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File Number S360(Mod.20)-29
Form C33-6007-l DPS
Systems Reference Library
IBM System/360 Miodel 20
Disk Programming 'System
This publication provides the information required for
writing and running Model 20 PL/I programs that are to
bc~ compiled and link-edited using the Model 20 PL/I
compiler uridercontrol of the IBM System/360 Model 20
Disk Programmil)g System.
Part I, "Model 20 PL/I Language Features", and Part
II, "Model 2"0 PL/I Syn,tax Rules", are composed of dis-
cussions and examples that explain the different fea-
tures of the language and their interrelationships,
their syntax notation and rUles. Part III, "Model 20
PL/I as Part of the Disk Programming System", introdu-
c'es the main component,s of the Disk Programming System,
explains job control, and discusses compilation, link-
editing, and execution of a Model 20 PL/I program.
More detailed information about the Disk Programming
System can be found in the publications IBM System/360