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File Number 1440-30
Form C24-3011-5
Systems Reference Library
Input/Output Control System Specifications
IBM 1440
This publication presents the specifications for the
IBM 1440 IOCS Program, Version 2.
It describes the programming required to use laCS to
control the input/output of data from card reader, card
punch, printer, disk, and tape files. The laCS descriptive
entries (DIOCS and DTF) and macro instructions are
explained in detail. The types of processing and types
of records handled by laCS are defined.
The IBM 1440 laCS program is a supplement to the IBM
1401/1440/1460 Autocoder (on Disk) program. The reader
should be familiar with the specifications for this program,
described in the SRL publication, Autocoder (on Disk)
Program Specifications and Operating Procedures, IBM
1401, 1440, and 1460, C24-3259. For a more complete
understanding of the organization of records on disk, he
should also review the disk file-organization routines.
The SRL publication IBM 1440 Bibliography, Form
A24-3005, lists publications available for other programming
MaioI' Ret;isior1, Not:ember 1964
This edition, C24-3011-5, is a major reVlSlon of and obsoletes
the following previous editions and technical newsletters:
C24-3011-2 1\24-0165
C24-3011-3 N24-0177
C24-3011-4 N24-0199
Changes consist of clarifications on pages 8, 22, 26, and 49 .
. 1962 and 1963 by International Business 'tvlachint's Corporation
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices.
Address comments concerning the content of this publication to IB~I Product Publications, Endicott, l\e\v York 13764.
I ntrod uction 5
General Description 5
Autocoder Loader 6
Types of Processing - Disk Records 6
Types of Files - Card Records 7
Data Records 8
Disk Records and Storage Areas 8
Tape Records and Storage Areas 11
Unblocked Records 11
Blocked Records 13
Control Totals 14
Card and Printer Records and Stonige Areas 14
Record Input and Output 16
GET Macro 16
Tape Records and Disk Records with Consecutive
Processing 16
Disk Records with Control-Sequential Processing 17
Disk Records with Random Processing 18
Carel Records 18
PUT Macro 18
Tape Records and Disk Records with Consecutive
Processing 18
Disk Records with Control-Sequential Processing 21
Disk Records with Random Processing 21
Card and Printer Records 21
SEEK "\1acro - Disk Records 22
SCA~ Macro - Disk Records 23
RELSE ~1acro - Tape Records 23
STACK "\1acro - Card Records 24
Disk Labels . 2.5
Header Label (1311 Files Only) 2.5
Trailer Label (1301 and 1311 Files) 28
Tape Labels . .30
The IBM Standard Tape Label - Type A 30
Standard 80-Charactt'r Label- Type B 34
Standard 84-Charader Label - Type C 35
Label Operation 38
Exits 38
1\ onstandard Labels 40
File Opening and Closing 41
OPEN Macro 41
CLOSE Macro 42
End-of-Records for Disk Files 43
End-of-Reel for Multi-Reel Files 43
RDLIK Macro - Disk and Tape Records 44
FEORL Macro - Tape Records 46
DCLOS Macro - Tapt' Records 47
Descriptive Entries