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-- ~ . Application Program H20-0227-0
1440/1460 Administrative Terminal System
(1440-CX-07X and 1460-CX-OBX)
Console Operator's Manual
This system consists of control and functional
programs that permit many different text-
processing activities to be carried on
simultaneously through different terminals.
This reference manual contains information the
console operator requires for running the program.
The material in this manual relates to Version 2 of the IBM 1440/1460
Administrative Terminal System program. It obsoletes and replaces
the Preliminary Edition issued with Version 1 of the program.
This publication was prepared for production using the IBM 1440/1460
Administrative Terminal System. Page impressions for photo-offset
printing were obtained from a typewriter terminal and then reduced
15 percent.
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM
Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this
publication to IBM, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post
Road, White Plains, New York 10601.