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File No. S/370-00

IBM System/370
Systems System Summary

This publication is intended to provide basic information In general, the sections should be rea:d in sequence, since
about IBM System/370, the data processing system based information presented in one section often depends on an
on IBM System/360 but extending beyond the capabilities understanding of information in previous sections. Section
of that system. The objective of this publication is to help 4, however, can be read independently of the other sections.
readers achieve a general understanding of this data A basic knowledge of data processing systems, such as
processing system and the interrelationships of its com- that given in the Introduction to IBM Data Processing
ponents. lnc1udt:d in the overview are the system concepts, Systems, GC20-1684, is assumed. However, for the pro-
features, individual models, and attachable input/output gramming systems information (Section 4), the reader is
devices and terminals. Discussed in greater depth are the assumed to have basic knowledge of IBM programming
System/370 programming systems. systems, such as that found in IBM System/360 Operating
This publication is divided into eight sections. Sections 1 System Introduction, GC22-6534.
through 3 discus.s the system structure and features; Section A list of abbreviations and a glossary of terms which do
4 describes the programming systems; Section 5 gives an not appear in the Data Processing Glossary, GC20-1699,
introductory explanation of teleprocessing; Section 6 pre