Text preview for : GC20-1838-1_VM_SP_General_Information_Manual_Jul80.pdf part of IBM GC20-1838-1 VM SP General Information Manual Jul80 IBM 370 VM_SP Release_1 GC20-1838-1_VM_SP_General_Information_Manual_Jul80.pdf
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Program Product
IBM Virtual Machine/
System Product
General Information
Program Product Manual
This publication contains information about the IBM
Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) (Program No.
5664-167). It provides planning information for
installation managers, system programmers, and IBM
Field Engineering personnel.
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, The term "V"/SP" applies to the V"/SP prcgra. prcduct when used inl
I conjunction with the V"/370 Release 6 syste. control proqra.. I
~!~QB~ l~i~iQB (July 1980)
This is a major revision of and obsoletes GC20-1838-0. This edition
applies to IBM Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP) until otherwise
indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
This putlication is intended for planning purposes only. It will be
updated from time to time; however, the reader should remember that the
authoritative sources of system information are the system library
publications for VM/SP. These publications vill first reflect any
changes. Changes are continually sade to the information contained
herein; tefore using this publication in connection with the operation
of lEft systems, consult the !~~