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- GC20-0032-3 PUBLISHING
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--- File No. S32-00
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IBM System/32 Bibliography
Fourth Edition (April 1978)
This is a major revision of, and supersedes GC20-0032-2.
Significant changes or additions to the contents of this publication will be reported in subse-
quent revisions or Technical Newsletters.
Requests for IBM pUblications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM
branch office serving your locality.
Address comments about this publication to IBM Corporation, GS Publishing Administration,
Dept. 797,4111 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30327.
This bibliography is for use by all who plan for, Part 2
install, program, or operate an IBM System/32.
Before ordering copies of publications, check their
Technical and promotional publications are
abstracts in Part 2 to be sure that your installation
described which support IBM System/32 machine
will require them. Abstracts are listed in order
components, system programming, application
number sequence. (See note.) Part 2 normally
programming and other supplemental information,
gives you, beneath the abstract, the number of
i.e., forms, program listings, etc.
pages, and publication size (if other than 8 1/2 x
Organization II").
This system bibliography has three parts. In part 1 Part 3
the publications are listed within subject code in
Part 3 enables you to find any order number easily,
order number sequence. Part 2 chiefly contains
to see whether a number is included in the
abstracts, in order number sequence, describing the
bibliography or what subject code is assigned to it.
items listed in Part 1. Part 3 lists, in order number
sequence, all publications with titles and subject Order Number
codes. The publication order number identifies various
Note: Order numbers sequence by second character. facts about a publication, including:
The first character (G, S, or L) is the use key. (See
Identification of Availability
"Identification of Availability. "
The first character of the order number is the use
SUbject Identification and Filing key, which governs the availability of the
The file number (e.g., S/32-15) appearing on some document. Use key G means that the item is
publications listed in this bibliography identifies the available to customers, through the IBM
system in the prefix (S32) and the subject code in representative, without charge for quantities that
the suffix (15, i.e. Physical Planning) meet normal requirements. Use key S means that
the item is for sale through IBM branch offices.
Subject Code Use key L means that the item is available only to
The subject code is a two-digit number standing licensees for the IBM Program Product or other
for a subject, such as 25 for FORTRAN or 15 for licensed program.
physical planning manuals and templates. (Part 1
Logic Manuals
of each bibliography starts with a standard index of
subject codes and their definitions.) Publications that explain program logic have a "Y"
as the second character of the order number;e.g.,
File numbers with "system" codes 00 through 40
SY21-1234-5. Such manuals are intended for use
are printed on publications, as an aid in filing
by persons involved in program support or
manuals in a library which is organized by system
alteration of the program design; they are not
and subject. Codes 00 through 40, moreover, are
required for normal use or operation of the
used in subscribing to SLSS (System Library
program, and are available by order number only
Subscription Service).
(as are microfiche and other supplementary
Codes above 40 don't appear on publications and information).
are not used for SLSS, but are assigned as a simple
way of classifying all items in bibliographies. Bill of Forms
An order number in the form of GBOF-1234 is a
Part 1
Bill Of Forms-a single order number for a
In Part 1, the subject-code listing, each publication package of separately available documents.
has only one code. Items within the cluster for
each code are in order number sequence.
Preface iii
Identification of Microfiche TNL Masthead
An alphabetic character in the third position of an The masthead of the TNL cover page includes the
order number identifies a document on microfiche: order number of the base publication to which the
e.g., S2CO-0301 or LYC7-S432-1. The only TNL applies. All previously-issued TNLs are listed
exception is a bill of forms, in wbich the third in the masthead so that you may verify receipt of
character is also alphabetic (not zero). all changes.
Updating Bibliography Revisions and TNLs
To eliminate unnecessary delays in keeping Between revisions, TNLs are issued to update the
publications current, changes and additions to them bibliography. Each TNL includes pages to be
are distributed most quickly in the form of added or replaced wherever necessary to reflect the
Technical Newsletters (TNL)s. addition, change, or deletion of publications. At
When the pages released in a TNL are inserted in regular intervals, the bibliography is revised to
the manual to which it applies, the base publication incorporate and merge all new information with
is brought up to date. The next reprint of the base that in the previous bibliography edition.
publication incorporates the TNLs, and is assigned
the next higher suffix number, but need not be
ordered as it is the same as any prior edition
indicated as also current.
iv IBM System/32 Bibliography
Subject Code Definitions-Numerical and Alphabetical Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Part 1. Publications in Order Number Sequence within Subject Code. . . . . . . . .