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File No. 1401/1460-00
Form A24-1495-4
Systems Reference Library
IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography
This bibliography describes reference,
educational, and supplemental literature
available for installing, programming, and
operating the mM 1401 and 1460 Data
Processing Systems. The T ele-processing
Bibliography, Form A24-3089, lists the
associated Tele-processing literature.
Part 1 of this publication lists publications
by major subjects. This sequence (subject
code) may be used in assembling a library.
Part 2 is a cross-index of publications by
machine type number.
Part 3 contains the abstracts of the
publications in form-number sequence.
Copies of most form-numbered
publications can be ordered through the
local mM sales representative.
Systems Reference Library
For each major mM data processing system, a Systems Technical Newsletters
Reference Library (SRL) has been established to con- To keep publications current, additions and other
solidate all basic reference literature necessary in modifications are distributed as Technical Newsletters
planning, programming, installing and operating the ( TNL ). These are identified in the masthead with the
system. An SRL Bibliography Supplement covers publi- file number and form number of the publication to
cations for mM Teleprocessing equipment. which they apply. All previously issued TNL'S are also
listed so that you may verify receipt of all changes.
The bibliography lists applicable publications and re- SRL Newsletter
lated materials in subject code and machine type num- A speCial SRL Newsletter is issued periodically (every
ber sequence and provides a brief abstract of each four weeks if changes have occurred during that
publication~ By reviewing these indexes and abstracts
period) to update the Bibliography. All current publi-
you may select those items of interest to your installa- cations are listed in subject code sequence showing
tion and keep abreast of other materials which may be form number and title of the publication as well as the
useful at some future time. form number of applicable Technical Newsletters.
Obsolete publications are listed separately with new
File Numbers, Subiect Codes references indicated. Abstracts of new publications are
The cover page of each SRL bulletin shows the title, also given.
abstract, form number, and a file number for the docu- The form number revision suffix is shown so that you
ment. The file number identifies the system or com- may verify your publications as current. In some cases
ponent discussed and the general subject area. more than one edition of a publication is current, since
For publications associated with one or two Li- a reprint incorporating previously distributed replace-
braries, the prefix of the file number is the system type ment pages is given a new suffix. When this occurs, all
(e.g., 1401/1460-, 7080-). When the publication is in- current editions and applicable Technical Newsletters
cluded in more than two Libraries, the component are listed in the SRL Newsletter.
type (e.g., 1311-, 7330-) is used, if applicable. In other
cases "GENL" (general) is used.
SRL Revision Service
The suffix of the file number is the subject code
A direct mail revision service is available to mM system
which deSignates a general subject area and the sug-
users to supply Technical Newsletters and major re-
gested filing sequence. Code 15, for example, is used
visions of publications for a library. For details con-
for all publications related to physical planning specifi-
cerning subscription procedures, see your local mM
cations; code 33 appears on all publications related to
mM sort and merge programs for the system. Applica-
tion program documentation appears under subject
code 60. IBM Programming Systems
Installation supplies such as coding forms and physi- SRL Newsletters also show the current status of pro-
cal planning templates are listed under subject code 80. gramming systems available for a system. Additional
Other publications of general interest to a system user data, including ordering instructions, for these and
are listed under the headings "Supplementary Informa- application programs are included in the Catalog of
tion," "Student Texts," and "Education Literature." Programs listed under subject code 20.
Fifth Edition (October 1967)
This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, A24-1495-3 and SRL Newsletter NZO-I401-4Z
Significant changes and additions have been made throughout.
Requests for copies of this and other IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product
Publications, Dept 171, P.o. Box 6, Endicott, N.Y. 13760. Address comments con-
cerning the contents of this publication to this address.
Part 1 - Library Subiect Code Listing
This section of Part l1ists the current IBM 1401 and 1460 marketing publications
by subject code. To assist in filing, SRL publications have the subject code on the
front cover as part of the file number. Most 1401 machine and programming
publications are also applicable to the 1460.
Subject Form
Code Number
1401 and 1460 System Reference Library
1401 and 1460 Bibliography ........................................................ A24-1495
SRL Bibliography Supplement, Tele-Processing .................... A24-3089
1401 Systems S\mmary ................................................................ A24-1401
1401G System Summary .............................................................. A24-3165
1401H System Summary .............................................................. A24-347~
1460 Systems Summary ................................................................ A24-149B
1401 Configurator .......................................................................... A24-1491
1401 Model H Configurator ........................................................ A24-3494
1401 Model G Con