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File Number S/360-00
Form C20-1647-0
Systems Reference Library
System/360 Model 67
Time Sharing System
Preliminary Technical Summary
This document is being furnished for System/360 planning
use only. It contains preliminary technical information,
and the contents are subject to change. The content
represents "best available information" as of the publication
date. This material is to be considered automatically
replaced by the normal SRL publication upon its release.
The System/360 Model 6'7 Technical Sum.mary is a self-
contained description of the system, its components, and
the Time-Sharing System programming support. The
objective of the document is to provide consistent material
to support branch office preparation of customer proposals.
Performance information unique to the Model 67 is provided.
A brief section on reliability and maintainability is included.
Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch
offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to
IBM, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601
@) International BusiDeIl Machines Corporation, 1966