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IBM System/3 Model 8, Model 10, Model 12, and Model 15
RPG II Compilers
Program Numbers: 5702-RG1 Model 8 and Model 10
5704-RG1 Model 15
5704-RG2 Model 15
5705-RG1 Model 12

The RPG II compilers for the IBM System/3 The compiler halts if errors are found. If only
Model B, Model 10, Model 12, and Model 15 are warning messages occur, the user has the option
disk-resident computer programs. Program of continuing the compilation. However, if terminal
5704-RG1 is used with Model 15 SCP 5704-SC1, errors are found, the program must be corrected
and Program 5704-RG2 is used with Model 15 and recompiled.
SCP 5704-SC2. Each of the compiler programs
The compiler selects, from its own library, the I/O
requires as input an RPG II source language
routines needed for the object program. These
program and produces as output a System/3
routines initiate the request for records from
link-edited or nonlink-edited (Model 15 only)
system data management, which initiates the I/O
object program, either cataloged in an object
library, punched into BO-column or 96-column
cards, or written to diskette. A source program Disk system management indicates not-ready or
listing, a diagnostic, and a storage map may be incorrect device conditions on the system console.
requested. The RPG II compilers can run in For other error conditions, the I/O routines display
dedicated or nondedicated mode. an identifier code on the system console.
The System/3 Model B is supported by System/3 Using the identifier code, the operator can find an
Model 10 system control program and program explanation of the error and the recovery
products. It should be noted that not all devices procedure in the applicable system halt guide.
and features which are available on the Model 10
System data management for Model 15 indicates
are available on the Model B.
I/O errors or device conditions by a message on
Each Model 15 compiler overlaps reading and the 3277 Display Station. The I/O routines place
printing of the source program by accessing the an identifier code in the message to be displayed
source program directly from the system input on the 3277 Display Station. Using the identifier
device or directly from the source library. code, the operator can find an explanation of the
error and the recover procedure in the applicable
Each compiler requires two work files. These
Model 15 messages manual.
compiler work files can be on the following disk
units. The object program processes user files until a
valid end-of-file or error condition occurs. In
either case, a code is placed in the halt code
Program Program Program Program