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This manual supports TNIX
versions 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.
8560 Series
Tektronix, Inc.
P.O. Box 500
Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number _ _ _ _ _ __
070-3941-00 First Printing DEC 1981
Product Group 61 Revised MAR 1983
Software License No.
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8560 MUSDU System Reference Manual
This System Users Manual supports Versions 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 of the 8560 TNIX operating
DEC 1981 Original Issue
NOV 1982 Replaced: pages 1-5-1-10, 1-61-1-64, 1-85, 1-86, 1-119, 1-120, 2-30, 4-3,
4-4, 5-10, 6-19-6-22, 8-6-8-9, 8-12, 8-15, 8-18, 8-19, 8-22-8-27.
NOV 1982 Added: pages 1-28a, 1-28b, 1-72a, 1-72b, 4-4a, 4-4b, 5-8a, 5-8b, 5-10a-
5-1 Of, 5-22a, 5-22b, 6-56a, 6-56b, 8-4a, 8-4b, 8-12a, 8-12b, 8-14a, 8-14b,
8-18a, 8-18b, 8-20a, 8-20b.
I MAR 1983 Replaced: pages 8-4a, 8-4b, 8-6, 8-7, 8-8, 8-14b, 8-15, 8-18b, 8-19.
I MAR 1983
, Added: pages 8-4c, a-7a, 8-7b, 8-7c, 8-7d, 8-19a, 8-19b.
ADD APR 1983
8560 MUSDU System Reference Manual
Section 0
This manual describes the publicly available features of the TNIX operating sys-
tem. It provides a terse, easily accessed summary of commands, command
options, system calls, and other information that you may require while working
within the TNIX system. Learning guides, in-depth discussions of some of the
command processors, and other Uhow-to" types of information can be found in
the 8560 MUSDU System Users Manual. Some of the commands and program-
ming packages described in this manual are not included in the base TNIX
package, but are available as optional software packages.
This manual is divided into eight sections:
Section 1 Commands
Section 2 System Calls
Section 3 Subroutines
Section 4 Special Files
Section 5 File Formats and Conventions
Section 6 Category C Software
Section 7 Macro packages and language conventions
Section 8 System Maintenance
References to specific entries or pages in this manual are of the form
command-name(section-number). For example, uconsult ed(1) " means that
you should look up the ed entry in Section 1 for further information on the topic
you are reading about. Commands are programs invoked directly by the user,
as opposed to subroutines, which are called by the user's programs. Most com-
mands reside in directory /bin (for binary programs); some, mostly the Category
C commands, reside in /usr/bin to save space in /bin. Both directories are
searched automatically by the command interpreter.
System calls are entries into the TNIX supervisor. Each system call has one or
more C language interfaces, as described in Section 2. The underlying assembly
language interface is also given.
Section 3 describes the standard system subroutines. The primary libraries in
which the subroutines are kept are described in intro (3). The subroutines are
described in terms of the C language, but most will work with Fortran.
Section 4, Special Files, discusses characteristics of system files or I/O devices.
Names in th is section refer to hardware device names rather than the name's of
the special files themselves.
Section 5, File Formats and Conventions, documents the structure of particular
types of files; for example, the output format of both the loader and assembler is
given. Files used by only one command, such as the assembler's intermediate
files, are not described.
Introduction-8560 MUSDU System Reference Manual
Section 6 describes the Category C software available with the TNIX operating
Section 7 contains charts, tables, and programming tools for writing in various
specialized languages - an ASCII table, macro packages for typesetting and
document preparation, etc.
Section 8, Maintenance, outlines some of the procedures intended for use by the
system manager. Consult the Systems Maintenance section of the 8560 MUSDU
System Users Manual for complete information on system maintenance pro-
0-2 @
8560 MUSDU System Reference Manual
Section 1
A command consists of the command name followed by zero or more arguments,
each separated by a space. Arguments are either options or filenames; an argu-
ment beginning with a minus sign '-' is an option, even if it is positionally where a
file name should be. It is unwise to begin filenames with'-~
Options are of two major types - flags and parameters. Flags have an on-off
value; a parameter indicates that the following argument is a value to be used as
indicated by the parameter syntax.
Filename arguments are processed in order of occurance.
Any command that accepts multiple input files accepts a '_' in place of a filename; this
indicates that the standard input is to be used.
Several single character flags may be grouped after a single minus sign as one
argument (e.g. -xyz instead of -x -y -z ).
The n.me subsection lists the exact name of the command and subrou-
tine covered and gives a short description of its purpose.
The synopsis subsection summarizes the use of the program being
described. A few conventions are used, particularly in the comm.nds
Boldf.ce words are considered literals, and are typed just as they
Square brackets [ ] around an argument indicate that the argu-
ment is optional. When an argument is given as 'name', it always
refers to a file name.
Ellipses ' ... ' are used to show that the previous argument-
prototype may be repeated.
The d.scrlptlon subsection discusses in detail the subject at hand.
The fll