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File No. S360-48
GC28-2006-1 TSS
Systems Reference Library
Version 8.1
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
Time Sharing Support System
The Time Sharing Support System is an on-line pro-
gram error analysis facility that provides the capabi-
lity of collecting data from the Time Sharing Systern/
360 for analysis, and of altering the TSS/360 storage
and machine registers. This system is used only by
system programmers with authority code 0 or P and is
not intended to be available to any other TSS/360
The functions of TSSS may be performed on command
from a terminal or dynamically during TSS/360 execu-
tion. The programs, tables, and control blocks of
real, virtual, and secondary storage can all be
referred to and modified.
Part I of this publication describes the TSSS system
and its capabilities in a general way. Part II
describes the TSSS command language. defining the func-
tions of the language elements and the language syntax.
Part III presents additional requirements for correct
use of TSSS.
prerequisite Publications
The reader must be familiar with the information con-
tained in:
IBM Systern/360 Principles of Operation, GA22-6821
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
Concepts and Facilities, GC2S-2003
System Programmer's Guide. GC2S-2008
IBM System/360 Model 67: Functional Characteris-
tics, GA27-2719
This publication is intended primarily IBM System/360 Model 67: Functional
for system programmers who are authorized Characteristics, GA27-2719
to use the Time Sharing Support System
(TSSS). The manual describes the capabili-
ties of TSSS and how the system is invoked Information required for use of TSS/360
and operated by a system programmer. This terminals and the Operator's 1052-7
publication does not describe when to Printer-Keyboard is not completely dupli-
invoke TSSS or how to apply its cated in this publication. The following
capabilities. TSS/360 publications should be referred to:
Terminal User's Guide, GC2S-20i7
The publication is organized as follows:
Part I is an overview of TSSS and may be of Operator's Guide, GC28-2033
interest to parties other than system pro-
grammers; it describes the system and its For effective use of TSSS, the system
capabilities in a generalized way. Part II programmer probably will require the fol-
describes the unique TSSS command language, lowing IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
defining the fUnctions of the language ele- Program Logic Manuals (PLMs) for reference
ments and the language syntax. Part III purposes:
presents the additional requirements for
correct use of TSSS. Parts II and III con- System Logic Summary PLM, GY28-2009
stitute, in effect, a handbook for using
TSSS. System control Blocks PLM, GY28-20i1
A Time Sharing System/360 system pro- The Program Logic Manuals for the pro-
grammer is assumed to be familiar with IBM grams of immediate concern; these are
System/360 Principles of Operation, GA2~ listed, along with other TSS/360 pub-
6821, and with most IBM System/360 Time lications of interest to system pro-
Sharing System publications. Among the grammers, in the System Programmer's
latter, the following constitute minimum Guide.
prerequisite reading for a full understand-
ing of this publication: The TSSS user may wish to become fami-
liar with the internal logic of TSSS; the
Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003 publication that meets this need is IBM
System/360 Time Sharing System: Time-8har-
System Programmer's Guide, GC28-2008 ing Support System PLM, GY28-2022.
Second Edition (September 1971)
This is a revision of, and makes obsolete, Gc28-2006-0
and Technical Newsletters GN28-30Q3, GN28-3062, and
GN28-31QQ. Minor changes have been made to the
descriptions of the $PATCH system symbol and the REMOVE
command, and cautions have been added concerning the
use of the $RM symbol in VSS and implanting an AT in
RSS. Changes on the pages are indicated by a vertical
bar to the left of the change.
This edition is current with Version 8, Modification 1
of the IBM System/360 Time Sharing System (TSS/360),
and remains in effect for all subsequent versions or
modifications of TSS/360 unless otherwise noted. Sig-
nificant changes or additions to this publication will
be provided in new editions or Technical Newsletters.
Before using this publication, refer to the latest edi-
tion of IBM Systemf360 Time Sharing System: Addendum,
GC28-20Q3, which may contain information pertinent to
the topics covered in this edition. The Addendum also
lists the editions of all TSS/360 publications that are
applicable and current.
This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to
update the text and to control the page and line format. Page impres-
sions for photo-offset printing were obtained from an IBM Printer using
a special print train.
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM
representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality.
A form is provided at the back of this publication for reader's com-
ments. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM
Corporation, Time Sharing Systemf360 Publications, Department 643, Nei-
ghborhood Road, Kingston, New York 12401
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1968, 1971