I.+ ohms, stray capacitances Introduced too much error.
Both the delta-wye and capacitor discharge measurements were
well within the specified accuracy of the de1 515. !Che10"
ohm range was checked by measuring ten 103Y ohm resistors and
series. Agreement was obtained within
,,,,cogy$2hm Y
to 10 5 ohs, accuracy is assured by the care-
ful. meaqurement of the resistors In the xl00 and xl0 switches
in the peadout arm of the bridge.
Ten resistors connected in parallel, measured accurately, and
then cowected in series is another method of obtaining high
value resistors to great accuracies, end was used extensively
in developing the bridge in production tests. This method is
described in "ElectrlcalMeasurements" by Harris. See Section
H, part 1.

515 III - 14
In the manufacture of each Model 515 MegohmBridge, each of
the bridge resistors is measured and found to be within its
rated limits before the bridge is assembled. After assembly,
each step on each decade is checked with a precision decade
box as the unknown resistor. Following this, Keithley de-
veloped standard resistors are used to check each step of
the multiplier switch. The internal applied bridge voltage
supply and nul.l detector sensitivity and zero drift are also

515 III - 15

The circuit of the Model 515 MegohmBridge consists of three major
components: the Dower supply, the electrometer null-detector and
the Wheatstone Bridge.
A. FowEFl
The power supply consists of a transformer, rectifiers and filters,
a transistor regutitor supplying I.2 volts dc, and a transistor con-
verter which supplies voltages Isolated from ground to the null-
detector. A portion of the I2 volts dc Is used to polarize the
A detailed description of the power supply is as follows: Drawing
14522-D at the rear of the manual is the complete schematic. Tl
is the power transformer operating from the power line. The primary
may be connected for either IlO or 220 volts. One secondary is center-
tapped and, with diodes r@ and DlO, supplies 18 volts at 250 ma. The
other secondary and half-wave rectifier Dll supplies 20 volts at 10
ma. The 18 volts is applied to the collector of $1 and is dropped
to I.2 volts through the action of Ql and the associated regulator
Q4 and Q5 form a difference amplifier which compares a portion of
the I.2 volt output with the reference voltage derived from zener
diode Dl4. Q3 and Q2 are used as amplifier and driver for output
transistor Ql. D13 is supplied from the 20 volt supply referred
to above. This supply is "boot-strapped" on the I2 volt regulated
supply to furnish a regulated return point for R2l2, the load resistor
for Q3. The circuitry is so designed that any change in load cur-
rent, or line voltage is compensated perfectly within the operating
range. The regulated I2 volts supplies the transistor inverter,
consisting of transistors Q6 and Q7 and transformer T2, and also
the ten volt bridge polarizing potential.
Transformer T2 and transistors Q6 and Q7 form a dc inverter operat-
ing at approximately 200 cps. The feedback winding to the bases
of the transistors provides the oscillator drive. The primary in-
ductance of the transformer determines the frequency of oscillation.
T2 Is especially well insulated to provide the necessary insulation
of guard to ground in the bridge circuit. Since the l2 volt source
is exceedingly well regulated, all the secondary voltages are unaf-
fected by line voltage variation. Therefore, the operation of the
null-detector is not affected by line voltage variations.
Fig. 4 is a simplified circuit diagram of the null detector. The
component designations are the same as used In the complete schematic.
The power supply potentials are represented by batteries for simplicity.

515 Iv -1

FIG. 4

The filaments of Pl, V2 and V3 are in series and supplied with 3.6
volts. This voltage also is used to bias the electrometer tube,
Vl. V2 is an amplifier and V3 is the output tube. The output clr-
cuit is somewhat unique and operates as follows: The meter will
have zero deflection only if there is no potential difference be-
tween the plus terminal of B3 and minus terminal of FE. This will
occur only if the drop across Rl@+ is equal to the potential of B3.
This zero output condition is set by adjusting the screen voltage
of Vlwith the fine zero control, ~164, and the coarse zero control,
89. An input signal will cause the plate current of V3 to change,
and. the drop across Rlk.4 will increase or decrease, depending on the
polarity of the signal. A current will then flow thru the meter
and one of the range resistors on SlO, the sensitivity switch. Since
the low impedance side of the input is the minus meter terminal the
potential drop across the range resistor will alter the potential
of the filament circuit in such a way that the grid-filement potential
of Vl will remain nearly constant. The filament is the "Driven Guard"
since its instantaneous ac potential is nearly equal to the ac poten-
tial of the input signal. All the guarded points of the bridge em-
cept Sll are returned to this point. This acts as a driven shield
and a considerable increase in response speed is realized in certain

51.9 IV - 2
The simplified bridge circuit is shown in Fig. 5. One ratio arm,
A. is the six read-out dials. The other ratio arm, B, is nominally
I.cO K ohms for each multiplier rage. With the multiplier set at
105 the standard resistor S and the ratio arm B are both 105 ohm
.O f~ wirewound units. When the multiplier is set at 106, S Is a
102 ohm ,025 wire wound and B is 105 ohm .02$. With the multiplier
at 107 or higher the standard resistor is a carbon film unit of limited
accuracy and B is a 95 K fixed resistor in series with a 10 K rheo-
stat. By the standardizing procedure described below B is set to an
appropriate value to compensate for error in S and the bridge will
be direct reading.
The first step in standardizing is done with the multiplier at 106
and the FUNCTION switch at STANDARDIZE. The basic circuit is then
as shown in Fig. 6. The unknown X has been disconnected and the
standard resistor for the 107 range is in its place. Balsa ng the
bridge with the read-out eJ.s will give the value60f the 103 stand-
ard as compared to the 10 gi standard. Since the 10 standard is an
accurate wirewound unit the value in cated for the 107 resistor
is quite accurate. In Fig. 3 the 10"i' ohm resistor is assumed to
be 5% high and the read-out dials will indicate 10.500.
Leaving the read-out dials set the FUNCTION switch is next set to
CALIBRATE. As shown in the simplified schematic of Fig. 7 the
standard and unknown resistors are replaced with a network of 1O:l
ratio, *ccurate to .Ol Ratio arm B is now B7, the adjustable leg
a sociated with the 10q* ohm stan d"r"d. Rebalanc f ng the bridge with
B6f a null will be obtained when B is 1.05 X 10 ohms.
This completes the standarization of the 107 ohm standard resistor.
After this, when using this resistor as a standard its 5% error is
exactly corrected for by B7 being 5% high.

515 IV - 3
To standardize the 10' ohm standard the multiplier is set at 107,
the FUNCTION switch is returned to STANDARLWE, and the bridge is
again balanoed withgthe read-out dials. The indicated read-ou is
the value of the 10 ohm resistor compared to the corrected 10ft ohm
standard. Next the RJETION yitch is set to CALIBRAT'gand the bridge
is rebalanced with ratio arm B .
Af$3r folio* this procedure in sequence for multiplIer positions
10 thru l0 the bridge is completely standardized and will be direct
reading on *Xi ranges.
The function of V4, 8 gas regulator tube, is to prevent damage to
the readout resistors from excessive bridge voltage. It is connected
thru auxiliary contacts on the xl00 snd xl0 dials across the bridge
voltage. Thus if both dials are at zero the circuit is complete
and, if snore than 133 volts is applied to the bridge, the tube will
conduct current. With a Keithley Model 240 or 241 Voltage Supply
this current W-XL be enough to trip the overload relay and no damage
will be done. If an unprotected source is used it is possible that
V4 would be ruined and then possibly the readout resistors would
overheat from excessive current.

IV - 4

Very few maintenance problems will arise from ordinary use of the
bridge. The components used have adequate safety margins and, since
the total power consumption is only 10 watts, very little tempera-
ture rise will occur even with continuous operation.
If it becomes apparent that the bridge is not working properly the
first step is to check the voltage on the printed circuit boards.
Removethe six screws on each side and the two on top and remove
the cover. Check the voltages on the main power supply board and
null detector board as shown on Drawing 14363-c.
If the difficulty is determined to be in the null detector proper
the following procedure will be helpful in isolating the cause:
Short circuit the feedback by jumpering the feedback resistor in
use. These resistors are mounted on S-10, MILLIVWIS PER DIVISION.
The sensitivity w-ill. now be about 500 microvolts per division and
it will be rather difficult to keep the meter on-scale with the ZERO
control. However, if it is possible to swing the tube voltages thru
the values indicated on 14363-c the stage is working satisfactorily.
Start with Vland workthru to V3. Once the defective stage is
located check the tube itself and then the associated components.
If it is necessary to replace the electrometer tube avoid touching
the glass near the lead wires.
Once the bridge is operating a good check on the accuracy may be
amde by placing the multiplier at 105 and the IUNCTION switch at
STARDARDIZR. A null balance should be obtained with the readout
dials at IO.000 f.O5$. If the reading is not within these limits
it is recommendedthat the unit be returned to the factory for re-
The overvoltage tube, Vk, will ordinarily not carry any current and
should last indefinitely. However, if the instrument has been used
with a supply lacking adequate overload protection it is possible
the tube may be damaged. If this has happened it is likely that
other components have been damaged also. Check the resistors in
arm A and B of the bridge (RIJJ. thro RI.23 and Rl71 thrn Rlgl).
230 volt operation:
To change the power line voltage to 230 volt remove the two jumpers
at the bottom of the main power supply board and connect a single
jumper as shown in the circuit schematic, 14522-D. Be sure the line
cord is removed from the power when doing this. Replace the 4 ampere
yrC: fuse with a l/8 ampere unit.

515 V-l


6-1. REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST. The Replaceable Parts List describes the components of the
Model 515. The List gives the circuit designation, the part description, a suggested
manufacturer, the manufacturer's part number and the Keithley Part Number. TIE name and
address of the manufacturers listed in the "Mfg. Code" column are in Table 2.


a. For parts orders, include the instrument's model and serial number, the Keithley
Part Number, the circuit designation and a description of the part. All structual parts
and those parts coded for Keithley manufacture (80164) must be ordered through Keithley
Instruments, Inc. or its representative. In ordering a part not listed in the Replaceable
Parts List, completely describe the part, its function and its location.

b. Order parts through your nearest Keithley representative or the Sales Service Depart-
ment, Keithley Instruments, Inc.

sw ampere M mega (106)
milli (10e3)
CerD Ceramic, Disc 2,. Manufacturer
Camp Composition
0 ohm
3Cb Deposited Carbon
PMC Paper, Metal Cased`
EMC Electrolytic, Metal Case Poly Polystyrene
ETB Electrolytic, tubular
I-r micro (10-6)
E farad
v volt
:Cb Glass enclosed carbon
w watt
< kilo (103) ww Wirewound
WWVar Wirewound Variable
LOC. Location

TABLE 1. Abbreviations and Symbols.

1065R 6-l

(Refer to Schematic Diagram 14522D for circuit designations)


circuit Mfg. Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Value Rating TYPO Cbde Part No. Part No. LOC.

Cl01 22 pf 1000 v CerD 56289 5GAQ22 C72-22P
Cl02 22 pf 600 v CerD 72982 ED22 c22-22P
Cl03 22 pf 600 v CerD 72982 ED22 c22-22P
Cl04 .047 uf 1000 v Poly 96733 MW94 Ml0473 C67-.047M

100 wf
IlOO vf
pf 50 " EMC 56289 TVL2326 C33-lOO/lOOM
C204 7-100 IJ.f 25 v EMC 37942 FP335A ClOO-100M
-C205 1000 IJ.f 15 v EMC. 14655 BO 040 C59-LOOO/lOOOM

C206 10 pf 25 v ETB 14655 BBRlO-25 ClO-1OM
-C207 500 pf 25 v EMC 14655 AA0120 C58-500M
C208 .os pf 200 " PMC 00656 P82 C18-.05M
c209 500 pf 50 v EMC 14655 AA0160 C57-500M
c210 -i 50 pf 25 v ETB 56289 TVA1206 ClO-50M


Circuit Mfg. Keithley
Desig. TYPO Number Code Part No. LOC.

Dl Silicon lN3253 02735 RF- 20
D2 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D3 SiliCOll lN3253 02735 RF-20
D4 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D5 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20

D6 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D7 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D8 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D9 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D10 Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20

Dll Silicon lN3253 02735 RF-20
D12 SiliCOtl lN3253 02735 RF-20
D13 Zener lN1314 99942 DZ-2
D14 Zener lN706 12954 DZ-1
D15 ZC?lll?r 1N715 12954 DZ-22

6-2 0668R


Circuit Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Description Code Part No. LOC.

DSl Miniature Lamp, 6.3 v at 0.2 amp (Mfg. No. 51) 08804 PL-8
DS2 Miniature Lamp, 6.3 v at 0.2 a&p (Mfg. No. 51) 08804 PL-8

Fl (117~) Fuse, .25 amp (Mfg. No. 313, 250) 75915 FU-17
Fl (234~) Fuse, . 125 amp (Mfg. Type HDL) 75915 FU-20

Jl Guarded Input Terminal (Mfg. No. 6804) 91737 ~~-64
52 Triaxial External Operate Connector (Mfg. No. 5632A) 91737 CS-67
53 UHF Receptacle, External Volts (Mfg. No. 6804) 91737 CS-64
54 3-Terminal Accessory Outlet (Mfg. No. 160-2) 02660 cs-66

Kl Relay, DPDT 80164 RL-12

Ml 80164 ME-34

Pl 3-Wire Power Cord, 6 feet (Mfg. No. 4638-13) 82879 co-2

Sl Rotary Switch, less components, FUNCTION, 4-position 80164 SW-87
Rotary Switch, with components, Function Switch 80164 22118~
Knob Assembly, Function Switch 80164 16323A

S2 Rotary Switch, less components, RANGE, 8-position 80164 SW-80
Rotary Switch, with components, Range Switch 80164 22116~

s3 Rotary Switch, less components, BRIDGE VOLTS, 120-
position 80164 SW-91
Rotary Switch, with components, Bridge Volts Switch 80164 22113B

54 Rotary Switch, less components, DECADE Xl00 80164 SW-123
Rotary Switch, with components, Decade Xl00 Switch 80164 22120B
Knob Assembly, Decade Xl00 Switch 80164 14829A

s5 Rotary Switch, less components, DECADE X10 80164 SW-123
Rotary Switch, with components, Decade X10 Switch 80164 22112B
Knob Assembly, Decade X10 Switch 80164 14829A

~6 Rotary Switch, less components, DECADE Xl 80164 SW-122
Rotary Switch, with components, Decade Xl Switch 80164 22117B
Knob Assembly, Decade Xl Switch 80164 14829A

0668R 6-3


Circuit Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Description Code Part No. LOC.~

s7 Rotary Switch, less components, DECADE X0.1 80164 SW-122
Rotary Switch, with components, Decade X0.1 Switch 80164 221!4~
Knob Assembly, Decade X0.1 Switch 80164 148298

58 Rotary Switch, Less components, DECADE X.01 80164 SW-122
Rotary Switch, with components, Decade X.01 Switch 80164 22115~
Knob Assembly, Decade X.01 Switch 80164 14829A

s9 Rotary Switch, less components, COARSE ZERO, 11-position 80164 SW-88
Rotary Switch, with components, Coarse Zero Switch 80164 22111B

510 Rotary Switch, less components, SENSITIVITY, 4-position 80164 SW-92
Rotary Switch, with components, Sensitivity Switch 80164 22119B

511 Zero Switch Special Push Button 80164 14377A

512 Toggle Switch, on-off S.P.S.T. 80164 SW-4

513 Door safety switch 80164 SW-94
--- FINE ZERO Control Knob Assembly 80164 148388

Tl Power Supply Transformer 80164 TR-39
T2 Inverter Transformer 80164 TR-40


circuit Mfg. Mfg. Keithley
Desig. Value Rating Type Code Part No. Part No. Lot .

RlOl 10 kfi .02%, l/2 w w 80164 (1)
R102 100 k0 .02%, l/2 w w 80164 (1)
R103 100 kn .02%, l/2 w w 15909 1252 R47-100K
R104 1 M.O .02%, L/2 w W 15909 1252 R47-1M
RL05 LO MO I%, L/2 w DCb 00327 NLLA RLZ-L0M

R106 100 MO 1%. l/2 w DCb 91637 DC-2 R14-100M
R107 109 a GCb 80164 --- 20658A
RL08 1010 R GCb 80164 --- 20659A
R109 GCb 80164 --- 20660A
RflO ;;:: R
f-l GCb 80164 --- 20661A

RLll 100 kc2 .02%, L/2 w