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File No. 8370-36
Order No. GC20-1804-3
IBM Virtual Machine
Command Language Guide
Systems for General Users
Release 2 PLC 13
This publication provides general users with the basic infor-
mation they need to use the CP and CMS command
languages of VM/370. General users are those users who
program, test, and execute applications in a virtual machine.
VM/370 (Virtual Machine Facility/370) is an operating
system that manages the resources of a single System/370
computer so that multiple computing systems (virtual
machines) appear to exist. VM/370 consists of a Control
Program (CP), which manages the real computer, a Con-
versational Monitor System (CMS), which is a general-
purpose conversational time-sharing system that executes
in a virtual machine, and a Remote Spooling Communica-
tions Subsystem (RSCS), which spools files to and from
geographically remote locations.
This publication has two parts and several appendixes.
Part 1 is the usage information; it contains the rules for
using the command languages and information about vir-
tual disks, CMS files, and virtual machine operation.
Part 2 is the reference information; it describes each of the
CP and CMScommands for general users. The appendixes
include information about the functions of VM/370
commands, problem program debugging, the CMS Batch
Facility, CMS macro instructions, and CMS filetype and
filemode conventions.
Prerequisite Publications
Introduction to Virtual Storage in System/370, Order
No. GR20-4260
IBM Virtual Machine Facility/370: Terminal Users'
Guide, Order No. GC20-181 0
GC20-1804-3 Page Modified by TNL GN20-2659
This edition, together with Technical Newsletter GN20-2659 dated March
31, 1975, corresponds to B~l~~