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1. Safety Precautions
2. Specification
3. Product Function
4. Exploded View and Parts list
5. MAIN Electrical Parts List
6. Level 1 Repair
7. Disassembly and Assembly
8. Chart of Troubleshooting
9. Reference data
Notice :
All functionality, features, specifications and other
product information provided in this document inclu
ding, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing,
components, performance, availability, and capabiliti
es of the product are subject to change without
notice or obligation. Samsung reserves the right to
make changes to this document and the product
described herein, at anytime, without obligation on
Samsung to provide notification of such change.
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This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable
International and/or domestic law. 2010. 09. Rev.1.0
2. Specification

2-1. GSM General Specification

GSM8 50 EGSM 900 DCS1 800 PCS1900
2 100 1 900 90 0

F r eq .
Band[MHz] 82 4~8 49 8 80 ~ 91 5 1 71 0~ 1 78 5 1 85 0~ 1 91 0 19 22 ~19 77 1 85 2~ 1 90 7 8 80 ~ 91 5
U pl i nk / 86 9~8 94 9 25 ~ 96 0 1 80 5~ 1 88 0 1 93 0~ 1 99 0 21 12 ~21 67 1 93 2~ 1 98 7 9 25 ~ 96 0
D o wn l i n k

ARFCN 0~12 4 & U L :96 12 ~ 98 88 U L:9 26 2~95 38 U L :27 12 ~2 86 3
12 8~2 51 51 2~8 85 51 2~8 10 D L :10 56 2~ 1 08 D L :29 37 ~
r an ge 97 5~1 02 3 38 D L:9 66 2~9 93 8 30 88

T x/R x
4 5MH z 45 MH z 9 5MH z 8 0MH z 19 0MH z 8 0MH z 45 MH z

Mod . Bi t
2 70 .83 3k b ps 27 0.8 33 k bp s 2 70 .83 3k b ps 2 70 .83 3k b ps
ra te/ 3 .84 Mcps 3.8 4Mcp s 3 .84 Mcps
3 .69 2u s 3 .69 2u s 3.6 92 us 3 .69 2u s
B i t Pe ri o d

Time Slot F ra meL en gth : F r ame Le ng th: F ra meL en gth :
P er i o d/ 5 76 .9u s 5 76 .9u s 57 6.9 us 5 76 .9u s 10 ms 1 0ms 10 ms
F r am e 4.6 15 ms 4 .61 5ms 4.6 15 ms 4.6 15 ms Slo tle ng th: Sl otle ng th: S l o tl en gth :
P er i o d 0 .66 7ms 0.6 67 ms 0 .66 7ms

Modulation 0 .3 G M S K 0. 3 GM S K 0 .3 G M S K 0.3GMSK QP S K H Q P S K QPSKHQPSK Q P S K H QP S K

30 dB m~0d B 30 dB m~0d B 24 dB m~ 2 4d Bm~ 24 dB m~
MS P ower 33 dB m~ 5d B m 33 dB m~ 5d B m m m -5 0d Bm -5 0d Bm - 50 dB m

Po we r
Class 5p cl ~ 1 9p cl 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 3(max+24dBm) 3(max+24dBm) 3(max+24dBm)

S en s i ti v i ty -1 02 dB m - 10 2d Bm -1 00 dB m -1 00 dB m - 10 6.7 dB m - 10 6.7 dB m -1 06 .7d Bm

TDMA Mux 8 8 8 8 8 8

C el l R ad i u s 35 K m 35 K m 2K m 2K m 2Km 2K m 2Km


2-2. GSM Tx Power Class

TX Power TX Power TX Power TX Power
control GSM850 control EGSM900 control DCS1800 control PCS1900
level level level level

5 33