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(H Extended) Compiler
Program Product Programmer's Guide
Program Numbers: 5734-F03
This publication describes the steps to compile, link edit,
and execute a FORTRAN IV program using the
FORTRAN IV (H Extended) compiler, an IBM Program
Product that operates under the control of the operating
system. The methods of invoking each step, input to the
steps, and output from the steps, are detailed. In addition,
compiler options, features of the operating system used
by the FORTRAN programmer, and practices for coding
more efficient FORTRAN programs are discussed.
This public.ation is directed to programmers familiar with
the FORTRAN IV language. Previous knowledge of the
operating system is not required.
Information in this publciation pertaining to OS/VS2 is
for planning purposes until that product is available.
I Second Edition (June 1972)
This edition corresponds to Release 1 of the FORTRAN IV (H Extended)
Changes are periodically made to the specifications herein; any such
changes will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical
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