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CD Stereo System
Model No. SA-AKX10PH
Product Color: (K)...Black Type
Notes: This model's CD Mechanism Unit is DLS6C. Please refer to the original service manual
(Order No. MD0803034CE) for this mechanism
1 Safety Precautions----------------------------------------------- 3 2.2. Precaution of Laser Diode -------------------------------7
1.1. General Guidelines---------------------------------------- 3 2.3. Service caution based on Legal restrictions --------8
1.2. Before Use (For PH only)-------------------------------- 3 2.4. Handling Precautions for Traverse Unit --------------9
1.3. Caution For Fuse Replacement------------------------ 3 3 Service Navigation --------------------------------------------- 11
1.4. Before Repair and Adjustment ------------------------- 4 3.1. Service Information -------------------------------------- 11
1.5. Protection Circuitry ---------------------------------------- 4 4 Specifications ---------------------------------------------------- 12
1.6. Safety Parts Information --------------------------------- 4 5 Location of Controls and Components------------------ 13
2 Warning -------------------------------------------------------------- 6 5.1. Main Unit Key Button Operation---------------------- 13
2.1. Prevention of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 5.2. Remote Control Key Button Operation ------------- 14
to Electrostatic Sensitive (ES) Devices -------------- 6 5.3. Media Information---------------------------------------- 15
6 Self-Diagnostic and Special Mode Setting ------------- 16 14 Simplified Block Diagram------------------------------------ 71
6.1. Cold-Start--------------------------------------------------- 16 14.1. Overall Simplified Block Diagram-------------------- 71
6.2. Doctor Mode Table--------------------------------------- 17 14.2. D-Amp Block Diagram---------------------------------- 72
6.3. Reliability Test Mode (CD Mechanism Unit 15 Block Diagram --------------------------------------------------- 73
(DLS6C)) --------------------------------------------------- 19 15.1. Servo/System Control ---------------------------------- 73
6.4. Self-Diagnostic Mode ----------------------------------- 20 15.2. Audio-------------------------------------------------------- 74
6.5. Self-Diagnostic Error Code Table -------------------- 21 15.3. Power Amplifier ------------------------------------------ 75
7 Troubleshooting Guide---------------------------------------- 22 15.4. Power Supply --------------------------------------------- 76
7.1. Troubleshooting Guide for F61 and/or F76 -------- 22 16 Wiring Diagram-------------------------------------------------- 77
7.2. Part Location ---------------------------------------------- 23 17 Schematic Diagram Notes ----------------------------------- 79
7.3. D-Amp IC Operation & Control ----------------------- 26 18 Schematic Diagram -------------------------------------------- 81
8 Service Fixture & Tools --------------------------------------- 28 18.1. CD Servo Circuit ----------------------------------------- 81
8.1. Service Tools and Equipment ------------------------- 28 18.2. Main Circuit------------------------------------------------ 82
9 Disassembly and Assembly Instructions --------------- 29 18.3. Panel Circuit ---------------------------------------------- 86
9.1. Disassembly Flow Chart-------------------------------- 30 18.4. CD Open Button, Remote Sensor & Tuner
9.2. Main Components and P.C.B. Locations ----------- 31 Circuit ------------------------------------------------------- 87
9.3. Disassembly of Top Cabinet--------------------------- 32 18.5. USB Circuit ------------------------------------------------ 88
9.4. Disassembly of Tuner P.C.B. -------------------------- 33 18.6. D-Amp Circuit--------------------------------------------- 89
9.5. Disassembly of Front Panel Assembly ------------- 33 18.7. SMPS Circuit---------------------------------------------- 90
9.6. Disassembly of Panel P.C.B. -------------------------- 35 18.8. Voltage Selector Circuit (For PH Only) ------------- 92
9.7. Disassembly of Remote Sensor P.C.B.------------- 36 19 Printed Circuit Board------------------------------------------ 93
9.8. Disassembly of CD Open Button P.C.B.------------ 37 19.1. CD Servo, Tuner & Voltage Selector P.C.B. ------ 93
9.9. Disassembly of USB P.C.B. --------------------------- 37 19.2. Main P.C.B.------------------------------------------------ 94
9.10. Disassembly of CD Lid---------------------------------- 38 19.3. Panel P.C.B.----------------------------------------------- 95
9.11. Disassembly of Main P.C.B. --------------------------- 39 19.4. CD Open Button, Remote Sensor, USB & D-
9.12. Replacement of Regulator IC (IC2701)------------- 40 Amp P.C.B. ------------------------------------------------ 96
9.13. Disassembly of D-Amp P.C.B. ------------------------ 41 19.5. SMPS P.C.B. (For PH only) --------------------------- 97
9.14. Replacement of Audio Digital Amp IC 19.6. SMPS P.C.B. (For PN only) --------------------------- 98
(IC5900) ---------------------------------------------------- 43 20 Terminal Function of ICs ------------------------------------- 99
9.15. Disassembly of SMPS P.C.B. ------------------------- 44 20.1. IC2801 (RFKWMAKX10PN): IC MICRO-
9.16. Replacement of Switching Regulator IC PROCESSOR -------------------------------------------- 99
(IC5701) ---------------------------------------------------- 46 20.2. IC6901(C0HBB0000057): IC FL Driver ------------ 99
9.17. Replacement of Rectifier Diode (D5702)----------- 47 21 Exploded View and Replacement Parts List---------- 101
9.18. Replacement of Regulator Diode (D5801)--------- 49 21.1. Exploded View and Mechanical replacement
9.19. Replacement of Regulator Diode (D5802)--------- 50 Part List --------------------------------------------------- 101
9.20. Replacement of Regulator Diode (D5803)--------- 51 21.2. Electrical Replacement Part List -------------------- 107
9.21. Disassembly of CD Mechanism Unit (DLS6C) --- 52
9.22. Disassembly of Rear Panel---------------------------- 54
9.23. Disassembly of Voltage Selector P.C.B. (For
PH only) ---------------------------------------------------- 55
9.24. Disassembly of CD Servo P.C.B.--------------------- 56
10 Replacement of Traverse Unit ------------------------------ 58
10.1. Disassembling Procedures ---------------------------- 58
10.2. Assembling Procedure---------------------------------- 59
11 Service Position ------------------------------------------------- 61
11.1. Checking and Repairing of Main P.C.B. ------------ 61
11.2. Checking and Repairing of D-Amp P.C.B. --------- 61
11.3. Checking and Repairing of Panel P.C.B. ----------- 61
11.4. Checking and Repairing of USB P.C.B. ------------ 62
11.5. Checking and Repairing of SMPS P.C.B. ---------- 62
12 Voltage & Waveform Chart ----------------------------------- 64
12.1. CD SERVO P.C.B. --------------------------------------- 64
12.2. Main P.C.B. (1/2) ----------------------------------------- 65
12.3. Main P.C.B. (2/2) ----------------------------------------- 66
12.4. Panel P.C.B. ----------------------------------------------- 66
12.5. USB P.C.B.------------------------------------------------- 67
12.6. D-Amp P.C.B. --------------------------------------------- 67
12.7. SMPS P.C.B. ---------------------------------------------- 68
12.8. Tuner P.C.B. ----------------------------------------------- 68
12.9. Waveform Table ------------------------------------------ 69
13 Illustration of ICs, Transistor and Diode ---------------- 70
1 Safety Precautions
1.1. General Guidelines
1. When servicing, observe the original lead dress. If a short circuit is found, replace all parts which have been overheated or
damaged by the short circuit.
2. After servicing, see to it that all the protective devices such as insulation barriers, insulation papers shields are properly
3. After servicing, carry out the following leakage current checks to prevent the customer from being exposed to shock hazards.
1. Unplug the AC cord and connect a jumper between the two prongs on the plug.
2. Measure the resistance value, with an ohmmeter, between the jumpered AC plug and each exposed metallic cabinet part on
the equipment such as screwheads, connectors, control shafts, etc. When the exposed metallic part has a return path to the
chassis, the reading should be between 1M and 5.2M.
When the exposed metal does not have a return path to the chassis, the reading must be
1. Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet. Do not use an isolation transformer for this check.
2. Connect a 1.5k, 10 watts resistor, in parallel with a 0.15