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IBM System/370 Model 155
Systems Functional Characteristics
This publication describes the organization, functional
characteristics, and features of the IBM System/370
Model 155. System components are described, and
consideration is given to the central processing unit,
main storage, input/output channels, and the operator
control and operator intervention portions of the
system control panel.
This publication is intended for users and potential
users of the Model 155. The reader is assumed to have
a background knowledge of data processing systems.

This is the Model 155 machine reference manual, providing
information about system and component functions and
addressing an audience made up primarily of system
analysts, programmers, and operators. Assumed is a back-
ground knowledge of data processing systems and of the
System/370 and System/360, as provided in IBM System/
370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000, and IBM System/
360 Principles of Operation, GA22-6821.
The manual first looks at the system and its features in
general, then at the processing unit and its functions.
Channel characteristics are discussed in some detail, includ-
ing channel control and implementation, sub channel and
unit control word definitions, and subchannel addressing.
This is followed by a description of system control panel
functions and commonly used indicators, switches, and
keys, then by information about the console I/O unit
characteristics and the alter/display feature.
Detailed information about channel loading characteris-
tics is in a separate manual: IBM Systerrz/370 Model 155
Channel Characteristics, GA22-6962.

Second Edition (January 1971)
This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GA22-6942-0. Changes to the text are
indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed illustrations are
denoted by the symbol. to the left of the caption. Changes are continually made
to the specifications herein; before using this publication in connection with the
installation and operation of IBM equipment, refer to the latest System/360 and
SY,stem/370 SRL Newsletter, GN20-0360, for editions that are applicable and

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.

This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division,
Product Publications, Dept. B98, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602. A form
fur readers' wmments is pruvided at the Lack uf this publicatiun. If the form has
been removed, comments may be sent to the above address.