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LoaderBcdUtilities.mesa 2-Sep-78 13:58:17 Page 1

-- LoaderBcdUtilities.mesa
-- Last Modified by Sandman, May 12, 1978 2:35 PM
BcdDefs: FROM "bcddefs" USING [
CTHandle, CTIndex, CTNull, CTReeord, EXPHandle, EXPIndex, EXPNull,
EXPRecord, FTHandle, FTIndex, FTNull, FTReeord, IMPHandle, IMPIndex,
IMPNull, IMPReeord, MTHandle, MTIndex, MTNull, MTReeord, Namee,
NameReeord, NTHandle, NTIndex, NTNull, NTRecol'd, SGHandle, SGIndex,
SGNull, SGReeord],
LoaderBedUtilDefs: FROM "loaderbcdutildefs" USING [BcdBase],
LoadStateDefs: FROM "loadstatedefs" USING [UpdateLoadStateDA],
SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [
DeleteFileSegment, FileSegmentAddress, FileSegmentHandle, SwapIn, Unlock];
DEFINITIONS FROM LoaderBcdUtilDefs, BcdDefs;
LoaderBcdUtilities: PROGRAM IMPORTS LoadStateDefs, SegmentDefs EXPORTS LoaderBcdUtilDefs = PUBLIC

EnumerateConfigTable: PROCEDURE [
bed: BcdBase, proc: PROCEDURE [CTliandle, CTIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]]
RETURNS [cth: CTHandle, cti: CTlndex]