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File Number 1800-36
Order Number GC26-37,)3-1

Systems Reference Library

IBM 1800 Time-Sharing Executive System
Concepts and Techniques

The purpose of this publication is to describe the facilities provided
by the IBM 1800 Time-Sharing Executive (TSX) System, and to
explain the basic concepts and techniques underlying their use. It
is intended as a reference and guide for customer systems personnel
in the implementation of the TSX system.

The manual is divided into four sections. The first section serves as
an overall introduction to the TSX system. The second and third
sections describe the three main executive programs and discuss
some of the important design considerations that bear on the use
of standard TSX components. The final section provides selections
of programming techniques covering a wide spectrum of TSX usage.

The general approach taken is to explain each concept as it is
encountered, and, where possible, elucidate that concept by means
of an example. Numerous sample problems are included to acquaint
the programmer with recommended techniques of TSX programming.
A detailed TSX Sample System is specially provided as a tutorial
on all aspects of TSX design, usage and implementation.

This publication describes the facilities provided by Scheduling, Handling of Interrupts, Use of Interval
the IBM 1800 Time-Sharing Executive System, and Timers, Use of Time-Sharing, Error Alert Control
discusses the concepts and techniques underlying and Procedures, and Nonprocess Monitor Usage.
their use. It is intended as a reference and guide for The third section discusses some of the important
customer systems personnel in the implementation of design considerations bearing on the use of standard
the TSX system. TSX system components such as the System Loader,
The manual is written in four progressive sections IBM Nonprocess System~ Temporary Assembled
where information in one section is sometimes Skeleton (TASK), and the System Director. Subjects
necessarily related to information in another section. discussed include: Assignment of Interrupt Levels
These comprise: and Restrictions, Level Work Areas, Disk System
Configuration, and the System Skeleton.