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AMD GeodeTM GX1 Processor
Silicon Revision 8.2.2/8.2.3
Specification Update

1.0 Scope
This document discusses known issues of the GeodeTM code number may change depending upon lot number,
GX1 processor, silicon revisions 8.2.2 and 8.2.3. Table 1-1 date, etc. However, the "A" in the 5th character and the
provides a summary of the issues. A detailed description of "A2" or "A3" are constant. Software can detect this revision
each issue, its impact, and a recommended resolution/fix by reading the DIR1 Configuration register (see Configura-
follow. tion registers in the GeodeTM GX1 Processor Series Data
Book). The value read from DIR1 is 82h for both silicon
To determine the silicon revision of the device, printed on
revision 8.2.2 and 8.2.3.
the chip (bottom-side of SPGA, top-side of EBGA) is the lot
code number. The lot code number is a 10-digit number Note: This is revision 5.0 of this document. The change
with an "A" in the 5th character followed by a space plus from revision 4.0 (dated May 2002) is the inclusion
two additional characters: either "A2" denoting silicon revi- of silicon revision 8.2.3 (i.e., prevision revisions of
sion 8.2.2 or "A3" denoting silicon revision 8.2.3 (e.g., the document pertained only to silicon revision
V8SKA040AG A3). Note that the other characters of the lot 8.2.2).

Table 1-1. Errata Summary

Issue #1 Description

1 Incorrect CURRENT_IP field in SMI header
2 RSM truncates page-granular CS limit
3 SDRAM CAS latency of 1 not supported
4 VIH change from 2.0V to 2.1V on FLT# input
5 PCI AD bus floats too early on some target terminated cycles, not PCI 2.1 compliant
6 Memory writes in SMI handler could have A20 in their address cleared
7 Double fault handled as general protection fault
8 Call ESP does not work
9 PCI signal SERR# asserts for two clocks, not one
10 PCI signal LOCK# ignored
11 PCI signal PERR# is floated instead of driven high on deassertion
12 PCI REQs must not go active during reset
13 Call at beginning of Code Segment Call causes General Protection Fault
14 Self modifying code can cause PF
15 Time Stamp Counter stops during Suspend
17 WORD access to Port 23; Port 24 half of access goes off chip
19 Thermal diode does not work
20 PCI Master Latency Timer is broken
23 Video port limited to 133 MHz
24 Behavior of EFLAGS during INTR handling is not as expected
27 Time Stamp Counter rollover
1. Issue numbers may not be sequential since issues are omitted once they are resolved.

Revision 5.0 - December 2002 - Confidential 1
Specification Update

Revision 5.0 - December 2002 - Confidential

2.0 Issues

1. Incorrect CURRENT_IP field in SMI header 5. PCI AD bus floats too early on some target termi-
nated cycles, not PCI 2.1 compliant
Description: When two SMIs overlap, the
CURRENT_IP field of the SMI header for the second Description: The problem cycles are when the
SMI is wrong (contains EFLAGS instead of processor is the target and the cycle is a read. The
CURRENT_IP). AD bus goes TRI-STATE when TRDY# goes inactive.
The processor should TRI-STATE the AD bus when
Implications: None - The CURRENT_IP field is not
IRDY goes inactive. However, under certain target
normally used in SMM code, so this has typically not
abort conditions IRDY# stays active longer then
been a problem.
TRDY#, leaving the AD bus undriven for a few PCI
Resolution: If required, there is code available that clocks.
allows the SMM handler to calculate the
Implications: This breaks PCI compliance, however,
there are no functional problems with this issue.

2. RSM (Resume from SMM) truncates page-gran- Resolution: None
ular CS (Code Segment) limit
6. Memory writes in SMI handler could have A20 in
Description: When RSM loads the CS segment limit
their address cleared
from the SMI header, it truncates it to 20 bits. If the
CS segment was page-granular, it shifts left 12 bits Description: If a memory write cycle occurs that has
and the upper 12 bits of the original limit are lost. A20 set near an RSM instruction, the write may be
posted and delayed. When the write cycle is actually
Implications: The system executes code at the
executed, the Force A20 logic is applied.
wrong location after an RSM to a page-granular CS
segment. Implications: This can cause the data to go to the
wrong address. Unpredictable system behavior can
Resolution: There is a software workaround for this
issue that is implemented in the processor's SMI
handlers. PAGE_GRAN (bit 31 of the CS segment Resolution: Avoid memory write cycles that have
field) is tested in the middle of the handler. If set, the A20 set near the RSM, or execute an I/O cycle before
limit field in the SMI header is shifted right by 12 bits. the RSM, which forces any posted write to execute
If not set, nothing is done. before the RSM executes.

3. SDRAM CAS latency of 1 not supported 7. Double fault handled as general protection fault
Description: When CAS latency is set to 1, the Description: A CLI is pending, causing a CPU privi-
memory controller does not pick up read data prop- lege level exception. The trap gate points to a "not
erly. present" code segment. Both of these faults are
contributory class exceptions and a double fault
Implications: CAS latency of 1 cannot be used.
should be taken.
Resolution: CAS latency of 1 is not supported. The
Implications: A double fault is not taken, however,
impact of this is minor, as there are very few (if any)
the "not present" fault is taken. This is not a functional
SDRAMs that support this setting.
issue. This fault condition is a result of a coding error.
A fault is taken; just not the correct fault.
4. VIH change from 2.0V to 2.1V on FLT# input
Resolution: None required.
Description:: The Voltage Input High (VIH) on the
FLT# input has been changed from 2.0V to 2.1V.
Implications: None - In most systems FLT# is
normally unused and pulled to VCC3V.
Resolution: None

2 AMD GeodeTM GX1 Processor Silicon Revision 8.2.2/8.2.3 Specification Update
Specification Update

Revision 5.0 - December 2002 - Confidential

8. Call ESP does not work 13. Call at beginning of Code Segment Call causes
General Protection Fault
Description: Call ESP instruction is broken.
Description: A segment exists that has a base
Implications: This instruction exists because of the
address that is not 16-byte aligned and the limit of
way the call register instruction is created. This
that segment is at the maximum (FFFFFFFFh). A call
instruction is never used. Using this call and
instruction is made to the beginning of the segment
managing the stack becomes extremely difficult if not
which happens to be in the middle of the 16-byte line
impossible. Do not use this instruction.
fetch. The limit checking hardware assumes that the
Resolution: None limit has been crossed because the line fetch
contains both the beginning and the end of the
segment. The hardware is unable to discern that the
9. PCI signal SERR# asserts for two clocks, not one
actual code execution does not cross the limit, hence
Description: SERR# is asserted for two clocks. causing a general protection fault to occur.
Implications: This breaks PCI compliance. Fault Implications: This is a real coding hazard, however,
tolerant systems are the only systems that are coding practices are such that when a maximum
affected by this issue. segment is created the base is zero (which is 16-byte
Resolution: None
Resolution: None
10. PCI signal LOCK# ignored
14. Self modifying code can cause PF
Description: The processor ignores the LOCK#
signal when PCI bus masters assert LOCK# during a Description: A memory write is generated due to an
bus transaction. STOS instruction that is on a page boundary which
modifies the STOS instruction. This is followed by a
Implications: This breaks PCI compliance.
JCC instruction, which takes the IP back to where the
Resolution: None STOS instruction was. The refetch occurs but the
address of the refetch is wrong.
11. PCI signal PERR# is floated instead of driven Implications: Self modifying code that executes as
high on deassertion described fails.
Description: PERR# is floated instead of driven high Resolution: None
and then set to TRI-STATE.
Implications: This breaks PCI compliance. If imple- 15. Time Stamp Counter stops during Suspend
mented in a system, a strong pull-up should be used
Description: When the processor is in Suspend due
on this signal.
to SUSP#/SUSPA# or in HALT with the "Suspend on
Resolution: None Halt" bit set, the Time Stamp Counter stops.
Implications: This is different from other CPUs.
12. PCI REQs must not go active during reset
Resolution: None
Description: If a PCI REQ# goes active during reset,
the processor's arbiter may not function correctly
17. WORD access to Port 23; Port 24 half of access
after reset goes inactive.
goes off chip
Implications: None as long as the PCI REQ# is
Description: Executing a WORD I/O cycle to Port 23
pulled up during reset.
is a misaligned cycle which the processor converts
Resolution: None into two BYTE cycles. When MAPEN = 1 (Index
C3h[4]), one cycle goes to Port 23 and the other to
Port 24. The Port 23 access does not go off chip
since that is a CPU I/O port, however, the Port 24
cycle does go off chip.
Implications: None - There is typically nothing at
Port 24.
Resolution: Access Port 23 using byte wide I/O

AMD GeodeTM GX1 Processor Silicon Revision 8.2.2/8.2.3 Specification Update 3
Specification Update

Revision 5.0 - December 2002 - Confidential

19. Thermal diode does not work 24. Behavior of EFLAGS during INTR handling is not
as expected.
Description: The thermal diode at pins E24 and D26
of the BGA package and F36 and E37 of the SPGA Description: If an IRQ occurs during EFLAGS style
package do not work. Treat these signals as no CPU ID support detection, bit 21 gets cleared. This is
connects. different from an Intel CPU.
Implications: The thermal diode cannot be used. Implications: Possible compatibility problems.
Resolution: None - Do not use this feature. Resolution: Disable IRQs during manipulation of
upper bits in EFLAGS.
20. PCI Master Latency Timer is broken
27 Time Stamp Counter rollover
Description: PCI register 0Dh, the Master Latency
Timer, is broken. Setting this register to any value Description: The upper 32 bits of the Time Stamp
other then 00h results in a system hang. Counter (TSC) increment three core clocks before
the lower 32 bits rollover. If the TSC is read and EAX
Implications: This breaks PCI compliance, however,
the Master Latency Timer is typically not used.
EDX will have incremented.
Resolution: None - Do not use this feature.
Implications: The TSC cannot be read reliably.

23 Video port limited to 133 MHz Resolution: (1) Use the TSC as a 3- bit counter. (2)
When the TSC is read and EAX equals FFFFFFFDh,
Description: There is currently no I/O companion FFFFFFFEh, or FFFFFFFFh; then decrement the
solution that supports 150 MHz on the video port. EDX value by 1.
Implications: VID_CLK is created by dividing the
core frequency by 2 or 4. With this limitation and a
core frequency of 300 MHz or 333 MHz, VID_CLK
can only be divided by 4. With VID_CLK limited to 75
MHz (for 300 MHz operation) or 83 MHz (for 333
MHz operation), the video window cannot be used if
the graphics resolution is 1280x1024x85 Hz.
1280x1024x75 Hz and lower functions correctly.
Resolution: None

4 AMD GeodeTM GX1 Processor Silicon Revision 8.2.2/8.2.3 Specification Update