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File Number S360-20
Order NO. GC2ij-5030-8 DOS

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360
Disk and Tape Operating Systems
Concepts and Facilities

This reference publication describes the concepts of
Disk and Tape Operating Systems and guides the
planner in the use of their various facilities,. It
describes the components in the Disk and Tape
Operatin:J Systems and explains the function of each.
The last section of the publication discusses the
design. preparation and execution of programs.

For titles and abstracts of associated publications.
see the IBM System/360 Bibliography, GA22-6822.

A related publication, IBM System/360 Basic
Programming Support, Basic Operating system" Tape
Operating system, and Disk Operating System~
Programming systems summary, GC24-3420. provides an
introduction to the IBM system/360.

Ninth Edition (October 1970)
This edition applies to Release 24 of IBM System/360 Disk Operating
System and to all subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new
editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the
specifications herein; before using this publication in connection W'ith
the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest System/360 SRL
Newsletter, GN2o-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current.
This edition, GC24-5030-8, is a major revision of, and obsoletes,
GC 2tr 5030-7.

Summary of Amendments
This revision reflects the availability of ASCII (The American National
Standard Code for Information Interchange) and Problem Determination
serviceability Aids (PDAID). All references to PL/I have been changed
to PL/I (D). Miscellaneous changes are also included.
Changes to the text and small changes to illustrations are indicated by
a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added
illustrations are denoted by the symbol