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DP32640-11 / DP32642-00
This guide is divided into 4 sections/pages depending on type of defect:
page 1)No Green LED Power Light.(LED never turns"ON")
page 2)Green LED Light is "ON", but Backlights are not "ON",or only turn"ON & then OFF".
page 3)Green LED Light is "ON",and Backlights are "ON",but there is no video/OSD.
page 4)Green LED Light turns "ON", but turns "OFF"within 10 seconds.
Please select the section/page that matches your defect and follow the flow chart.
These models & chassis versions are in this guide:
[email protected]
Repair Flow Chart:Trouble Condition
Green Power LED does not turn on. The TV is dead.
Green Power LED:
Does not turn ON.
The TV is dead.
On analog signal board: No:0v
Is the "5VSTB" voltage supplied?
(see TABLE*1.0)
Unplug(CN2) connector on No:0v
power board. On Power board: Power board is not working.
Is the "5VSTB" voltage supplied? Replace "Power board".
(see TABLE*2.0)
Unplug(K16A) and(K16B) connector
Analog board is not working.
between digital unit and analog unit
Replace "analog board".
Is the "5V_STBY" voltage supplied?
(see TABLE*3.0)
Replace "digital board".
On digital signal board: No:0v
Is the "5V_STBY" voltage on
"K5A Pin 3 or Pin 4"?
Analog board is not working.
Replace "analog board".
While pushing the "power key sw" No voltage(0v)at K16A Pin17 or 2.9v always present.
is the 2.9V from "key sw2"
supplied to "K16A Pin17"?
Analog board was broken.
Replace "analog board".
Digital board is not working.
Replace "digital board".
(TABLE *1.0)Analog board:5VSTB Test Points
32" Models 5VSTB on analog board Confirmation Voltage
DP32640-11 N8LA Analog K17 Pin4 or Pin 5 5V
DP32642-00 Z6TE
(TABLE *2.0) Power board:5VSTB Test Points
32" Models 5VSTB on power board Confirmation Voltage
DP32640-11 N8LA Power CN2 Pin4 or Pin 5 5V
DP32642-00 Z6TE
(TABLE *3.0)Digital board:5V_STBY
32" Models 5V_STBY on analog board Confirmation Voltage
DP32640-11 N8LA Analog board K16A Pin3 or Pin 4 5V
DP32642-00 Z6TE
Page 1
Repair Flow Chart:Trouble Condition
Green Power is on,but LCD backlights are not on.
Backlights do not turn on, or only turn on and back off.
Power LED turns ON,
but LCD backlight is not ON
or only turned ON and then
back OFF.
On analog signal board:
Is the "BL_SW" voltage (5V)
Supplied from "K17 Pin13"?
No:0V Digit board is not working.
On digital board:
Is 3.3V supplied to"K5A Pin19" ? Replace "digital board".
Replace "analog board and
wire harness".
On Power board: No:over 0.1V
Is the 0V supplied from "CN3 Pin10"
during LED on time?
Panel is broken.
Replace "Panel".
On Power board: No:0V
Is the +20 sine wave supplied from"CN3 Pin 1/2/3"
and -20 sine wave supplied from"CN3
Pin 4/5/6"?
Power board is not working.
Yes:+/-20 sine wave(RMS) Replace "Power board".
Confirm wire harness connection
between analog board &Power board
and between Power board and panel .
Panel is not working
Replace panel.
Page 2
Repair Flow Chart:Trouble Condition
Green Power LED and LCD backlights are ON,but no video or OSD.
LCD backlights are ON,
but TV has NO VIDEO or OSD.
On analog board:
Is the 12V supplied from "K17 Pin 8/9"?
Replace"Power board" and
"Wire harness".
On digital board:
Is power 12V supllied from "K5A Pin2"?
Analog board is not working.
Replace "analog board".
On digital board:
Is power 12V to TCON supplied
from"K5LV Pin29/33/37" ?
Digital board is not working.
Replace "digital board".
Is LVDS clock outputed?
(see TABLE*1.0)
Digit board is not working.
Replace "digital board".
Confirm LVDS cable connection
and check for video OSD again.
T.Cnt.Board or LCD panel is not working. If the clock output is OK,the digital board is
1st:Replace"T.Cnt.Board&LVDS Cable". normally OK,but can not be 100% sure.If
If T.Cnt.board&LVDS cable do not correct the T Cont Board &LVDS do not the correct
problem,then 2nd:Replace"LCD Panel". problem,please try the digital before ordering
a panel.
(TABLE*1.0)Main board:"LVDS Clock"Test Points
32" Models LVDS Clock on digital board
DP32640-11 N8LA K5LV Pin#26 clock+
DP32642-00 Z6TE K5LV Pin#28 clock-
Note:The bandwidth of the oscilloscope and probe must be at least 100MHZ or higher to check if the clock pluse exists.
Page 3
Repair Flow Chart:Trouble Condition
Power LED turns OFF within 10 sec of power ON.
Power LED turns OFF within
10 sec of power ON.
On analog board:
Is 3.3V supplied to"K17 Pin1"during
LED ON time?
On digital board:
Is 3.3V supllied to "K5A Pin29"?
Digital board is not working.
Replace "digital board".
Analog board is not working.
Replace "analog board".
Unplug cable from digital board
to T.Cnt.board is symptom
T Con board is not working.
Digital board may also not be working.
Replace "T Con board&digital board".
On power board:
Is the 12V supplied from "CN2 Pin8/9 "
during LED ON time?
Power board is not working.
Replace "Power board."
Digital board is not working.
Analog board may also not be working.
Replace "digital board and analog board".
Page 4
SERVICE MANUAL Remote Control Digital DP32640 (U.S.A.)
Color Television (CANADA)
Chassis No. P32640-11
NOTE: Match the Chassis No. on
the unit's back cover with
the Chassis No. in the
Service Manual.
If the Original Version
Service Manual Chassis
No. does not match the
unit's, additional Service
Literature is required. You
must refer to "Notices" to the
Original Service Manual
prior to servicing the unit.
Servicing should be performed by only trained and qualified service personnel.
Contents Specifications
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 POWER RATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120VAC
SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 122 W (AVG.)
ON-SCREEN SERVICE MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ANTENNA INPUT IMPEDANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
POWER FAILURE CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 UHF/VHF/CATV
MECHANICAL DISASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 DIGITAL
CHASSIS ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8