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RANGE, 0.1 micmwlt (10 x 10.' volt) full scale to 100 millivolts an mro-cmt*r meter.
13 overlapping ranges in 1 x and 3x steps.
ACCURACY: e3% of full scale on a11ranges exclusive of noise and drift.
ZERO DRIFT: Less than 10 nanovolt~ per hour or less than 30 nanovo1ts in any S-hour
period after spproximetely Z-hour warm-up with reasonably constant ambient temperature.
Long-term drift is non-cumulative.
,NP"T NOISE iwith input shortedi: Less than 0.S nanovolt rms 13 nanovolts peak-to-peak)
an "OS, s*"siti"B mange.
,npw As.manca Maximum
Ranga (irealar thm saurcs R~~l*ta"r~'
0.1 ,," lout 100 0
30 k" 300 "
2 ::: 100 *II ! *cl
1.0 p" 300 k" 3 k"
10.0 p" 1 M" loktt
30.0 *v 3M" 30 xn
100 p" and co"* 10 MD 30 X"
Note: 1SovrFemtisfa"CBI higherthan me rscammsndsd meximum incrssss "Oi68 and rim tsms.
LINE FREOUENCY REJECTION: Greater than SO:1 on the most sensitive range. IRatio of
impressed peak-to-peak line frequency voltage at input to indicated dc voltage.1
ISOLATION: Circ"it ground to chassis ground: Approximately 10' ohms shunted by 0.05
microfarad. Circuit ground may be floated up to 1400 volts~wiih rsspsct to chassis
RISE TIME 110% IO 90%):
0.1.microvolt Range: Less than 2 seconds when so"rce resistance is less than 10%
of maximum; 4 seconds "sing maximum so"rce msistance.
0.3.m,crovo,t to , 00.m,,ffv.,ft Ranges: Less than 1 second when source resistance is
less than 10% of maximum: 2 seconds "sing maximum 8p"rce resistamx
ZERO SUPPRESSlON~ Up to at least 1 millivolt on the microvolt ranges and up to at
least 10 millivolts on the millivolt ranges. Stability is such that 100 times full scale may
be suppressed.
Output: 110 volts dc at up to 5 milliamperes for full-scale meter deflection.
Resistance: Less than 10 ohms within the amplifier pass band.
Gain: 10 volts/Range setting in volts
Noise: Input noise times gain plus modulation products.
Modulation Products: Less than 2% peak-to-peak of full scale with input shorted.
CONNECTORS: Input: Special connector. Front Output: Binding posts. Rear Output: Am-
phenol 90.PCZF.
POWER: 105-l 25 or 210-250 volts, 60 Hz. SO watts. 50-M models available.
DIMENSIONS, WEIOHT: 7" high x 19" wide x 13" deep; net weight, 24 pounds.
ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Model 1501 Low Thermal input Cable with alligator clips;
mating output connector; length of low-thermal solder.
Model 1483 Low-Thermal Connection Kit. $ 90
Model 1484 Re`flf Kft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..s 35
Model ,491 End Frames: adapts unit far bench "se. S 20
Model 149S Low-Thermal Sbo,ti"g Plug $ 30
Mods, ,601 Low-Tbsrma, fnput Cable Iextra) C 25
Model ,502 Low-Thermaf fnp", Cable: lo', bare copper leads 8 25
Mode, ,603 Low-Thermal Solder. s 7
PRICES: (FDl expoll pr,cing SW lnride ,ront COYBI.)
Model (49 Mifff-microvoltmeter 160 Hz; Rack). $ 975
Mode, 149 M ,,,, -m,crovo,tmeter 150 Hz). $1004
specifications, model 15OB
RANGE: 0.3 "iCrO"Oh 13 x 10.' "Oltl ,",I SC& to 1 "Oh on a f9OLATfON~ Circuir ground to chassis ground: Greatet than lo*
zero-ce"tel meter. 14 overlapping ranges in IX and 3x steps. ohms shunted by 0.001 microfarad. Cirwi, ground may be
ACCURACY: floated up to t400 volts with respect to chassis ground. 0"
battery operation. may be completely isolated from power line
Meter: ?2% of full scale on a,, ranges.
and ground.
1 -Volt OUtpUt Termi"*,*: t 1 %.
1 00-Millivolt Output Terminals: Adiustable to * 1%. RECORDER OUTPUT 11 "Difl
Nolo: ACCYI.CY spocificarion~erc,Lde ,vnPBa"" &if,. Output: cl volt a, up to 1 milliampere for full-scale meter
ZERO DRIFT: Less than 0.1 "icro"oI, per 24 ho",* after l-ho", deflection a" any range.
warm-up with reasonably constant ambient temperature. Long- Resistance: Loss than 5 ohms within the amplifier pass band.
term drift is "o"-c"""l*liYe. Noise: Input noise times gain plus modulation products.
INPUT NOISE: With input shorted. less than 5 "anwolts rms Modulation Products: Less than 41/o peak-to-peak af full scale
125 "anO"OltS peak-k-peak, on the "OS, Se"Si,iYe range. with input shorted.
With 10.000-ohm source resistance, I*** than 14 nanwolt~ rms
I70 "a"OYOflS peak-"-peakI on the "06, senSiti"e range. RECORDER 0"TP"T it00 mi,,i"Olts,

fNPUT RESISTANCE Output: 2 100 millivolts adjustable over a 10% spa" far full-
sc*1e meter deflection on any range.
fnput Resistance Source' Resistance: Less than 1000 ohms.
l3anae Greater than Resfstance Noise: Input noise times gain plus modulation products.
1 !A* 10 kf, Modulation Products: Less than `12% peak-to-peak of full scale
3 MCI 30 kn with input shorted.
lOM0 100 kfl Using this output. rise time is at leas, one second on any range.
10&L" 30 vi* 300 kfl CONNECTORS: Input: Special Keithley Modal 1495. Output:
30 JL"and above 100 iv,* 1 MfI AmphsnOl SOPCZF.
Note: `Scwrce rerirtanrs nigher IhS" ,hB rscammsndedmsximumWill i"C,~O68
an* rise time. POWER:
ZERO SHfFT WlTti SOURCE RESISTANCES Less fha" lO-`*"a,t Line Operation: 105-l 25 or 2 1O-250 volts lswitch selected),
per Oh". 80 Hz. 25 watts. 50.Hz models available.
LlNE FREClUENCY REJECTION': A voltage of power line fre- Battery Opwatio": Rechargeable nickel-cadmium S-volt battery
quency which is 75 dS @p/de) greater than full scale affects pack. Over g hours continuous operation from full charge: re-
reading less than 2% on the most sensitive range fdecreasing charges in less than 16 hours from built-in charging circuit. 0
to 60 d9 on the 1 O-microvoI, range and to 20 dS on the 1 .vol,
rsngel. DtMENSfONS. WEIGHT: 7" high x W/r" wide x 10" deep; "et
COMMON MODE REJECTION': Grsatet than 180 dB 8, line weigh,, 16 pounds.
frequency or dc. ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Model 1506 Low-Thermal Input Cable:
RISE TlME 110% fo 9Oqii': "sing "pfo 1000 ohms source re- 4' low-thermal triaxial cable. alligator clips. Mating output co".
sisfance, less than 0.5 second a" the %O-microvolt and higher "ector. Lmgth of law.thermal solder. fnternaffy maunted "ickel-
ranges. increasing lo 3 seconds on the 0.3.microvolt range. cadmium battery pack. Model 1489.
Using maximum source resistance up to 100 kifohms. rise times
ACCESSORIES AVAfLABLE, (Msny of the following accessories
increase to appmximatefy 3 seconds on the 30.microvolt and
are described on page 45.)
higher ranges. 6 seconds on the 10.microvolt and lower ranges.
Model 1 SO3 Low-Thermef Solder. $ 7
ZERO SUPPRESSION: Up to 10 miffivol,Ii available. Stability is
such that 100 times full scale may be supwssed. Model 1606 Low-Thermal input Cable lextral S 35
Model 1507 Low~Therma, fnp", Cable: 4'. low-thermal
AS AN AMMETER: triaxial cable, Cooper spade lugs $ 35
RANGE: 3 x lo-`* ampere full scale to IO" ampere 0" *era-c*n,er Model 1483 Low-Thermal Connection Kit. 5 90
meter. 14 overlapping ranges in lx and 3x steps. Model 1484 Refill Kit. $ 35
ACCURACY: Model 1485 Female Low-Thermal fnpu, Connector. S IS
MetBr: * 3% of ,",I scale on all ranges. Model 1486 Male Low-Thermal fnfwt Connector 5 t5
1 -"df output Termfnals: *2%. Model 1488 Low-Thermal Shorting Plug C 30
1 OO-Millivolt Output Terminals: Adjustable to * 2%. Model 1489 Replacement Battery Pack 5 50
.Nats:A~c"racYsPecilic*lio"Baro,vss noise an* drill. Model 1534 Special Low~Thermaf Triaxfef Cable:
ZERO DRIFT: e2 x lo-" ampere per 24 hours after l-hour 10' length.. $ 15
VJ*,"-"p. Model 2603 Low-Thermal Calibration Cable: 4', far use
,NPUT NOfSE. Less than 3 x IO-" ampere peak-toqeak on the with Model 140. 147, 148 or 1509 S 30
most smsitiw range. Model 4009 Rack Mounting Kit: adapts Model ,509
for standard 7" x 19" rack mounting. 9 30
INPUT VOLTAGE DROP: 100 micmvafts on "a"oam~*re ranges.
1 millivolt on microampere ranges. Model 4007 Dual Rack Mounting Kit: adapts two
Model 1509s or any two 7" high Keithfey half-rack
INPUT RESfSTANCE: On the micrmmpere ranges, the input models for side-b@ds 7" x 19" rack mounting. $ 30
resistance is equal to 10-a divided by the range in amperes. Q
0" the "anoampere ranges. it is equal to IO-' divided by the Model 260 Nanovof, Source Isee page 481 6565
ranae I" *"mm*. Model 370 Recorder (see page S4,.. $735
PRICES mr BXPOltpricing *se l"SidS f,O", co"*,.)
Model 15OS Microvolt Ammeter (60 Hz, Bench1 $895
Model 1506 Mierovoit Ammeter 150 H*l $922



Distribution: J. Keithley, T. Brick, A. Oliverio, A. Kaplan, W. Allen,
C. Cech, R. Nowac, M. Moore, A. Kronenwetter, D. Bartos,
Dr. Cath, J. Yeager, T. Davies, G. Herron, J. Butler,
S. Sarkisian, R. Streetz, D. Sutphin, E. Kifer,
R. Erdman, W. Nichols, T. Sheridan, Engrg. File

The following change was approved by the Catalog Specifications Review
Committee at the time the 1970-71 catalog was written and took effect
on distribution of the catalog.

Change: ACCURACY: (page 36 of old catalog)

from: +2$ of full scale on all ranges exclusive of noise
and drift.

to: ACCURACY: (page 38 of new catalog)

+j$ of full scale on all ranges exclusive of noise
and drift.

Reason: It was felt that the change would produce negligible
sales decreases while effecting considerable manu-
facturing economies for a net gain in profit.


Manufacturing: Set up manufacturing procuedures as necessary to
achieve the revised spec,ification. Give notice of
the change to applicable personnel in tech check-out
and repair.

Engineering: Note revision and change any applicable drawings for
instrument or its parts.

Sales : Issue notice of change to entire worldwide sales

Change 149 ad to reflect revision if necessary.

Change 149 manual and any other applicable manuals to
reflect revision.

Change any other literature as reprinted to reflect