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A Guide to the IBM System/370
Systems Model 155

This guide presents hardware, programming systems, and
other pertinent information about the IBM System/370
Model 155 that describes its significant new features and
advantages. Its contents are intended to acquaint the
reader with the Model 155 and to be of benefit in planning
for its installation.
First Edition (June 1970)

This guide is intended for planning purposes only. It will be updated from time to time to
reflect system changes; however, the reader should remember that the authoritative sources
of system information are the Systems Reference Library (SRL) pUblications for the Model
155, its associated components and its programming support. These publications will fIrst
reflect such changes.

Copies of this and other IBM pUblications can be obtained through IBM branch offIces.

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has been removed, address comments to: IBM Corporation, Technical Publications Department,
112 East Post Road, White Plains, New York 10601.