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File No. 5360-24
Form GC28-6398-l DOS
Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360 Disk Operating System
I. American National Standard COBOL
Programmer's Guide
Program Number 360N-CB-482
This publication describes how to compile an American
National Standard COBOL X3.23-1968 program using the
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IBM System/360 Disk operating System American National
Standard Full COBOL Compiler Version 2. It ~lso
describes how to linkage edit the resulting object
module, and execute the program. Included is a
description of the output from each of these three
steps: compile, linkage edit, and execute. In
addition, this publication explains features of the
compiler and available options of the operating system.
American National Standard COBOL was formerly known as
USA Standard COBOL.
This publication is logically and wider and more detailed discussions of
functionally divided into two parts. Part the Disk Operating System are given in the
I contains information useful to following publications:
programmers who are running IBM American
National Standard COBOL programs, i.e., IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
programs compiled on the version 2 System Control and system Service
Compiler, under the control of the IBM Programs, Form GC24-5036
System/360 Disk operating System. Part I
covers such topics as job control language, IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
library usage, interpreting output, and supervisor and Input/Output Macros, Form
program debugging. Part I is intended GC24-5037
solely as object-time reference material.
IBM System/360 Disk Operating system:
Data Management Concepts, Form GC24-3427
Part II contains supplemental
information on the use ,of the language as IBM System/360 Disk Operating System:
specified in the publication IBM System/360 System Generation and Maintenance, Form
Disk.Operating System: American National GC24-5033
Standard COBOL, Form GC28-~394, and should
be used in conjunction with this IBM System/360 Principles of Operation,
publication for coding IBM American Form GA24-6821
National Standard COBOL programs. Part II
covers in detail such topics as file The titles and abstracts of related
organization, file label handling, and publications are listed in the publication
record formats. Part II is intended as IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form
source-time reference material for language GA22-6822.
features that are primarily
Second Edition (February 1970) .
This edition is a major revision of Form GC28-6398-0 and makes that
edition and its associated Technical Newsletter, Form N28-0263,
obsolete. The specifications in this publication correspond to Release
22/23 of the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System. This edition
contains changes and additions that reflect the Version 2 Compiler's
support of the following features: relative track addressing for direct
files, spanned records on sequential tape files and on direct files, and
forced end-of-volume for a sequentially organized file on a direct
access device. In addition, changes have been made throughout the
publication to correct and clarify specific items. All technical
changes are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change:
revised or new illustrations are denoted by the symbol