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NSTRUMENTS CONTROLLED: Model 236/237/?38 Source Measure GRAPHICS ADAPTER: EGA or VGA color, VGA monochrome.
Uruts(SMU),Model213QuadVoltlgeSource,Model707MatnxS~t~. COMPATIBLE PRINTERS: IBM Graphics printers, Epson or compatible
Model 2361 Trigger Gmtmller is requtred for 2 or more SMUs. HP LaserJet, IBM Proprinter, and Okidata Microline 182.
BSTS: Conhol Instruments to source and measure current or voltage. COMPATIBLE PLOTTERS: HP7440, Hl'7470, HP7475.
COMPATIBLE MOUSE: Miuosoft or Logitecb
Linear, log. Itnear pulsed and log pulsed sweeps.
DC Source-Mcaswe: Up to 6 BIAS C"annels.
:PIB CONTROL: Provides basic mntrol of any GPIB tnstrumenL Useful
far controtung source, switch matrices, hot chu&s, and probers. IEEE-488 (GPIB) INTERFACE CARDS SUPPORTED
`07 MATRIX SUPPORT: Upload and download setups (up to 1W Advantezh PCL 748
llWWXi`ZS). B&CPC488A
,ATA DISPLAY: Graphic or List display. BBS GPlBlKXl
XY or XW Graph Axes: Manual or auto scale, linear or log, labeled X- Capital Fqutpment PC<*, 4x488, I%>488
axis and Y-ads invert. Contec GPIB (PC)
ovalay two sets of reference data on onginal. Hewlett Packard HPIB
IBM GI'IB board
^RAPHICANALYSIS:DualdataLlwemarkerswrthdatavaluereadout. KS 4&wc1
Line Dieplay: Between markem. Readout slope, I/slope, X- and Y- lOtech GP48R~ Glw.R,2
intercept. Zoom between markers. Filter data curve. Keithh :y PC-W-CEC, 4-W.CEGOM, 4.48~CEC-IM, PS-483.CEC
G~in/R~tioCal~lation:DCordifferentiial.Dataarray~rpoint.Graphic Mekal 3yte 13488
display orreadoutreferexedto markapnsttion. Used for Beta, g. or M.tinr ,al lnstrvments GI'IBPC, GPIBPCII, GPIBPClIA,
.--_. GPIBl'ClII,
reslst?.nce. MC-GPIB, AT-G1 ?IB
?RINTf,`LOT:Hardcopyo"tputof any ~-topnnter,orautput~aphic Qua Tech MXI-ICKl, MXI-I&w
display to plotter. s.ientlfic Salutlons _ .- 4% LM, MC-IEEE 488
FILES: Data File: Contains Data, test, GPIB and display parameters. ziatech ZT 1444. m/z
Test Setup File: Contains Test, GPIB and display parameters.
Instrument Configuration File: Contains lnsmnnent names,
GPIB addresses, Trigger Controller dwmels.
Test Sequence Files: Contains the w's pre-prog~mwd test SUPPLIED TEST LIBRARY
`lhe Test library provides default settings for the Test, 707 Matrix, Gl'll
sequence (A!xlI file).
Control, Data Display and GraphV.Analysls screens.
X37 File: Contains 707 m&lx setqs.
FET TESTS: Curve Family, Threshold Voltage, Tramconductance, Break.
DataEqmrtAmport: GntalnsData,arraynamesandunits. Lotus down, and Leakage.
(.WKI) and ASCII (Aso.
BIPOLAR TESTS: Curve Family, Gummel Plot, Current Gain, Break.
~~OMATICTESTSEQUENCES:Programanysequenoeaftesa,p~ts.' down, and Leakage (linear and pulsed sweeps).
p,ots, 707 downloads, data swelexpon, pmmpa and display, for at-
tendedorunattendedoperattcn,. Printingorplotting~nbedaneoff-line DIODE TESTS: I-V Curve, Reverse Breakdown, Zener Voltage.
(after acquisition). COMPONENT TPSTS: Capadtor Leakage, Resistor Voltage Cwffident.
MEASUREMENT CAPACITY LIMITS A axvein the Curve Family Test EXAMPLE GPIB CONTROL: 213 Quad Voltage Source, 707 Swttchiq
may contain up to IWO points. Up to six source arrays and up to six Maklx and hot chuck.
mx.wsurment amp can be mated by each test. Each array is Limited to TEST SEQUENCES: Bipolar tests, multiple diodes.
4wOpints. lkemadmum numberofarmysand tetsisllmltedonly by
the available disk storage space.
HELP: On-line, context senstttve, wttb index. MATERIALS PROVIDED

Diskettes: ROkb 3vz Inch and 1.2Mb 5v, tnch mntatntng instaBation,
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS program, test ltbrary, and sample data.
MINIMUM HOST COMPUTER: IBM compatible SaosS, 64Okb Cower,-
tional RAM (53Ok or 542720 bytes free) plus 1Mb of LIM expanded
memory, hard drive (2MB freeI, ROkb 3'$ Inch or l.ZMb 5". inch floppy SpedficatioM s,,b@t to change ,.,jtbout no,jce
drive, Intel 80387 math cop- r, EGA mlor monitor and graphic=
card, parallel port.