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IBM Acadenlic Operating System 4.3
Release 2
for the
IBM RT System
Program Directory
September 1988
PRPQ Number 5799-WZQ
IBM Technical Computing Systems Development
1510 Page Mill Road, MS 35A
Palo Alto, CA 94304
This directory describes the contents of IBM Academic Operating System 4.3 for the IBi'vf RT
System (PRPQ 5799-WZQ). It also directs you to the infonnation you need to install the
product. Please review the entire program directory before you begin installation.
Keep this document for future reference.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1988.
Permission to copy this document or any portion thereof as necessary for licensed use of the
software is granted to licensees of this software, provided this copyright notice and statement are
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Laboratories.
AIX, Andrew RT, and RT PC are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Network File System, NFS, and Sun Microsystems are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Program Directory IB;\-. /4.3/RT- PD: 1
IBM Academic Operating System 4.3 (IBM/4.3) is an operating system designed for selected
models of the IBM RT System and the IBM 6152 Academic System. It is functionally equivalent
to and compatible with the 4.3 Berkeley Software Distrihution (4.3BSO) and includes all the IBM
extensions available in IBM Academic Information Systems 4.3 for the IBM RT System
For a comprehensive list of the hardware supported by this release, see "Installing and Operating
Academic Operating System 4.3" in theI8M Academic Operating SYJtem 4.3 manual.
Note: Using an upgrade kit available from IBM, you can upgrade an RT model 0/0, 0/5, 020, or
025 to be equivalent to a model 115 or 125. If you are an /8M Academic Operating System 4.3
user, you must follow tlte upgrade installation instructionr in the tt/8l\! RT PC New Model Series
Upgrade [nrtructions" article included in the IB,\! Academic Operating System 4.3 manual. Do
not use the instructions shipped with tlte upgrade kit. 11ze disk backup instructions in the upgrade
kit are for a different operating system. Using the wrong inrtnlctionr could cause data to he lost.
The four-volume IBM Academic Operating System 4.3 manual shipped with the system contains
only machine specific changes and additions to the 4.3BSD documentation set. You must also
have the 4.3B8D documentation to gain maximum benefit from IBI\I/4.3.
Technical Highlights
Release 2 of the IBM Academic Operating System 4.3 (IBlVt/4.3) includes the folIo\ving changes
and new functions: