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Found: 19
HitachiA7Dead - overvolts Zener PGK180 s/cCheck dry joints HT pot RV950, R950 68k, R952 8k2 & opto IC901 Pt no T548013 -see write up from Dave Hewitt14-09-04
HitachiA7 C24W1TNTripsDoes it trip with A1 volts at min/max? If not, check Nicam chip is fully home in its holder14-09-04
HitachiA7 seriesField collapse or crampCheck IC601 & if R616 68k is fitted, if not connect across ZD603 - helps prevent crt flashover damage14-09-04
HitachiA7 seriesInt reverts to st/by - due to high HT of 175v (135v)Check for dry joints (often invisible) on Set HT pot VR95014-09-04
HitachiA7 seriesShort picCheck value of R602 or 603 (1R - 2R2), they can increase in value slightly14-09-04
HitachiC2886TN A7Pic takes long time to appearChange R896,R897 & R898 from 150R TO 220R & set A1 to 147v at green Tr cath14-09-04
HitachiC2886TN A7Sound - int crackleResolder caps around sound o/p IC - build up of residue on legs14-09-04
HitachiC2886TN A7St/by only but LED dim as though working (TDA8375 version)DJ on the ground link which is located between small caps C528, C529 near the 2 X-tals X501, X502. The DJ was on the component side of the PCB.14-09-04
HitachiC2886TN A7When changing LOPTxsPay attention to type of replacement transformer; if not identical you may need to change links (see Serge)14-09-04
HitachiC28W1TN A7Excess height - unable to enter serv modeCan be altered using EEPROM programmer - address 171H is the location14-09-04

HitachiC28W1TN A7Service mode enteringSet to Chan 44 & press "Status" button(I or +) then mute & TV14-09-04
HitachiC32W510SN A7Cuts out intCheck earth links & reg heatsinks for dry joints14-09-04
HitachiC32W510SN A7Field faulty - jittery & lines below centre - tappableDry joints R602 & 3 connected to pin 5 IC601 (under glue & a plastic strut)14-09-04
HitachiC32WD2TN2 A7TrippingCheck R807/8/9 on crt for burn up - if so CRT is duff (Philips) & crt base reqs replacement pt no A52711014-09-04
PhilipsMD1.1A 29PT886A/79RDead with burning smellCap 2428 330nF 250v conn arcing14-09-04
Rowa71RA 7102Relay won't kick inC516 47µ14-09-04
SamsungCW30A75SSt/by only with LED flashingR423 overheats - DZ302 33v zener & IC301 TDA835114-09-04
WatsonFA7039 11AK19Dead with LOPTr s/cHT at 170v on dummy load - R823 130k hi at 170k14-09-04
WatsonFA7039 11AK19Width excessive & no E/W adjL602 loading coil to left of LOPTx dry jointed legs - remove & scrape clean14-09-04
page: 1
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