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File No. S360-31

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Program Logic

Version 8.1

IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
System Service Routines

Describes the internal logic of the system service
routine used in TSS/360. The system service routines
are non-resident programs that can be invoked either
directly by the user, through the use of system com-
mands and macro instructions, or indirectly, in res-
ponse to requests from other system components.

The system service routines are divided into eight
categories: catalog services; external storage allo-
cation; device management; virtual memory allocation;
small virtual memory allocation; symbolic library
services; control section store; and serviceability
aids. Appendixes describe VAM and SAM OSCB formats
and catalog SBLOCK formats.

This material is intended for persons involved in
program maintenance, and system programmers who are
altering the program design. It can be used to locate
specific areas of the program, and it enables the
reader to relate these areas to the corresponding pro-
gram listings. Program logic information is not nec-
essary for the use and operation of the program.

Prerequisite Publications

The reader must be familiar with the information
presented in:
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: System
Programmer's Guide, Ge2S-200S
IBM System/360 Time Sharing s*stem: System
Logic Summary PLM, GY2B-20 9

This book describes the internal logic contains the flowcharts for all the
of the system service routines used in routines. Appendixes include a module
TSS/360. The system service routines are directory and descriptions of VAM and SAM
divided into eight categories and each DSCB formats and catalog SBLOCK formats.
category is discussed in a separate section
of this book:
The material in this book is intended
1. Catalog services for persons involved in program
rr.aintenance, and system programmers who are
2. External Storage Allocation altering the program design. It can be
used to locate specific areas of the
3. Device Management program and i t enables the reader to relate
these areas to the corresponding program
4. Virtual Memory Allocation listings. Program logic information is not
necessary for the use and operation of the
5. Small Virtual Memory Allocation program.

6. Symbolic Library Services
The reader must be familiar with the
7. Control section Store information presented in:

B. serviceability Aids IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
System Programmers Guide, GC28-2008
Each of the 8 sections provides a general
description of the catagory and also IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
individual routine descriptions. Section 9 System Logic Summary PLM, GY28-2009

Fourth Edition (September 1971)

This is a major revision of. and makes obsolete,
GY28-2018-2 and Technical Newsletters GN28-312q and
GN28-1152. Changes since the latest Technical
Newsletter include four new catalog Service routines
RECOVERY (CZUFX>. catalog Error Processor (CZCFE), and
a new External Storage Allocation routine, READWRIT
changed extensively and smaller changes have been made

This edition applies to Version 8, Modification 1,
of the IBM System/360 Time Sharing System, and to all
subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new
editions or Techincal Newsletters. Before using this
publication. please refer to the latest edition of IBM
system/360 Time Sharing System: Addendum. GC28-20Q3,
which lists the current editions of publications.

This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to
update the text and to control the page and line format. Page
impressions for photo-offset printing were obtained from an IBM lQOJ
Printer using a special print chain.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's
comments. If the form has been removed. comments may be addressed to
IBM Corporation, Dept. 643. Neighborhood Road, Kingston. New York 12401