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File No. S360-29
Form C33-0002-0 OS

Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360 Operating System
PL/I (F) Version 5

Planning Guide

This publication is a planning aid only. It is
intended for use prior to the availability of the
fifth version of the PL/I (F) Compiler and is to
be replaced by reference documentation wnen that
compiler b(~comes available.

Used in conjunction with the publication IBM
System/360 PL/I Reference Manual, Form C28-8201,
this publication enables the user to write PL/I
programs that are to be compiled using the fifth
version of the Ii' Compiler under the IBM System/360
Operating System.

To make full use of this publication,
the reader must have the following:
This publication is intended for use
as a planning aid by systems analysts and IBM System/360 PL/I Reference Manual,
programmE~rs who will be using the fifth Form C28-8201.
version of the F Compiler when it becomes
availablE!. It is designed for the reader For additional information necessary
who already has a knowledge of the language to compile, link-edit, and execute a
and who requires an additional source of program, the reader should refer to the
reference for planning purposes. following publication:

IBM System/360 Operating System: PL/I (F)
The book contains four sections related Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6594.
to the four major areas of improvement
in the compiler: Section 1 describes
functional additions (and therefore
contains most of the language changes and RECOMMENDED PUBLICATIONS
additions: implemented by the new version
of the compiler); Section 2 describes
improvements in performance and The following publications contain
optimization; Section 3 details other information that will be valuable
improvements in the use of storage: Section to users intending to take advantage of
4 describes other improvements in the the teleprocessing support implemented
usability of the compiler. Additional by the fifth version of the compiler:
information, including compatibility with
previous versions of the compiler, and IBM System/360 Operatinsystem requirements, is given in Appendixes Message Processing Serv1ces, Form C30-
A and B: and Appendix C provides an 2003
alphabetical list of changed language
features related to topics covered in the IBM System/360 Operating System: QTAM
text. Message Control Program, Form C30-2005

IFirst Edition (March 1969)
IThis edition applies to Version 5 of the PL/I (F) Compiler
Iwhich operates under IBM System/360 Operating System until
lotherwise indicated in new editions or technical
I NewslettelC's. Changes are periodically made to the
Ispecifications herein; before using this publication in
Iconnection with the operating of IBM systems (or
I equipment) , refer to the latest SRL Newsletter, Form
IN20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current.
L_____________________________________________________ - ____ _

This publication was prepared for production using an IBM
computer t.O update the text and to control the page and line
format. Page impressions for photo-offset printing were
obtained from an IBM 1403 Printer using a special print chain.

A form for reader's comments is provided at the back of this
publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be
addressed to IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd., Programming
Publications, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your
IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your

~ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1969