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Order No. GA26-359 1-3

Systems Reference Library

IBM 1801 and 1802 Processor-Controllers
Original Equipment Manufacturers' Information

This Original Equipment Manufacturers'Information
(OEMI) manual provides the definitions and functional
descriptions of the interface lines for the IBM 1801/1802
I/O Interface. In addition, it contains electrical, mechan-
ical, and cabling considerations and specifications of this
interface. It is assumed that the reader of this manual is
engineering oriented and understands computer engineer-
ing techniques and terminology.

This document provides information of interest to designers An interlocked interface operation that is not time-
and manufacturers of equipment to be attached to the IBM dependent; this permits broad ranges of control unit
1801/1802 Processor-Controllers. The responsibility of attachments.
IBM resulting from such an attachment is defined in the An operation uniformly applicable to both multiplex and
Multiple Supplier System Bulletin, Order No. G 120-6648. data channel operations as well as to channel-to-
The 1801/1802 I/O interface is a communication link be- channel transmission and control operations.
tween channel elements and I/O adapters in the IBM 1800
System. It provides an information format and control sig- This Original EqUipment Manufacturers' Information
nal sequence capability as well as a uniform means of (OEMI) manual provides a functional description of these
attaching and controlling various types of I/O devices. lines together with the electrical, mechanical and cabling
Information in the form of data, status and sense infor- considerations, and specifications of the interface. It de-
mation, control signals and I/O device addresses, is trans- fines the interfaces between the I/O adapters in the 1801/
mitted in both directions over the signal control lines of 1802 and the I/O devices.
this interface. All transmissions are interlocked with corre- All descriptions and data in this manual are subject to
sponding response signals permitting the processor- modification as a result of engineering developments.
controller (independent of the I/O transfer) to continue
execution of other instructions.
The design of this interface provides these important
features: Related Literature
The IBM 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System Bibli-
Ease of input/output programming over a wide range of ography, Order No. GA26-5921 lists the available reference
'. control units. publications for the 1800 System and associated I/O devices.
Ready connection of both IBM and non-IBM designed The IBM 1800 Installation Manual-Physical Planning,
control units to the IBM 1800 System. Order No. GA26-5922 contains additional information and
Ability to accommodate all future control units designed descriptions concerning process I/O interfaces.
with the parameters of this interface.

Fourth Edition (March 1970)

This publication Order No. GA26-3591-3 is a major revision, replacing and making obsolete GA26-3591-2.
This revision covers additional features added to the 1800 system. This publication has been com-
pletely revised and should be reviewed for changes.

Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this publIcation are continually
being made. When using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM equipment, check
the latest SRL Newsletter for revisions or contact the local IBM branch office.

Manuals referred to in this publication that have an Order No. with a four character prefix are identical in
content to the same manual without the initial prefix character. (e.g., GA26-xxxx-Y is the same in con-
tent as A26-xxxx-Y.)
The illustrations in this manual have a code number in the lower comer. This is a publishing control
number and is not related to the subject matter.

Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices.
A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of tlus publication. If the form
has been removed, send your comments to the address below.
This manual was prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product Publications, Depart-
ment G24, San Jose, California 95114. Send comments concerning the contents of this manual to
this address.