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Customer Information
Control System/Virtual
Storage (CICS/VS)
Version 1 Release 5

System/Application Design
Program Product Guide

Program Numbers 5740-XX1 (CICS/OS/VS)
5746-XX3 (CICS/DOS/VS)

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Third Edition (!ay 1980)
This edition applies to Version 1 Release 5" (Version 1.5) of the IB!
program product customer Information Control System/Virtual storage
(CICS/VS), program numbers 5746-113 (for DOS/VS) and 5740-111 (for
OS/VS). Until the OS/VS version is released, the information applicable
to that version is for planning purposes only.
This edition is based on the CICS/yS Version 1.4.' ~aiticn, and changes
from that edition are indicated by vertical lines to the left of the
changes. Note, however, that the 1.4.1 edition remains current and
applicable for users of Version 1.4.1 of CICS/VS.
Information in this publication is subject to change. Changes will be
published in new editions or technical newsletters. Before using this
publication, consult the latest IB! System/370 and 4300 Processors
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