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Waveform Generator Module

Introduction DC output and offset function may be used to bias output
waveforms. Alternately, the WAVl may be used as a
The WAVl Waveform Generator Module provides one general-purpose bipolar bias source of flOV at 2OmA.The
channel of sine, square or triangle waveform output. The WAVl can also be used to pace the conversion rate of the
module is comparable to a standard function generator in AMMlA or AMM.2 modules at rates other than those
which the adjustment knobs and switches have been re- provided by the AMM module crystal oscillator.
placed by programmable D/A converters and software
switches. The main WAVl functions of frequency, duty
cycle mable to 1 part in 4096 ( 12-bit resolution). Output voltage
range is switch-selectable at 1V or 1OV. TheWAVlcanbeoperatedinslots2through10ofthe500A
or 5OOP mainframe, or in the option slot of the Model 570
or 575. If the WAVl will be used to control an AMM
The WAVl's output waveform is available on a standard module via its trigger input, the AMM module must have
BNC connector. The main output as well as T&level PAL revision D or later. If an AMMlA or AMM2 is not
trigger outputs are also available from an on-board screw resident in the system, resistor R53 must be installed on the
terminal block. WAVl to supply a system reference voltage.

Available frequencies cover O.lHz to 2OOKHzin six dec- Software Compatibility
ade-weighted ranges. Accuracy is typically 5% of setting
(10% on Wz and 20Hz ranges). For optimum accuracy, the All WAVl functions can be accessed by writing control
WAVl should be operated in the upper 90% of any given information directly to the WAVl's slot-dependent Com-
frequency range. Amplitude accuracy is 5% (to 20V P-I? mand A (CMDA) and Command B (CMDB) registers.
into 500 ohms). Peak output current is 2OmA. The WAVl
These functions include frequency, duty cycle, range,
duty cycle is programmable from 5% to 95%. Sine wave function, amplitude, offset, synchronous stop enable/dis-
distortion is typically less than 3%.
able, and global strobe enable/disable.

The WAVl includes a selectable synchronous stop feature.
Control can also be exercised through any high- or low-
Synchronous stop allows the waveform output to com-
level language which permits writes to memory addresses
plete the current output cycle, even though the WAVl (e.g. BASIC POKES). The WAVl registers are write-only.
output may have been disabled before this point. Alter-
See the WAVl register map information later in this manual.
nately, the WAVl output can be set up to return to 0
immediately when the output is disabled. A waveform
always starts at the lowest amplitude point of the triangle
If you are using third-party software, be certain that the
and sine waves.
software is compatible with the WAVl.

Document Number: 501-921-01 Rev. A / 7-90
CopyrightQ 1990 KeithIey Instruments, Inc. Cleveland, OH 44139 (216)248-0400 WAVI-1
WaveformGenerator Module

Jumper Wl

Optional Resistor R53
Figure 1. WAVI Module

Mounting Bracket

Specifications Amplitude accuracy: rt5% of setting to 5OkHz'

Programmable Features: Offset ranges: +lV, +lOV (tied to amplitude ranges)

Functions: waveform, frequency, amplitude, duty cycle, Offset resolution: 13 bits (12 data + 1 polarity)
DC offset, haver waveforms.
Offset accuracy: .(5% of setting + 1OmV)'
Waveforms: sine, square, triangle, pulse, or DC output.
Maximum output: rtlOV (2OVp-p) into 5OOQ 2OmA
Frequency: O.lHz to 2OOkHzin six overlapping ranges.
Waveform symmetry: 5% to 95% (duty cycle) to 1OOkHz
Frequency ranges: 2,20,200,2k, 2Ok, 200k Hz
Sine wave distortion: 1st harmonic down 35dB
Frequency resolution: 12 bits (1 part in 4096)
Square wave rise time: lp
Frequency accuracy: (upper 90% of range) f5% of setting,
except +lO% on 2kHz and 2OkHz ranges. Triangle linearity: ~3% error

Amplitude ranges: IV, IOV peak, switch selectable
* Total error is the sum of amplitude and offset errors. For DC-only
operation, set waveform amplitude to 0 and use offset error, only.
Amplitude resolution: 12 bits (1 part in 4096)

Waveform Generator Module

Sync output: high and low true, TTL level, ps pulse width. ing the cover retaining screws located in the upper corners
Sync pulse occurs at minima of sine and triangle waves, or of the rear panel. Slide the cover back about one inch and
at falling edge of square wave. then lift it off. Insert the module in the desired slot with the
component side facing the system power supply. Replace
the system cover.

Operating temperature: 0