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File No. GENL-24
Form C24-3242-.2

Systems Reference Library

COBOL (on Disk) Program Specifications
and Operating Procedures
IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460

Program Number 1440-CB-073
This publication contains the operating procedures
for building the COBOL system using mM 1311 and 1301
Disk Storage, modifying the COBOL system, and as-
sembling a machine-language object program from a
source program written in the COBOL language. A
description of the phases that make up the COBOL sys-
tem, a list of halts and messages, and a sample program
are included.

This publication contains the program specifications COBOL General Information Manual, Form F28-
and operating procedures for the COBOL (on disk) pro- 8053.
gramming system for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460. In
COBOL (on Disk) Specifications for IBM 1401, 1440,
this publication, the term COBOL system refers to
and 1460, Form C24-3235.
1401/1440/1460 COBOL (on Disk), program number
1440-CB-073. The language specifications for the COBOL
In addition, it is recommended that the user be fa-
system are contained in the Systems Reference Library
miliar with the following Systems Reference Library
oublication COBOL (on Disk) Specifications for IBM
Autocoder publications.
1401, 1440, and 1460, Form C24-3235.
Autocoder (on Disk) Language Specifications for
This publication is divided into two major sections;
IB!I,11401, 1440, and 1460, Form C24-3258.
program specifications and operating procedures. The
program specifications describe the COBOL system. In- Autocoder (on Disk) Program Specifications and Op-
cluded in the section are such topics as a description of erating Procedures for IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460, Form
the System Control Program (the controlling element C24-3259.
of the COBOL system), a description of the COBOL com-
piler, and a detailed description of the results of sys- If the user's system is IBM 1401 or IBM 1460, it is
tem operations. Although this section is directed pri- recommended that the user have aeress to the follow-
marily at the programmer, the machine operator ing Systems Reference Library publications.
should review the section for an understanding of the Input/Output Control System (on Disk) Specifica-
system. tions for IBjyf .1401 and 1460, Form C24-1489.
The second section, operating procedures, contains Input/Output Control System (on Disk) Operating
such topics as preparing processor jobs, changing file Procedures for IBM 1401 and 1460, Form C24-3298.
assignments for processor jobs, and running processor
jobs. The last part of the section outlines the pro- Disk Utility Programs Specifications for IBM 1401,
cedures to follow in building a COBOL system. For the 1440, and 1460 (With 1301 and 1311), Form C24-1484.
convenience of both programmer and machine opera- Disk Utility Programs Operating Procedures for
tor, all control cards are summarized in Appendix I. IBjyf 1401 and 1460 (With 1301 and 1311), Form C24-
Although the second section is directed primarily at 3105.
the machine operator, it is recommended that the pro-
grammer review the content of the entire section. The If the user's system is IBM 1440, it is recommended
programmer should particularly note the parts of the that the user have access to the following Systems
section dealing with preparing processor jobs and Reference Library publications.
changing file assignments. Input/Output Control System Specifications for IBM
1440, Form C24-3011.
Input/Output Control System Operating Procedures
for IBM 1440, Form C24-3299.
Related Information
Disk Utility Programs Specifications for IBM 1401,
The following Systems Reference Library publications
1440, and 1460 (with 1301 and 1311), Form C24-1484.
contain additfonal information relating to COBOL pro-
gramming. It is recommended that these publications Disk Utility Programs Operating Procedures for
be available to the user for reference purposes. IBM 1440 (with 1301 and 1311), Form C24-3121.

Major Revision, February 1965

This edition, C24-3242-2, is a major revision of and obsoletes

Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch -Offices.
Address comments concerning the content of this publication to IBM Product Publications, Endicott, New York 13764.